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Implement This Fix For Flickering Transparent Textures In 1.14

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Aieee!, Apr 22, 2020.


Please tick one of each.

  1. I usually play Wynncraft on 1.14

    1 vote(s)
  2. I don't usually play Wynncraft on 1.14

    10 vote(s)
  3. I am annoyed by the flickering textures

    2 vote(s)
  4. I am not annoyed by the flickering textures

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Aieee!

    Aieee! Well-Known Adventurer

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    This post will be a more technical version of my post in Your Work. If you're interested in using the fixed models, please visit that post. Otherwise, this post is intended to make an argument for implementing my changes.

    Even if you're just passing by and don't care about the technical details I would appreciate it if you answered my poll!

    The exact changes made to the resource pack can be viewed on my GitHub through the diffs on each commit. You can also download the latest version there on the releases page.

    As far as I can tell, this fix has no issues with backwards-compatibility and it works for resource packs in 1.14, 1.13, and 1.12. I believe separate download files are given to players depending on which version they connect with however, so the change only would need to be made to the 1.14 version.

    What is the issue?
    The problem is simple: there is a bug with the 1.14 version of the official Wynncraft resource pack. It causes faces on models that have UV maps with zero width or height to become a flickery mess. I managed to fix the problem as you can see below.


    How do we fix it?
    Like stated above, the problem is caused by zero width or height UV maps. There are two ways to solve this problem. Either you must re-assign all the UV maps to a transparent texture, or you can just delete the faces with no UV map width or height. I chose the latter option because I could achieve it with less effort.

    Using Notepad++, I simply ran the following regex replace commands on all of the .json files in the
    assets/minecraft/models/ directory of the pack. I excluded /assets/minecraft/models/block/blank.json since it would remove all the faces.
    • Deleted matches of ^.*\[ 0, \d+(\.\d+)?, 0, \d+(\.\d+)? \].*$\r?\n
    • Deleted matches of ^.*\[ \d+(\.\d+)?, 0, \d+(\.\d+)?, 0 \].*$\r?\n
    • Replaced matches of },[\s]+} with }\n\t}
    • Deleted matches of {[\s]+.*[\s]+.*[\s]+"faces"\: {[\s]+}[\s]+},

    In the creation of future models, it would be wise to assign your UV maps that need to be transparent to a 1x1 portion of the texture that is left transparent. If removing all the offending faces is 'too messy', I probably can design some REGEXs to perform most of the process for giving the faces proper transparent textures. Please reach out if you want to do this instead!

    While not all players are effected or annoyed by this issue, I was evidently annoyed enough with it to fix it myself. I see no reason not to fully support proper textures for 1.14 since the change is so easy to do. I would be interested in helping to implement these changes or answering any questions about the process.

    Yep, poll. It's mostly for my own curiosity, although it may play a role in the decision of whether to implement these changes so I decided to include one. Just a heads up: If you decide to respond, you can't change your answer.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    aws404 likes this.
  2. TS_potato

    TS_potato Average kj main VIP+

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    But why would you play on 1.14
    MegidoGamerGod likes this.
  3. SKZR

    SKZR Well-Known Adventurer

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    If i remember well there is a plugin in blockbench to remove automatically the unused faces.
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