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More Upgrades To Spells Pls

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Killerbro360, Mar 22, 2020.


Do you think this should be added?

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  1. Killerbro360

    Killerbro360 Travelled Adventurer

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    I would like there to be more upgrades for each class this will allows for greater/more advanced customization of players, it'll make gameplay more enjoyable to all, and it would allow more abilities without the introductions of more spells

    -Mobs have a chance to drop an unidentified spell card OF YOUR CLASS
    -These spell cards are able to be identified by the item identifier to add bonus abilities for the player
    -You may view the spell cards you have through a book next to the jukebox menu in the Character info compass
    -The spell card when identified will always be of your class
    -Spell cards once identified can't be sold or traded and must be consumed
    -These spell cards upgrade the spells of that user's class permanently

    Archer spell cards:
    - arrows from arrow storm have a slight homing capacity for 1 second
    Expandable Bombs
    -Bomb arrows now has double the radius and a 50% chance of giving slowness
    Second Bomb
    -Shoots a bomb arrow where you previously jumped from, and then a second bomb arrow where you land at zero cost
    -20% of arrows from arrow shield have a chance to explode on impact
    -Arrows from arrow storm, bomb arrow and the default attack no longer curve downwards, and instead shoot straight
    Mage spell cards:
    Passage of Time
    -Warp through time and gain back the amount of hp and mana you had 10 seconds before your fatal hit (10 min cooldown before reactivating again)
    Magical Pull
    -Pulls enemies in a 10 block radius into where you previously where when you teleport and blind them for 3 seconds
    Frosty Hydra
    -When Ice snake spell hits a target, it will separate into 3 smaller ice snakes that each have 10% of the user's max health while inflicting half the damage of a normal ice snake each, and will attack until its 5 second counter is over or when its dead, NOTICE: Only the original ice snake adds slowness
    Meteor Masher
    -Shoots down 3 meteors instead of 1 , the 3 meteors fall down on the 3 points of a triangle with the target in the middle
    The Ashfallen
    -Summons a servant from the ash of a meteor for 10 seconds to attack the nearest target, has 50% of the user's max hp and does 20% of the damage (Summons 3 Ashfallens at a time if used with the Meteor Masher spell card bonus)
    Warrior spell cards:
    Righteous Morals
    -Gain +50% damage and speed 2 for 5 seconds when you hit an enemy 5 lvs above your combat lv, activates buffs if in pvp no matter the lv differences
    Cry Of Banshees
    -War Scream kills all monsters 20 levels below the user in a 20 block radius, exceptions are, bosses, mini bosses, rare spawns. In pvp players would get slowness 3 for 2 seconds instead
    Heavy Armor
    -When using Bash spell, ignore all damage for 2 seconds and cause all who are hit to be blinded for 1 seconds
    Holy Smite
    -launch enemies with uppercut 30 blocks into air and shoot them 20 blocks backwards while dealing 300% damage
    Dance of the Bulls
    -when using charge three bombs dealing 50% damage are dropped
    Assassin spell cards:
    Toxic blade
    -Has a 50% chance of paralyzing, blinding, or poisoning (for 50% damage) an enemy for 3 seconds once a target is hit when using spin attack
    Shadow Stitches
    -damages enemies for 5% of their max hp every 10 seconds they spend in a dim/dark area or in the assassin's smoke when using smoke bomb, 2% damage for bosses, also inflicts slowness while under effect of damage
    Dark Arts
    -All attacks have 100% life steal for 5 seconds once down to 10% hp
    -Summons all monsters killed in past min with 25% hp and damage to fight for you when using vanish
    -Multi hit will send an explosive clone (deals 150% damage) in your respective place while the user is turned invisible for 2 seconds
    Shaman spell cards:
    -allows for the controlling of 3 enemies automatically who are in a 30 block radius to assist, enemies must be 10 levels below you, players, rare spawns, mini bosses, and bosses will not be possessable.
    Earth Mound
    -Creates a circular dirt barrier when casting a totem with 50% player hp. Totem spell also damages enemies by inflicting debuffs that get worse the longer an enemy stays in the range of the totem
    Aura protection
    -Explosive attacks are nullified while user is in the radius of the Aura spell
    Mother Gaia
    -Creates a 5 block tall golem with 200% user max hp and 100% damage that is inflicted with slowness where ever the projectile from Uproot lands. Only 1 golem can be casted per shaman, each golem lasts for 1 min or until its death, 20% damage done from golems goes to heal the caster
    Tribal Nature
    -When using haul, spawns 2 tribal men on the totem with 50% player hp and 40% player attack with equal movement speed, disappears once totem is gone.
    Ground Shaker
    -All totems when placed do 150% damage in a 5 block radius once they land and launch all enemies/ players 10 blocks up in the air, 5 blocks for bosses

    These are only suggestions, add on as you like in the comments or suggest other spell cards you think should be added/balances to abilities
    Also I will not be voting on this as I want to see the opinions, changes, and views on this without bias
    If the spell cards are too unbalanced, remember these are only examples of things they could add, the balancing should go to the developers' decisions
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
    Turbostratus likes this.

    FRITZPAL Shaman isn't overpowered and doesn't need a nerf. VIP

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    I think this is way too overpowered and not balanced.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  3. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    It might need some balancing but it is a good idea.

    I think you should rather be able to choose upgrades for your spells at a certain level instead of having to find drops.
    Melkor likes this.
  4. Skywalkinerate

    Skywalkinerate For The Wynn

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    It's quite a diverse arsenal, the boss/ monsters might need to be buff quite a lot though.

    I enjoy some of your suggestions, such as Possession of Shaman. I think it fits the theme of shaman since they usually control spiritual energy in myths and legends.

    Some I don't agree would be Frosty Hydra, that's way too op IMO no matter how I see it. Restricting movement allows spell spam and the mobs can't even fight back, making it way too easy, especially since Ice Snake can already be controlled by the player. Dealing damage will just make this way too OP for obvious reason.
  5. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I like the idea of finding and unlocking them, but I would appreciate being able to trade them, so that if I get an upgrade I don't want, I could do something with it. I would also limit it to one upgrade/modifier per spell, because I could see this becoming insanely overpowered.
  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Ngl that would be broken because this attack actually has the highest DPS capacity in the entire game if all arrows hit (as far as I remember) and I doubt you can really make this a worthwhile upgrade without making the homing actually decent

    Also I'm pretty sure an open field will allow the spell to be even more wild so...
  7. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    In my opinion it would be better to get these spell cards for completing important things (Temple of Legends, A Hunter's Calling, Legendary Island, etc.) or buying them at dungeons (depending on the difficulty 10-30 runs). They also need a lot of balancing...
    By the way "Ground Shaker" is already in the game, but the totem only does 100% damage when landing instead of 200% (would be overpowered otherwise, aura also deals 200% damage).
  8. velvet_ii

    velvet_ii Well-Known Adventurer

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    I like the concept, but since some of these are really OP, the spell cards could be really rare drops, be dropped by rare mobs, or cost a lot to identify. I think there should also be level requirements for the cards (maybe something like 10 levels after you unlock the spell for the first card and 20 levels after you unlock the original spell to use a second card).
  9. SKZR

    SKZR Well-Known Adventurer

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    When i first read "spell card" the only thing that came in my mind was a Yu-gi-oh card
  10. Kevlar

    Kevlar Travelled Adventurer

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    Nice idea...
  11. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    I like the idea, and some of the skills are pretty cool ideas. Find upgrades doesn't sound as fun, but it would add something to do! A bit more balance, ice snake does damage already, if it did split, the damage would have to be much less than 10% more like just raw spell damage or only water damage. But I think getting more upgrades for our spells, making them do more would be pretty fun to do. Get some new animations, new skills, get MORE bosses past corrupted, maybe like void bosses? instead of just buffing what we got, make more, make them scary and lets take these spells with the blessing of bob and whip some code
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