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A /scroll Use Command.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Matrina, Apr 14, 2020.


Do you think this might be a good command?

  1. Yes.

    4 vote(s)
  2. Maybe.

    3 vote(s)
  3. No.

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  4. I strongly do not want this to be in the game.

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  1. Matrina

    Matrina Hello CHAMPION

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    What is this command used for?
    This /scroll use command would be useful for people that are either one. Somehow stuck in a block/ stuck in a quest area, or in general if the person for some reason could not right click on the scroll that they are holding on.
    How does it work?
    /scroll use (city/town/area name) While holding the scroll.
    if you have the scroll on you and if you want to use this command, you would need to have the scroll in your hands for it to work. It will function like if you have just right clicked on a scroll, but this should help people that are doing hardcore or hunted forcefully losing items since of being stuck since of lag. This should help with the frustration of hardcore or hunted mode being forced to /kill. (I know /kill doesn't fail hardcore but you still lose items. also applies to hunted.)
    Why would this command be needed?
    For example, /class is used to get out of blocks, but if you some how were lagging very badly it might take ages to get out of 50 blocks that you were stuck in. Since right now scrolls wouldn't work if you were stuck in a block. Why not either fix that or make a command so people can use it to get out of stuck areas instead of /kill? Considering Wynncraft is always have people that either lags horribly or just have bad internet connections I would say this would be a good quality of life command for people to use. Its like /claimitembomb or /claimingredientbomb or /daily.

    Thank you for reading this post. I recommend you posting reasons why this suggestion might break the game or bugs out.
  2. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    I think this is a pretty good idea, it might be better however just to have a /unstuck to put you in the closest 2 block high space, but this could fix a number of problems itself, it has my vote
  3. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    a /unstuck command like this would be extremely difficult to implement considering the sheer load of off map escapes you'd be able to do using it. it also probably wouldn't solve the issue since you could just get stuck in underground pockets. I also believe quest areas and such are under the map some of the time so you could possibly glitch in to those and bug the quest.
  4. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    That much is true, and I was slightly thinking about that. But my more.. shall we say thought of how it would function, would focus on moving the player only one block in positive X or Z and/or negative X or Z, doing it's best to keep Y the same. Just running a few "slowish" checks around the player and placing them in the first noticeable empty and safe hole. (Due to most parts of the map only having one deep holes in walls/under walls and/or barrier blocks behind them if the hole is deeper)
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