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New Class: The Artificer

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bioniclefan414, Apr 13, 2020.


Should this be added?

  1. Yes, because it adds a more interesting playstyle

  2. Neutral

  3. No, because it promotes a playstyle that I feel does not fit this game (please explain)

  4. No, because there are already too many classes

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  1. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    One thing I noticed was that almost none of the current classes allow for a passive playstyle, so why not create an interesting class that is based around placing and commanding turret weaponry and other constructs to distract mobs

    Weapon type: Wrench
    Wrenches have incredibly low DPS, as they are meant to be a last resort when your nodes have all been destroyed. Hitting an arcane node with this weapon heals the node by 75% of the damage the wrench would deal to an enemy mob.

    The Artificer would have extremely low hp stats (They only receive 1/3 the max hp boost from armor, etc.) and primarily focus on Intelligence and Dexterity, as those are the primary damages they deal

    Ideas for spells

    Arcane Node
    Spawns a stationary end crystal ally mob. This mob's hp is precisely half of the Artificer's max HP and deals a consistent 10*combat level DPS in the form of Neutral Damage (or 20%/20%/20%/40% Neutral/Water/Thunder/Fire damage at level 2 and up) to the closest hostile mob. Artificers can place up to x turrets at once, where x is the level of their spell. Turrets disappear after 30 seconds or being defeated. When upgraded to level three, you can set a single mob that the nodes will target by punching it with your weapon, to make most of the previous upgrade. This will also make the spell somewhat more distinct from Shaman's totem.

    Human Cannon
    This requires a preexisting Node, and upon activation will launch the Artificer 20 blocks directly away from the Node. The Artificer deals damage while in the air, but will take fall damage. Higher levels add more distance traveled, and boost damage slightly

    Doubles/Triples/Quadruples the DPS of any arcane node within 10 blocks of the player for 3 seconds, and this effect does not stack.

    Summons an allied Iron Golem with 150% of the Artificer's HP, and 200% the DPS of the Wrench the Artificer was using to cast this spell. This mob will disappear after 5/10/15 seconds, or upon dying.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
    100klemonreimu, AIexxx, e! and 4 others like this.
  2. 9ober

    9ober 9ober

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    I like the idea it adds a more defensive class with ally mobs which would be really cool
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  3. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    Plus it even makes sense lore-wise since the Frumans discovered how to harness Electromagic
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  4. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    This is a very interesting idea, although you could flesh it out a bit more. Relying on the nodes for two of the spells is a bit like shaman. I have a few suggestions and questions.
    -What weapon would the artificer use? Guns?
    -Change the movement spell to essentially a forwards Escape
    -Have the 3rd spell not buff the turrets, maybe it could cause the turrets to eexplode and deal damage?
    Otherwise, great idea, although there is a high chance it won't be implemented due to there already being 5 classes
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  5. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    It will basically be Escape, as long as the Node is behind the player. Additionally, if the Artificer is above the turret, they will be launched upward, for more movement options. Think of it as a reverse of what Haul does
    (I really want the 3rd spell to buff the turret to fit with how the other classes all work (one basic spell setting up their abilities, one movement ability, one incredibly high burst damage ability, and one buff)
  6. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Nice idea, it's something a bit different to "Vampire" and "Generic warrior sounding class", thanks for putting the effort to share this!
    Epicness937 and Bioniclefan414 like this.
  7. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I actually quite like the design of this class, at a base level it's about going around summoning nodes and using them to deal large amounts of damage. my issues with the design are not the quality, but with its similarities to how shaman would play instead. it's not that everything is tied to the nodes, I actually quite like that design idea with wynn classes; instead, it's that nodes occupy the same use as totem, cannon is essentially reverse haul, and overdrive would be similar to aura in that they both deal large amounts of damage in a very short period. Golemancy is unique, although I feel it doesn't really flow with the rest of the spells anyway, seems like something you'd plop down every time it dies for some extra damage. while shaman is more focused on controlling groups of enemies, this class would be played very similarly for the player, and instead they'd just both effect enemies differently.

    other than that, this class would have quite a few issues with class building. first and foremost, wrenches would not be able to all be fast attack speed, and they would need to be viable for building melee builds. without these two, the concept of wrenches would destroy two major aspects of class building. (perhaps you could switch golemancy for something similar to how wrenches work?) next would be the classes hp boost, this would make it extremely glassy, give it a bias for Defense, and just not really fit with wynns mechanics, being the only class to change how stats work at such a fundamental level. finally, the dexterity and intelligence focus you'd say it would have. I don't exactly know what this means, but if you're saying using those 2 would be the most optimal, then when combined with the hp penalty, TWF or TWA could possibly just be the supreme build styles for this class and kill all other creativity.

    all that being said, I still like the classes design, although maybe not so much the technology theme. I just don't see it being something that'd work in wynn in its current state, being very similar to shaman in playstyle, and changing how stats work in harmful ways. I also generally would just prefer to build upon the existing classes more, overloading the game with a flawed system might prove to be dangerous in the future.
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  8. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Sounds like it'll have the same nightmares as SBA's engineer, having to deal with mob ai. Great idea, but not practical.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  9. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    (Let me start that I like the idea... Big note)

    Editing of your idea: (Again, really liked it, don't take my.. harshness as me not liking it)
    If the idea moved to a moved to a more steam punk theme to fit in with Corkus, if the abilities were thought in more depth (Aka, kinda general stats ideas: what element damage types? Mana Cost? more in-depth upgrades) I don't like the idea of making them ONLY based around their spells. When their spells die they should have a cool down. (If I want to play melee damage Artifacter and never use my nodes, I god damn should be allowed too!) I don't think the penalization should be so heavy them on terms of HP, and I think their nodes are pretty good but shouldn't buff allies. I know that all classes have something to buff, but an Artifacter is more worried building his/her magical constructions of death.

    Instead of a buff, their ability should be "Recharge"(To replace "Overdrive" since if put in as stated, could get pretty broken giving us a hellish killer of people 5-20 levels higher without trying) meaning they stack up a number of nodes 1 to 3 at max (Equipment could push this higher ;) ) yet they have a cd of 30-120 seconds between turret refills (Whatever balances it best & you could even remove the timer on them if they only fire/stay active when the player that placed them is near.) but Recharge would by a percentage lower the time of recharge so you could place your turrets back out faster. (You would only be able to place as many as you can carry @ any given time)

    I like the Golemancy idea but maybe instead of it being a spawned, it be a follower, a companion shall we say. He's your little clay buddy. When you cast his spell, for a short time he becomes... Useful. Think like the mobs in Deltas "Nibbles" and "Bee" they follow the player about if they get near and try to kill things. (It would still have a health pool at all times and have a respawn timer on the player, anywhere from 30-120)

    Changing the class a bit: (mainly to break it away from shaman)
    Make their abilites based around the golem, healing it, telling it what to do, and minor buffs. These (All but the heal) would apply to the player as well. Still allowing for melee based play, but suggesting one takes care of their little buddy

    Golem Steam: More like steam engines you strap on the little guy to make him go vrom vrom and punch punch *Increases golem's earth/fire damage and increases your attack tier by 1-3* 3 mana
    Golem Reconstruction: Heal the golem, and if dead increase rate till you can place. (Maybe give 2 ;) ) *Giving a buff to thunder damage to any surviving golem and the player* 8 mana
    Golem Throw: He protec, he attac, but most important, he huc (he throws you in the direction you're looking) *doing air/neutral as you hit the enemy and applying a slow* 4 mana
    Golem Smash: He targets the first enemy hit (by a retextured arrow or hell an arrow) walking up to them and smashing the ground, doing increased damage and basically staring them down till they died *Doing Earth/thunder damage with a small cost to golem health* 8 mana

    The class would work pretty similar otherwise, your golems would upgrade with your player level, starting at baby dirt golems, growing into POWERFUL golems at around lvl 100. (Basically upgrading their armor every 20 levels, Clay *1-19* > stone *20-39* > iron *40-59* > steel *60-79* > cobalt *80-99* > titanium 100+ They stronk, they big, they chucky. They would scale a bit with your health/damage, being affected by Spell Damage. But even if one were to go melee, it would still allow you to have a 2xbuff, damage and CC
    Of course your starting armor would be slightly lower, with a similar health pool to other classes, and lower damage, since fighting through your golems would be the PREFERRED method, but one could use melee off their weapons and still do really well since each cast of a spell affects you in some way. So use them as bait ig.

    But one could also name their golems (First golem is X, second is X and if equipment adds any: beep boop) and get skins for them. #PimpOutYourGolem
    Bioniclefan414 and Kahsol like this.
  10. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    That was the corkians.
    General Skien likes this.
  11. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    However, all of the Corkians are described to have been from Fruma, or descendants of Frumans during The Envoy Pt I, and developed electromagic to have their own form of magic since they didn't have magic.
    That's sort of an issue, I wanted this class to be an inverse of the Shaman, using the most controlled magic of all, technology/electromagic, as opposed to harnessing wild magic like the Shaman. That's why two spells relate to the Nodes, and the reverse haul exists.
    After all, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -Arthur C. Clarke
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
    Emogla3 and I_Liek_Turtlez like this.
  12. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    Yeah, they’re originally from Fruma, but we can’t call them Frumans, now can we?
    If it were the Fruman people who discovered electromagic, then sure you can say that. But it was a group of people who escaped Fruma, built their own culture and civilisation on an island, who discovered electromagic. This group of people can’t really be called Frumans, since their culture seems to be much different, considering that Fruma is ruled by a monarchy and only the higher ups know the secrets of magic, while in Corkus, there is no monarchy or dictatorship and everyone knows about electromagic and how to use it. Not every Corkian knows how to use it well, but they can at least use it.
    I can’t say how different these cultures are, but from what we’ve seen and read, they seem to at least not be the same.
    It would be like calling people who live in Europe Africans because we all descend from early Homo Sapiens who lived in the place we today call Ethiopia.
    Bioniclefan414 and TS_potato like this.
  13. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    This actually sounds really cool!

    I might look into this a bit more myself. ;)
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  14. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    I suppose that's a fair point, but then again, just because it happens in one place doesn't mean it doesn't happen in another. After all, if people were able to establish Corkus, couldn't it be assumed that someone in Fruma, the people from whom the Corkians descended, would be intelligent enough to develop and harness Electromagic? Yes, the Frumans were under a very Draconian monarchy, but there are always people who dissent with an authority. (Plus, it would make for an interesting quest to maybe go all the way back to Fruma, and assist a rebel cell of people who discovered Electromagic to overthrow the corrupt leadership.)
  15. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    I really like this idea, but I think it needs some fleshing out. Because at the moment, the way combat here is designed, it excludes the use of spell damage, elemental damages, etc. Here's some of my ideas:

    Level 1 arcane node instead of doing melee damage it should launch a projectile that deals spell damage at the nearest target. Instead of converting it all to neutral, there would be a partial spell conversion to air and thunder. Level two will allow you to put multiple nodes. When upgraded to level three, you can set a single mob which the node will target by punching it with your weapon, to make most of the previous upgrade. This will also make the spell distinct from Shaman's totem.

    So like you see that each upgrade brings a new concept to the spell instead of only increasing the stats. That's how it usually goes for Wynncraft classes. You can try to tinker with some other ideas to make them more interesting to use.

    I also think that there should be a melee component to the class, but not as a main damage output. I'm thinking that the weapon for this class should be something like a hand-held grabber claw (and I found a perfect picture to describe it). It doesn't do a lot of damage or have a great range, but with it you can "grab" mobs and direct them towards your turrets. IMO it isn't as mundane as the wrench while still being mechanically-oriented weapon as opposed to brute force or magic. Also give more potential for item modelers (remember that there's like 3 tiers of 7 kind of weapons for each class: one for every element, a neutral, and a rainbow variant).
    Bioniclefan414 likes this.
  16. Bioniclefan414

    Bioniclefan414 Hey, who let this guy in?

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    1. Yeah, that was the plan.
    2. Also the plan, I was thinking the max amount of turrets would be your level
    3. Ooh, I like this, I'll edit that in
    4. The claw kind of just makes me think of the Assassin's gauntlet-style weapons though, I dunno about the weapon shape. I do like the mechanically-oriented style though.
    e! likes this.
  17. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    bump bump bump
  18. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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  19. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    How did you bump without 10 characters?

    oh a spoiler that's nothing interesting
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