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World Solo Bob's Tomb

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Caterpie, Apr 26, 2020.


A way to open bobs tomb with out having multiple people if you dont have a character in bobs tomb

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. make a way to do it but it will be harder to do with out multiple people but its possible to do solo

  4. quest for lvl 47s that adds a fast travel inside of bobs tomb

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  1. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    Can there be a way to have like someone by themselves be able to open bobs tomb with out having multiple people... like do some parkour or something to open it with out having to get others to open it
  2. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    People miss that the entire point of the quest is that Bob was proficient in all the classes (except Shaman? idk), so I think it's quite fitting to have to get multiple classes before facing him. This and ??? are basically the only quests which need multiple people and I don't see the issue everyone has with this quest to be honest. It's a small inconvenience but I mean come on
    avydragon, Caterpie and TrapinchO like this.
  3. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Make use to use /toggle playerghosts

    When you can see people with EU and WC in front of their names you're golden. Ask them to come to your world or go to theres and open it up. The main point of these quest requiring multiple people is to help build community and/or add that hey, you may want to bring people in here with you. Bob's fight is hard AF, so if you're going in for that fight I'd be careful
  4. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    (its not even bob's boss fight its just a lvl 45 quest)
    also yes i get the class thing but it took me about 5 hours to find someone who was even at bobs tomb even with player ghost (note player ghosts dont have name tags on them i checked)
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    They do. World and name
    StormKing3 likes this.
  6. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    i just saw like 30 players that walk around and there is absolutly no name above them just looks like a player with no name walking
  7. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    The real reason this mechanic is implemented into this is because it wants you to fight Bob with other people, which does not sit well with changes over time. As updates have come and gone, Bob has become easier not really because they made him easier, hell they literally buffed him last update, but because new items and buffs to the classes overall have made him easier (a.k.a power creep). As a result, he is relatively easier to solo, so much so that even with his buff he's still easy aside from getting pulled into a OHKO charge (which is very reminiscent of another bs boss AHEM Wybel/Cybel prior to 1.19). Newer players may struggle more of course, but this furthers the problem. Every time you die, you have to re open the tomb. At that point, it's no longer a minor inconvenience and just becomes a pain in the ass (albeit this wouldn't be as much of a complaint if you didn't get sent to Lusuco).

    Also, I don't believe your argument really holds up to what is presented to us in both Bob's Lost Soul and Reincarnation. In Bob's Lost Soul, the entire point is to get Bob's soul to get inside his tomb. We specifically have to go get his weapons, i.e the Depressing Weapons (or heavily implied at least), in order to draw out his soul. Each of these depressing weapons represent each weapon Bob mastered. So may I ask why we would then need to activate some random buttons using class movement spells to show we're gamer enough to enter the tomb when we literally have his soul in our inventory?

    Of course, you could argue that simply acknowledging their existence is not enough to show you are proficient in them, for obvious reasons. This is where Reincarnation counters that idea. Bob never brings up the idea that you must be proficient in every single class in order to not only be a strong warrior, but also be worthy enough to wield his power if you beat him. Specifically, Bob actually says that he believes people are worthy of fighting him and finishing what he began by gathering the power of his animals. This ultimately shows that you are knowledgeable enough to travel the world and strong enough to face any challenges thrown at you along the way, passing Bob's initial test.

    Due to this, it makes absolutely zero sense why Bob's tomb would have a mechanism that requires you to have multiple classes in order to access it, aside from what I stated above. This mechanic is only implemented to try and promote co-op play where co-op play is no longer needed the majority of the time (and often can be harder than solo due to how drop rates from bosses work, but that's a whole other topic that @JaydonTheWarrior addressed here).

    As a side note, since it has basically nothing to do with my argument, the reason Bob is not a master of Shamanism is because it is looked down upon in the Wynn province (and probably the other provinces to, but it's mostly brought up in Wynn). It is considered a dark magic by many and we have seen firsthand this idea in the form of Slykaar, who is the most infamous of these shamans. It makes sense that Bob wouldn't want to master an art that those he's trying to help, and possibly himself (although unlikely considering his weapons are of "dark" origin), see as inherently evil.

    tl;dr You either make Bob a raid boss, which would require a combat update in order to work properly, or you remove this feature entirely like the op said.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
    Countermelody and Sg_Voltage like this.
  8. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I feel like once you've beaten Bob's Lost Soul it should let you enter the tomb via a teleport tunnel.
    IzzSt, brixt01, That_Chudley and 3 others like this.
  9. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    O yea did i mention YOU CANT OPEN IT Any more WITH A CLASS ON THE INSIDE AND SWITCH yea that feature is gone like once you open it up on the inside and switch classes it recloses it
    also i kinda got stuck in the wall too
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  10. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    You can, just you have to be a lot faster now, so it's easier to just have somebody there to load the chunk if you have a class inside it. Either way, it still doesn't solve the problem since you need at least one other person to get a class into the tomb regardless.
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think it would be pretty cool to have a quest that enables fast travel into Bob's tomb. However for balance I would say that quest should involve multiple people.
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