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A /server Join Command.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Matrina, Mar 22, 2020.


What do you think about this suggestion?

  1. Ok, alright at best.

  2. No, Please do not implement this.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I do not care

    0 vote(s)
  4. This should have been in the game.

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Matrina

    Matrina Hello CHAMPION

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    What is /server join command?
    A /server join command is an command you used to be able to do to swap worlds while inside worlds, for example, typing /server join wc9 will instantly swap you to the world if there was enough slots for you to join it. If the swap fails you get kicked in to the lobby. This command would to work both inside lobbys and in worlds.
    Why is this useful?
    Right now, Wynncraft is facing an issue with massive lag and host issues, people like me have issues connecting to worlds because of major lag spikes causing disconnection. This issue cannot be easily fixed or repaired in a single day. I hope to implement this command to help with the people who have massive ping/lag spikes.
    Also, this command will help with people who want to join a certain world together without logging out of the world and having easier time joining the same world faster. Plus lobby restarts or just major lobby lag can be helped with this command as well.
    How would this be implemented?
    If you type this command right now into wynn, if would simply display you are not allowed to use this command, this can possibly be turned on and off at major lag times or when wynn needs less players in lobbys because of lag or issues with hosts/ping/tps.
    Is this going to cause more lag/ harder server side issues?
    I do not know. But before they had disabled this command, this use to be allowed somewhere around 1.17. At that time, I don't believe anyone had issues with this command. It might cause issues on server side to jump form server to server, but I do not know.
    Why do you think this should be implemented
    Fairly useful command for everyone that knows it, its like a quality of life things that are like /daily or /claimitembomb or /claimingredientbomb. It is useful to be known and used.

    This is my first suggestion. Thank you for reading this sorta long text. Please vote in the poll, so I can see what mostly people think about the suggestion. If you have different opinions please post it in the forums so I can tell what to change.
  2. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    Good suggestion, but, the reason something like this hasn't been added and likely will not be added in-game is for primarily this reason:

    We want to ensure your data is saved. Data saving takes some time and we want to ensure your data is saved without corruption. The time typically taken to disconnect, connect to lobby, and connect to a new world is surprisingly just enough time to properly save your data.

    It's possible that some of you have experienced this: if you quickly /hub and then click a new server, you may get sent a popup that says something similar to: "we are saving your data... please try again in a little bit"

    Data is a finicky thing, if you don't save at the right time or are given enough time, stuff can get lost. Not having this command is the best solution to this which we have seen over the 7 years.
    btdmaster, TS_potato, one_ood and 5 others like this.
  3. Matrina

    Matrina Hello CHAMPION

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    Alright Cool
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