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Community Event Weeb Cataclysm Giveaway

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by afterburner0128, Apr 5, 2020.

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  1. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    The ritual is complete, here is the Kyara Kutaa manga
    Check the official lore if you want to
    Read from right to left and try not to lose too many brain cells
    NITEHAWKX, Madkurre, Take and 9 others like this.
  2. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I now have negative braincells
    Violet Knight likes this.
  3. plazmavolt

    plazmavolt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Alot of these submissions are really long, so I used illustrations to keep mine followable because looking at pictures is easier/more engaging than reading walls of text.

    ^Miku Nakano for those who don't know. Miku is one of the five quintuplets in the anime/manga "Quintessential Quintuplets", and is by far the most devoted, cute, and empathizeable character of the five. She was the most popular choice among the fanbase, but did not end up winning the MC. Her story is one that tugs at the heart.

    She also has a unique passion for Sengoku period warlords, so I did my best to make a fanfic of her and the MC that included that passion

    The story:
    - I got carried away again

    (Pretend there's a few black panels of Fuutarou sleeping)

    1) Sorry my handwriting is bad.
    2) I messed up one or two parts.
    3) Don't have a scanner so mind the borders.

    - First time drawing something like this; drawing small is hard asf
    - Extra credit for art because it's more entertaining and easier to follow? ;o

    Edit: I literally cannot write an action/drama fanfic with this manga

    Side note: this is intended to be something like an ova episode. The fact that this manga is a slice of life makes it hard to write action, so I subbed it for romance and tried to keep it real to the manga.

    Near the end of spring break (Early April)




    “Incorrect! Let me show you how to do that problem...” Fuutarou muttered, half asleep. “Here, look - ”

    Whatever dream Fuutarou was having at that moment ended as his mind became acutely aware of the annoying ray of light that had crept through his window and onto his face. After numerous tosses and turns to try and free himself from this disturbance, he gave up and flung the blanket over his head, rolling over and grabbing a pillow.

    His eyes flashed open. “What kind of pillow is this? Why is it so squishy and - no, this isn’t a pillow,” Fuutarou thought to himself before jerking himself off the bed and flinging off the covers.

    Beside him lay a quiescent girl, sporting a volume of flowing mahogany hair and a smile embellished with amity. Fuutarou sighed.

    With the conclusion of Fuutarou and the Quintuplet's 2nd year, the end of their ephemeral spring break was approaching. Initially, when Nino extended the offer for Fuutarou to stay with her and her sisters, Futarou had firmly resisted. But when all five of the Quintuplets insisted he come, his resolve crumbled. Thus, Fuutarou had temporarily moved in with the Quintuplets on behalf of their request to help them prepare for next year, and at the moment was staying in Miku’s room.

    This wasn’t the first time Miku had slipped into Fuutarou's bed; the first few times he had brushed it aside as sleepwalking, but Miku "sleepwalk" so often that Fuutarou was beginning to think that it was intentional.

    “...Miku, wake up,” he said, nudging her shoulder.

    Miku sat up slowly, rubbed her eyes, stretched, and yawned, blinking twice before saying: “Good morning, Fuutarou.”

    “‘Good morning’ my ass, how are you so calm?” Fuutarou's mind raced as he stood up and dashed out of the room.

    “W-wait,” Miku stammered. Fuutarou closed the door behind him.

    There was no use in calling him back now, so she slipped on some clothes and headed downstairs to meet Fuutarou and the other four, who had already started their morning studies.

    “Good morning, Miku,” Nino said.

    “Hello,” Yotsuba added. Itsuki and Ichika nodded.

    “Somehow this feels...kind of surreal,” Miku thought to herself. At first, Nino and the others had resisted the work schedule laid out by Fuutarou almost to the point that they regretted inviting him. Seeing how Fuutarou managed to change their attitudes in such a short period of time made Miku admire Fuutarou even more. She lowered her head and took the empty spot across from him.




    20 minutes after Miku sat down, Yotsuba screeched: “Lunch break!!!”

    She was stopped by a firm grip. “No, you head breakfast thirty minutes ago and it’s only 9:00,” Fuutarou said, whose hand clasped her shoulder in an attempt to force her to sit. Yotsuba resisted.

    “Noo, let me go!” she squirmed. Try as he might, the weak Fuutarou was no match for the athletic Yotsuba; she quickly broke away and ran to the door.

    “Wait! One last request!” Fuutarou yelled.

    Yotsuba paused.

    “But I don’t wanna,” Yotsuba whimpered, inertly shuffling back to her spot on the couch.

    When Yotsuba sat, a grin spread across Fuutarou's face. “You can go eat after you complete this quick test I prepared for all of you,” Fuutarou smiled as a thick stack of paper materialized on the table.

    “Wha- that’s so much, there’s only five of us! How many pages are we each doing?” Itsuki gasped. Yotsuba turned to run away again, but Fuutarou was ready. He lept onto her ankle and dragged her back despite Yotsuba’s uncoordinated kicking and tumbling. With this, all resistance was terminated, and the five sisters began their test.




    When they all finished, the girls discussed where they would go while Fuutarou relentlessly graded their papers.

    “Come on,” Nino started, “Spring break is almost over already, why don’t we do something fun in this last week?” The other girls nodded in unison.

    “The Shingen-ko festival is tomorrow, we should go together,” Miku added.

    “Eh? You mean the one with all the Samurai?” Nino asked.

    Miku nodded, “Yeah, I want to see the Shingen Takeda march.”

    “Well, I suppose that because you all have been working hard, you could take a day off,” Fuutarou said. Upon hearing this, the sisters rejoiced, and upon realizing that they could use this as an excuse to not study for the rest of the day, rushed to their rooms.

    “I thought it was tomorrow! You still have another 10 hours!” Fuutarou yelled, “Plus, it doesn’t start until 17:00!”. he paused, thinking of a way to call them back.

    "Your test scores could be better!!!" He shouted.

    Unfortunately, while this method may have worked on a younger Fuutarou, it did not work on the Quintuplets. “Shut up Fuutarou!” they called back.




    The day of the festival




    “Fuutarou, let’s go!” Miku exclaimed, shaking Fuutarou awake. Miku was in - technically hers, but temporarily his, room.

    Fuutarou groaned. “I let you guys go, but I didn’t say I was going, did I?” he replied, rolling to face the other way. Miku paused.

    “You’re coming,” she continued, leaning over him.

    “Am not.”

    Miku sat silently, so silently that Fuutarou turned around out of concern. He found a pouting Miku sitting seiza on the side of the bed, and his heart skipped a beat.





    When Fuutarou and the Quintuplets arrived, they were overwhelmed by the amount of delicious food and performances. Held in Kofu, the festival is hailed as ‘the largest gathering of samurai’ in the world, created to celebrate the legacy of one of the most famous warlords of the late Kai period, Takeda Shingen. Incidentally, festivities span over three days, with the first day being the most chaotic.

    Again, our group of six was befuddled by the sheer amount of action in one place. Yotsuba was the first to break this trance. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small group of people huddled around what looked like a pool of water. Upon closer inspection, she realized that they were scooping goldfish, and her eyes lit up as she separated from the group to indulge herself. Nino, after seeing that Yotsuba separated from the group, figured that there was no need for them all to stick together, and hurried over to a beauty parlor.

    With that, our group of six was down to four. As they continued through the festival, Itsuki found herself stuck between yakisoba and takoyaki stalls, and Ichika stayed behind to watch one of the performances while Miku went to observe the various Samurai statues in the area.

    Fuutarou, who was now alone and had no particular attachment to anything at the festival, felt that it would be a good use of his time to take a nap. He found himself a stone bench on the side of the street to sit on, and promptly fell asleep.




    Miku, who had been wandering around the vicinity searching for more statues, noticed Fuutarou sleeping.

    She was almost impressed. Sleeping in a perfect sitting position with nothing to lean on is an extraordinary feat, but then she remembered that Fuutarou sometimes slept with his eyes open, and was glad that his eyes were closed this time.

    After circling Fuutarou a few times, she sat down next to him, and peered up at his sleeping face.

    Fuutarou was sleeping soundly, with his eyelids lightly brushing each other as his chest rose and fell with every breath. Miku couldn’t help but gawk at his relaxed expression.

    “I wish he could be this vulnerable around me when awake, too,” Miku smiled to herself, gently coaxing Fuutarou’s head to her lap.

    She froze.

    “What did I just do? Why’d I do that?” Miku screamed at herself mentally as a little boy walking by pointed at them and shouted: “A couple!” before being hushed by his mother.

    “Well, it isn’t too bad…” her train of thought continued as she smiled and began to pet his head.




    An explosion reverberated through the atmosphere. Fuutarou’s eyes tore open as he jerked himself upright.

    “A gunshot?” he thought, frantically looking around for a source.

    “Look, Fuutarou look!” Miku pointed, redirecting his attention to her and the fireworks above.

    Fuutarou was entranced by what he saw. Iridescent peonies seeped into the canvas of the night sky, illuminating the visage of a smiling Miku atop the nebulous shadow of midnight. Radiating embers lingered in the background as Fuutarou leaned back to deify the splendor of the scene orchestrated before his eyes.

    His gaze interlocked with Miku’s, and for a moment they both froze as the surrounding environment slowly returned them to darkness. Miku thanked Fuutarou, “I’m glad we got to come here today, it was fun.”

    She paused, glancing up at Fuutarou before looking down at the ground. She dipped her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered under her breath.

    “What fo-,” Fuutarou was interrupted as Miku pulled him into a deep kiss.

    "A picture is worth a thousand words" - Barnard 1927
    - It means I best not place lower than a written entry

    Maybe 10 hours?
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
    Madkurre, Bart (MC), Kimbap and 6 others like this.
  4. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Damn, that's actually really well drawn. And I thought my circle with constellations on it was good
  5. plazmavolt

    plazmavolt Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Ty. I also liked the school you drew
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  6. pippi~

    pippi~ ritoru demon

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    wtf thats too much effort for me
  7. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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  8. Toxoplasmosis

    Toxoplasmosis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Rin from Fate Series is perfect, she has a tsundere personality yet still somehow manages to be cute, Rin as a kid was always gifted and talented having a great amount of magical capabilities in Fate Zero while her dad Tokiomi got destroyed in the Holy grail war,
    Shes also very emotionally strong, able to accept the fact that shes practically alone and abandoned at this point, able to keep a straight face when facing her long lost sister Sakura who doesnt know about such, Rin is simply the best and sadly needs more screentime in Heaven's feel

    She plays an important role in the fate stay night routes, acting as a contender to being the best possible mage for the current holy grail war and even though shes technically not the main character (because of shirou=archer bs)
    She still somehow stands out from Shirou because in reality Rin is way cooler than Shirou, simply of her way higher capability and skill that is showcased in the anime and how her backstory is more interesting if you fully understand it.
    Rin also is surprisingly really fun to be with as seen in the fillers, shes also very independent meaning she'll be able to take care of herself
    and even you if you're that useless in life.

    In short Rin is the perfect waifu since she has the looks, the great personality that only someone
    she trusts knows about, and she has the independence to take care of herself if you're a useless person and cant even protect yourself from big ol daddy gil

    Reasons for more Waifu Points
    -She can cook
    -C u r v e s
    -T h i g h s
    -Rich af
    -Smart af

    Toxoplasmosis the silent assassin: True name: ???
    Noble Phantasm: Toxoplasmosis; the silent poison strong enough to kill entire continents

    A fabled legend named after the mythic weapon of the mmorpg called Wynncraft in a game called Minecraft, he was once a normal person, living in a humble home in the real world, unknown to the future events that would strike his life forever, during his lifetime he had a strong affinity in speed, especially in his stealth factor that he abused, striking his opponents, with his poison, there has been notes in history that if you were ever known to be a target for Toxoplasmosis, you were already dead the moment you blinked. His notable factors is that he had killed many Mafia bosses, killed criminals and started a great mage revolution of corrupt mage chiefs, he was a main target for the officials as he proved to be too much of a problem for them, he suddenly disappeared and never to be seen again, now his name is now a legend, passed on from generation to generation, which led him to be today, a heroic spirit, summoned by the holy grail...

    After the 5 years from the 5th Holy Grail War, Rin Tohsaka, a survivor and a participant of the 5th Holy Grail War, currently training Magecraft with Shirou Emiya, decided to split up one day on a adventure to find the sacred treasure of Avalon, a artifact said to provide a status to a holder of invincibility, however, according to her known knowledge this adventure was not going to be an easy one, it is said that the avalon is heavily guarded by the grail's manifestation of power, therefore, Rin Tohsaka, the seeker, decides to summon a servant of high caliber...

    Rin: *Places down a vial of the strongest poison*, This should do it! now time to prepare the summoning rites, *Recites the summoning rites* I summon you, unleash my servant!

    *A giant hole breaks the roof of the house*

    Rin: Ughh, that impact, look at how much my skirt got messed up! *brushes off dust*

    ???: Are you my master?

    Rin: Well yes, reveal yourself to me my servant!

    ???: Very well, you seem like a mage with high caliber. you are worthy to be called my master..
    *Toxoplasmosis appears*

    Toxoplasmosis: Hello, master, I am Toxoplasmosis, the silent assassin, I am already aware of your mission my master, I will aid you the best way I possibly can, I am an assassin class servant, and I will surely be of use to you, my master.

    Rin: Well hello, my name is Rin Tohsaka, your master, I am currently planning to go on a quest. to find Avalon, and I will surely need your help with your proficiency, Toxoplasmosis.

    Toxoplasmosis: Very well, Rin Tohsaka,

    *They set off to an adventure, travelling to another Country, where the rumored Avalon is rumored to be kept in a grave under a church*

    Rin: Well, this is it Toxoplasmosis, lets retrieve Avalon!

    Toxoplasmosis: Very well..

    Toxoplasmosis: So we arrived at the church master, I already sense a strong presence of power in this church, possibly a fellow Assassin.

    Rin Tohsaka: Yeah, I feel it too, its definitely a intimidating presence.

    *Smoke suddenly starts to appear*

    Toxoplasmosis: Master! Run!

    *Rin runs away to an area away from the smoke*

    *Daggers fly towards Toxoplasmosis*


    ???: I see that you are a talented assassin, with great awareness, able to react quickly to my attacks and plans, but, checkmate...

    Toxoplasmosis: huh?

    *Poisonous Smoke starts to engulf Toxoplasmosis*

    Toxoplasmosis: Poison? ..... Unleash Noble Phantasm Toxoplasmosis, the poison that kills entire countries!

    ???: My poisonous gas is... getting engulfed in his poison... but, thats not the only thing I can do

    *??? backattacks Toxoplasmosis*

    *They clash their daggers tainted with their own poison*

    Toxoplasmosis: I see your poison is revolved around gas, these daggers are certainly also tainted with fine poison made from that gas, I already know who you are!

    *??? backs off*

    Toxoplasmosis: You are, Hassan I Sabbah of Intoxicated Smoke, you are a worthy challenger to me, however-

    ???: You are correct, but now is not the time to think you've already won, unleash! noble phantasm.

    Toxoplasmosis: *Starts losing vision*

    Toxoplasmosis : (I have to get out this is bad)

    Toxoplasmosis: Unleash once again, Noble Phantasm: Toxoplasmosis! the drainage of life!

    *Bright green smoke pops out*

    *Toxoplasmosis Escapes*

    *Toxoplasmosis goes to Rin*

    Toxoplasmosis: Master, the servant guarding the Avalon proves to be very strong, I ask for your assistance, the servant's name is Hassan I Sabbah of Intoxicated Gas

    Rin: I see, lets think of a strategy for this.

    Toxoplasmosis: So far his strategy is using his poisonous gas in alot of ways, he is able to use them in any way you can think he is also proficient in melee combat with his two daggers.

    Rin: Hmmm, oh what if we try this!

    *They start planning out basically sketching their plan to fight against Hassan I Sabbah*

    *As they start planning Toxoplasmosis notices Rin's overly passiveness when talking to him*

    *He brushes it off thinking that its just nothing*

    Toxoplasmosis: Alright I get the plan now we just need to strike when the time comes.

    Rin: Yes, now lets do this, my servant!

    *The sun sets, and the moon starts to rise, and fog suddenly appears*

    Toxoplasmosis: It is time, my master..

    Rin: Wait

    Toxoplasmosis: wha-

    *Rin hugs Toxoplasmosis*

    Toxoplasmosis: Why-

    *Rin smiles*

    Rin: Lets go!

    *They go to the hallway of the church, in front of an altar, where the grave containing avalon is located*

    Hassan: I see you are now with your master, BUT SHE IS ONLY A HINDRANCE AT THIS POINT

    *Daggers appear in all directions*

    Rin: What did you say about me!

    *Rin throws a shield orb*

    *Shield orb reflects the daggers*

    Rin: Am I still a hindrance for you?

    Toxoplasmosis: Lets do this master,

    Rin: Alright, by the power of my command seal I command you Toxoplasmosis, Unleash with full power your noble phantasm! Toxoplasmosis!

    Toxoplasmosis: Unleash, true poison that can kill entire continents!

    Hassan: Unleash Noble Phantasm! Intoxicated Fury!

    *The two noble phantasm collide, creating huge explosions, testing which poison is truly stronger!*

    Hassan: You are a worthy challenger, but you are not yet worthy to defeat me in full power!

    Toxoplasmosis: While yes, you may be stronger than me! but you forgot one thing!

    Toxoplasmosis: That this battle, is TWO AGAINST ONE

    Hassan: Wha-

    Rin: Guess you forgot about me because im that much of a hindrance ;)


    *Throws all of the orbs she has containing most of her magical energy*

    Toxoplasmosis: HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

    Rin: Checkmate!

    Hassan: You are... worthy

    *Hassan gets defeated*

    Rin: Yes! we did it!

    Toxoplasmosis: Good job, you showed him you werent a hindrance.

    Rin: Now lets go get Avalon!

    Toxoplasmosis: Lets go!

    *They dig up the grave*

    Rin: Whats this? nothing's here...

    *Dagger appears targetting Rin*

    Toxoplasmosis: Master!

    *Toxoplasmosis shields Rin from the daggers but in turn costs his own life*

    Rin: Toxoplasmosis, no!

    Toxoplasmosis: Dont worry master, that was the side effect of his noble phantasm, hes already dead but that was his last stand.

    Rin: Toxoplasmosis you're dying...

    Toxoplasmosis: Its okay, atleast we defeated him..

    Rin: But Toxoplasmosis..

    *Tears shed down her face*

    Rin: Toxoplasmosis... thank you... to be honest I developed... feelings.. you were a special servant to me..

    Rin: Its sad... to let you go... Toxoplasmosis..


    Toxoplasmosis: Master I... love you too.. im sorry, but this is the end for me..

    Rin: No- no.. noo....

    Toxoplasmosis: Im sorry.... goodbye...

    *Toxoplasmosis disappears*

    Rin: No.. NOOOOOO!


    Rin: This is for the best, I will always remember you.. Toxoplasmosis...

    As days past, and Avalon's search mission has ended in a non-appealing way, Rin has accepted that though her mission has failed, she acknowledges that this will forever be a memory to remember. Though life may be harsh, with the pain she grieved, she knows that it'll be her time to rise up again, for Toxoplasmosis, in the end, she gave up for her search, because she found something greater, that treasure she found was the memories she had with Toxoplasmosis, the love and bond that developed in a short amount of time, only to be ending with tragedy, makes in a treasure of mixed feelings that she wont ever forget...

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    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
    Meloneh, Take and afterburner0128 like this.
  9. Redcowboycraft

    Redcowboycraft Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The entire concept of not watching a show due to its medium is incredibly short sighted. You are missing out a great content due to discrimination of the medium where it is portrayed. As an example, what you guys are doing is basically the same as not reading a book because it is a novel instead of a comic. You are generalising. Maybe the anime you are going to watch isn't as good as shows on Netflix, or maybe it is. You don't know that till you watched it.

    Furthermore, the entire argument of huge anime tits being a problem is kinda retarded. Yes, they are huge on some character so what? When you have 10s of different people in a same story, you have to give them different traits so that the cast doesn't look like a bunch of Chinese people with no physical differences.

    Additionally, you have to take into account the type of shows you are watching and its target audience. A majority of anime, mainly the shounen genre, is targeted to adolescent boys. So, sex appeal in characters and fanservice could help in boosting the views of a show. Because horny teenagers are horny teenagers. Or should I say, it was the goal of having bit tits on certain characters. I think it is safe to say that on the behalf of most anime fans out there. Tits isn’t what makes a girl the “best girl” of a show. Imma be real here, it’s not really something people will notice. Us people of culture would rather focus on the story and the interaction instead of 2 sacs of dangling fat.

    There is also the fact that the Baader-Meinhof Effect is clouting your judgement. This effect consists of humans thinking that something is happening more often, even though that the rate has not changed at all. It is caused by individuals noticing or thinking about a certain trait, action, object, etc... So, to clarify, yes there are character with unreasonably large tits, but you are not acknowledging all the characters who don't have unreasonably large tits.

    Also, why does it even matter than a character has huge tits? At the end of the day, it is just a drawing. Yes, us weebs take liking in characters, but in the end it's no different from liking Lucifer from Lucifer or Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Characters and their personas end up sticking in your memory because of their story not because of their tits.

    And if I actually watched anime for the tits, I would just go on (sites that shouldnt but said here) instead. There is no point to watching something for the sex appeal of the characters and not have people bang. And to all that "you'll have to get used to real women and real tits sizes" bullshit, I am not complaining about this 17 year old boy looking like that.

    Also coming from someone that just used 5 paragraphs of his essay due digress of tits. Does the size of an anime characters tiddies really matter? Why do you care?

    Anime is this great medium that allows studios and directors to do things that regular TV/Netflix shows can't do. It made sentient and intelligent human being attached to animated drawings. The feeling and situation of those imaginary characters go through feel so much more true. They really get to you. They make you laugh and smile. Shutting down this medium is closing off a path filled with wonderful possibilities.

    The first time I ever cried watching something was while watching anime. And this concludes this essay on how anime shouldn't be look down on because it is anime.

    This is not a fanfic but feel free to use these in an argument agaisnt your non weeb friends, took me way to long to write and i just wanted to post it somewhere
  10. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Creator Karma:
    I awoke that fateful morning from possible the greatest dream of my life. I was in a field of roses and tulips, and though I ran through them with no hesitation, I felt no pricks, no pain. All I felt was pure ecstacy as I ran into the arms of the man I love; Giorno Giovanna. Of course, this was just a dream, as he spun me in his arms and brought me in for embrace, though little did I know it wouldn't be for long.

    I awoke to the sound of my doorbell. My mother and I lived alone after my father died from a collapsing roof as he built hospitals in Africa, and though it was hard, we were doing pretty well, keeping up with paying the rent every month, we always had food except some times in the winter when my little sister would get EXTRA hungry, and I seemed to always have enough to buy what I wanted. I got out of bed and threw on my robe as I rushed to answer the door.

    "Hel-" Was all I could get out before my voice caught in my throat.
    There he was, in the exact same purple uniform and blue brooches as in my dream, Giorno Giovanna.
    I tried to say something but I couldn't before he took two powerful strides and entered my home, grabbing my waist with one of his strong, firm hands. He looked down at me with those piercing green eyes and spoke.
    "I, Girono Giovanna, have a dream." I heard the music begin as my sister practiced her piano, oblivious to the scene occurring in the adjacent room. "I'm going to be a gang-star!"
    I wish I hadn't, but it was with that that I fainted. When I awoke he was tending to me, and had prepared a full 5-star meal using food he must have brought, as it was all far too expensive for my family to ever have the audacity to buy. He fed my entire family that day, and we kept the leftovers, which kept us full for the next week.
    Thank you, Giorno Giovanna.
    donda biblioteca likes this.
  11. AntiBajanCandian

    AntiBajanCandian possibly jesus

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    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
    donda biblioteca and Take like this.
  12. Accelll

    Accelll Well-Known Adventurer

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  13. maddenhenge

    maddenhenge Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Take likes this.
  14. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    This is my beautiful bride.
    She's a penguin.
    Think its weird?
    I'm a penguin too.
    So TOO BAD.


    why did i make this
    donda biblioteca likes this.
  15. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  16. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Giveaway has ended! Results April 18th
  17. Exentrix

    Exentrix Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Why did I do this... whatever, I just finished an essay for Lit and I was bored I swear I had no other choice

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  18. Meloneh

    Meloneh Olympic Hopscotch Medalist VIP

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    (Lets hope after still lets the entry in he prob will, gl!!)
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  19. Exentrix

    Exentrix Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Fingers crossed lol, or else I did that for no reason UWU
  20. Toxoplasmosis

    Toxoplasmosis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    hope my dignity's sacrifice wasnt all for nothing
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