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Guilds New Update: 'guilds: Glory And Gory' Part 1?

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Greedus, Mar 26, 2020.


What do you think of Guilds: Glory and Gory

  1. It is good and would improve the game.

    8 vote(s)
  2. Needs developing, please state your improvements below.

    2 vote(s)
  3. I do not like the idea

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Guilds. In my opinion, an element to the game which has the most potential and yet, to me, the least developed. Thus I propose a new update, 'Guilds: Glory and Gory'. This update would revamp the current system with new additions, improvements to current systems, whilst fleshing out guilds to make them better, more useful and more fun for people. I would also like to say, that currently, I am not in a guild so I do not have current and up-to-date experience with guilds, so I am basing this of my previous experiences and the general community attitude. So with out further ado, lets begin!

    In no particular order, here is my proposed change-log with information included:

    -New Territory types, layouts, sizes, etc. Firstly, Guild Territories must be altered. In my opinion they should be slightly bigger, each with a new structure: Guild Camps/Towers. These small buildings would replace the pre-existing banners, though they would be decorated with the Guild banner and can be 'upgraded' by the current Guild occupants, similar to how the banners can be changed from a simple wooden base to a metal structure in the game. In Guild Battles (Wars, though this term is used later for a new addition), these towers would be the focus point as if the tower was captured then the Battle would be over - more on battles later.

    Territory will also be split into groups - kind of like streets in monopoly, For example all the Nivla forest territories are one group whilst the mesa is another, etc. Depending on the amount of Territories owned in a land, Guild Members would receive small bonuses when, such as slightly more XP or more emerald drops within that territory/land.

    Each Land would always have a capital Territory which would usually be a City. For example the Nivla Village would be Nivla's Capital, Nemract- the coast, Ravine Village for Pigman ravine, etc. These would also be equipped with a Guild Tower, though these territories would have special bonuses: Guild Tax. Here is a scenario to show you what I mean: You go to Detlas and purchase a TP scroll which costs 100 Emeralds (as an example) well the Guild occupying that territory receives 10%, so 10 emeralds which is placed in their Guild bank. Player A, who purchased the scroll is not effected by this as it would cost the same anyway, but the Guild receives more money. This applies to all merchants, except Bank merchants and the trade market.

    City territories also have other benefits which can be used against other rival guilds, an example of the idea i came up with is Border Control, this is where Cities with gates, like Detlas Almuj, Troms and Ragni become closed to rival Guilds (To make this fair, Guilds effected by this close effect must be a specific level with a specific amount of land-mostly so that it consists of High-level players that do not need to enter cities. This could also lead to new Gamemodes, such as one where Cities are closed to you even if you are in no guild unless you pay a tax fee for entry.

    Guild Wars would be large scale events including up to multiple guilds way each would battle and hold siege against a city and attempt to breach the walls and attack the Guild HQ. There would be huge battles between guilds with mobs and I though of deploy-able siege engines but I think I might be over-doing it a bit.

    I have more ideas for this update, but with limited time, I must conclude this Forum here. My other ideas and not as developed as these so I may make another forum or edit this one if i can. Thank you for reading! Please post your ideas, as i wish to hear them.
  2. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I've never really been interested in guilds, but many of these ideas would probably get me to be. that being said, I would prefer if guilds stayed out of affecting regular gameplay for those who are not super interested in them but still want to hang out in a guild with friends. the border control idea could be fine if implemented well but I wouldn't want to be locked out of entering Ragni because I'm in a community guild. I also feel if guild camps/towers were to be added, I would want them moved from where the existing banners are to more remote locations. since the quality of the structure is determined by who owns it, I could see it being fairly tough to work these things in with the natural environment to not stick out and ruin the scenery; so my solutions to this would to be as I said, putting them in more remote locations, or possibly just creating a different style depending on each area.
    DeathLucifer likes this.
  3. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I actually really like these, and whilst the changes aren't too major would definitely help the game imo. Except I don't think EVERY territory should have a tower, only maybe a few big ones
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    e guilds giving bonuses to players uh oh
    DeathLucifer likes this.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    A mixed reception is about what I would have expected to form this.
    My suggestion to make this a much less mixed reception would be to do the following.
    Make a list of clear, and simple goals the update provides, then organized each aspect you would be changing by which goal it accomplishes.
    This could provide the suggestion with a clear focus, as well as help you better generate more ideas.

    I think what you have now is fine, its a compiled list of a couple of things you want to see from guilds.
    In all honesty however, I would hold off, and make a more comprehensive thread.
    Greedus likes this.
  6. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Thanks for feedback. In all honesty forum-making is not exactly my best point
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
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