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Shadowy/light Element And Beastiary

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Caterpie, Apr 26, 2020.


Do you think we should have these enemys have there own log book with info?

  1. yes it makes some of the secret enemies only found in those random caves that not many people go to

    7 vote(s)
  2. no because Nemrack says no

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes for shadow elements and light elements

    3 vote(s)
  4. no dark/light magic

    8 vote(s)
  5. Yes for more magic but instead of shadowy element it should be Ender element/Nether element

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    Alright so we have fire air thunder water and earth elements well what about like a darker element (kinda like an ender elementish/evil magic like or something (shadowy creatures)?)
    this is very possible because look at the nether it spreads and its full of monsters and dark magic and wynncraft needs more elements currently. and the light magic/element to counter the shadowy element

    Shadowy Element
    skill point stat: Stealth/Sneaking (this will apply to common enemys)


    The Corruption of the nether, it corrupts all things, Death, wars on all things including the anchient nemract hundreds of years ago.... the Portal.

    *Some science of how this will work*
    the dark element is great against almost all the elements. The dark element has a weakness to only to light elements (light vs dark) and water elements (because the snow and ice stops the corruption thanks to that one mage from ice barron)

    Shadowy strong against Earth elements Air elements Thunder elements
    Shadowy Neutral against Fire elements Shadowy elements
    Shadowy weak against Water elements Light elements

    Light Element
    skill point stat: light (stat levels 1 / 1 )
    (that lights up the area around you like ex: placing a torch)

    Powerful magic discovered that can fight against this evil... it creates life... it always opposes the darkness....

    *Some science of how this will work*
    the light element is great against dark elements. The light elements has a weakness to fire elements (because fire kills things also the nether) and dark elements (because light vs dark and idk I ran out of ideas on what could be good against light)

    Light strong against Shadowy elements
    Light neutral against Light elements Earth elements Water elements Thunder elements Air elements
    Light weak against Shadowy elements Fire elements

    Bestiary Log Book

    Also a log book with info on all the enemies in wynn
    (to get it you must kill 1 of the enemys first)
    a way this could fit in wynn is like there is so many different enemies and its hard to keep track and the king of Ragni wants you to stop the monsters but there is info on the monsters besides there level and name no lore at all....... a very basic thing
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  2. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    there actually already exists a light and dark element in the game, but they're purely in the story and rightfully so. currently, items and stats are designed around elements, if 2 more were to exist, they would have to add a whole lot of new archetypes, items and playstyles. this would be a monumental task for the item team, and not to mention the gm work that would have to be done by updating all enemies to be balanced around said new elements. these 2 new elements would also likely need skill point alternatives, which you never mentioned in your suggestion; this is likely one of the most important aspects needed for a new element.

    other than that, I like bestiary's in games so I would be in support of having one, although it might just end up awkward because wynn largely uses enemies for environmental enhancement, so there would be a load of mobs to document and likely many you'd never come across.
    Caterpie likes this.
  3. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    thats the idea to add more elements because its kinda boring seeing the same elements
    also yes more enemys like rare enemys etc
  4. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    That's not a good reason to mess up the game.

    !! Good idea
    TrapinchO likes this.
  5. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    how would it mess up the game?
    it would add more stuff and any way the elements strengths and weaknesses are examples (exept the shadowy one being water and light because i am using actual wynn lore the corruption can be stoped by ice some how)
    ok i added the skill points that the 2 would have
    the shadowy element would add stealth % (adds a chance the enemy would miss you and not target you)
    and light element would add light source around the player (this will be like a 1/1 skill point stat and the only one)
    so basicly the shadowy element adds in stealth mechanic for all classes (2 ways this will work 1. all enemys will have a chance to not see you and not target you 2. all common enemies *example weak zombie* will not target you)
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  6. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    mmmmyes I love me some light and dark

    The Shadow element is the only one that sounds useful, while the Light element sounds like a cosmetic thing more than anything. Even then, I don't feel like I'd use both unless there were some major benefits or stat boosts. I do like the idea that they are strong against more than 1 element, and vise versa.
    However, I don't believe Light and Dark element types and weaknesses are needed in the game as of right now. I'm assuming that adding them would require some heavy re-balancing and item reworks. Adding a 6th and 7th skill point type would also cause some unbalances in items, depending on what they would provide. I'm also not sure where these would be used. Perhaps later when Dern comes out we can have some Light weak enemies, but essentially a large majority would be weak to Light. I guess you could have it so you'd have light be a damage-only element and only accessible through weapons, and Darkness being something you have to stack elemental defenses on to defend against it.

    Maybe in the future they will be added. I wouldn't mind seeing Light and Dark elements in the game if possible and I think it could bring some cool concepts in if done right. However, as of right now it's not required to make Wynncraft function.

    But a Beastiary... Hell yeah!
    Caterpie likes this.
  7. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    i looked at the weapon and i cant tell if its actualy a thing or if thats just edited it looks cool tho the colors and symbol for them
    also the reason why i made this suggestion with both bestiary and 2 new elements is because of the new area (that i currently cant explore because i am only a lvl 78 mage (who i put in bobs tomb not really going to use him any more) and a lvl 50 assassin that can run faster than my chest nut horse that is pathetic at speed
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  8. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Have you heard of a wonderful thing called game balance?

    uh oh agi but even jankier because it wouldn't work properly
  9. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    oh like you have any better ideas on what the shadowy element's skill point would be
  10. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    It's not about it /should/ be. It's about it will do. Wynncraft came out in 2014. (If I'm wrong anyone, please correct me) It took six years of patches, updates, and then they added a fifth class which honestly is more busted than a Chinese car crashing into a German engineered bike.

    But most people's and My problem with it is the balance aspect. Light barely does anything and seems like it'd be only for dark enemies. Shadow has a decently wide spectrum. But if these were added, Skill point caps might have to be lowered, Rainbow items would have to be reworked to included these, rainbow bosses where applicable would have to get remade or more stages which takes time. Maybe one day would it get added? Yeah probs. But the game is going through a bit of a test period right now. Jumla, the one true admin: all praise be their name, hosted four open worlds like two weeks ago for a test (which we weren't even told what it was. It could have been stress, a bomb test, etc.)

    But yeah light is useful unless you have Optifine and then you just hold an item made off a torch/glowstone etc. Shadow is basically leave me alone emo edge (imo it just feels like a copy of the Assassin's vanish but for free and every class) I don't have another idea of what it could be.

    It's not anyone's idea but yours. We don't really have to say, "It should be this" just "It shouldn't be X"

    However I really did like the ingame book idea of logging mobs you have seen in the world, giving a level range, a weakness/strength, general HP and location. It'd be quite nice to have actually instead of having to wiki every five seconds. So good job on that one! I just think the Shadow/Light thing needs more time, more thought on the balance, and on the benefits. Also with this, would you also suggest more skill points be added to the pool? Instead of them stopping @ lvl 100-102 (I forget which one you stop getting points after.)
    Saya and MegidoGamerGod like this.
  11. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    i mean when you get to a high level the shadow thing will work better or actually work and it would be as broken
    also no its good to stop at lvl 100-102 because it would be more annoying leveling up just to get more stats like have them stop at some point
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  12. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Agility has problems at the moment anyway, since contact damage that is dodged doesn't give invuln frames. The shadow idea you propose is even more ignorant, and has no real way to make it work (How would mobs just not aggro? How often would the check be performed for aggro?). Light seems useless because turning gamma up to extreme levels is a thing. Again, highlighting the lack of thought put into balance.

    New element ideas are very common, this one is unsurprisingly disappointing.
    Flaming people who point out flaws in your suggestion isn't a good look.
    PopePurpleTTV likes this.
  13. velvet_ii

    velvet_ii yuri cryptid

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    like pretty much everyone else, i love the beastiary idea but the new skill points idea isn't the best.

    I feel like a dark/light combo is weird to have with the other elements, from a world-building kind of view. When I think of dark and light magic, I think of it as more powerful than elements like fire and water. I'm not completely against the idea of new skill points, but I do think they should be more "balanced" with the other skills. The current elements seem to work well when thinking about basic elements, and I think it'd be hard to come up with an element that seems like it would just fit in with the others (e.g. a crystal element would fit with earth, and an ice element would be basically water).
  14. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Corruption and Darkness are not the same thing in the lore.
  15. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    A beastiary would be sick, but new skills would probably break the world of classbuilding. Hell some current eles and archetypes aren’t viable right now. Adding a new ele will probably mess with classbuilding a ton
  16. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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  17. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear considers neutral as the shadow element and thunder as a light element.
    SKZR likes this.
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