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Website & Forums A New Way Of Conveying Content I Beleive Wynn Would Benefit From.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Black Sun, Mar 14, 2020.


I'd love to hear the people's opinions on my personal suggestion

  1. I am for it.

  2. I am not. Please state why, it's important to start a conversation about how we should see content

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  1. Black Sun

    Black Sun Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Hello there.
    None of you probably remember me, but I used to be part of this community a long time ago, and must have left it around 5 years or so to pursue personal and professional projects, I don't really post that much on the forums but I've known Wynn, its members, and some of the admins and a lot of past, and I think a few present, content team members on a somewhat close-ish level and even though that was a long long time ago, and have been more focused on personal projects since I've left the community, I think I still somewhat understand a bit of WynnCraft as a game and in the way that it works internally, it might be wrong for me to say so, but I believe my past and current experience alike might allow me to have something to say in the matter.

    I still play from time to time as I might have failed to clear out, and have particularly picked the game up again this last week since I've had more time between projects and I decided to make this thread to express something that has bothered me about Wynn's social communication for a long time.

    For all the years I've seen new content be hinted, introduced, and then applied in-game, since the 1.12 mob update and map revamp back in August 2014, Gavel in Dec 2015, up to the current 1.19 update, I've realized that the way that Wynncraft releases and, most importantly announces, new content might be counter-productive to its community.

    What I feel generally happens is that after we get a major update we get around 6 months of silence or so, then we are presented with a teaser, or just a publicly way of demonstration, that there's a new update ahead, and the phenomenon we so like to call the 'Hype Train' commences and we experience another 6 months or so of no new information, relying solely on speculation of the information we were previously given.

    Any attempt of asking a member of the content team what lies ahead, will be met with denial, and an explanation that they are not allowed to speak of it to anyone outside the team, which is absolutely understandable and wildly respected among our members, because that is what the internal organization of Wynn has decided, Managers and Head GMs, and I am not in any way fighting against that.

    Although, I came here to propose something different.

    I personally believe WynnCraft would benefit more from developing what certain game developers, designers or other project creators call a Developing Diary/Jorunal or a progress update. There's many nomenclatures that you could use to describe it but I will simply demonstrate what I suggest as best as I can.

    I suggest that certain head members of the content team/management, would post a progress report on what's being developed on all artistic teams, those being GM's, Builders, Item Team, Modelers, Composers, Painters, Resource Pack Team, Skin Artists -which can all be found in the hyperlink I previously left- every, say, two months or or three, to keep us informed and 'hyped' on what content is being currently developed and we'll be seeing in the future. This could be made on a new section on the 'The Noticeboard' area on the forums' front page.

    I believe by adding this way of conveying content to the public, we can have a better CT to player relationship, resulting in better feedback and communication; it will also keep the Wynn community's players informed on what's being developed on the game they chose to play, rather than being in the dark for a prolonged amount of time.

    I understand this might seem like a very far-fetched idea from what we are used to conceptualize as the CT to player content revelation perception, but I would hope that the management/head members of the CT would do the community, or at least me, the favour of considering the idea, and at least if they don't think it's a correct fit, give us a proper response as to why that would be.

    Thank you so much for reading my idea, I hope this gets the management/CT to consider something different, and maybe open up the conversation as to how we should be presented content, and how that can positively impact the players, and the game developing itself.

    -Thom Bonet, known as Black Sun for a certain amount of time on the Wynn community
  2. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I really like the idea of the CT being more transparent with upcoming updates. it would be great for things like feedback and to fill in the gaps of dead time. the only problem I would have with this is the surprise factor and hype it could possibly ruin; it's really satisfying and rewarding after waiting a long time and then hearing about all the epic new stuff that's being added, and I feel if the cool stuff was shown off in small bursts that hype wouldn't be as exciting. what I would personally like for this, is just not having the CT keep any and all information bottled up, things like item changelogs are shown beforehand so it would be nice to have something similar for other branches of the game; not any major exciting new stuff, but small things that can show what we would expect from upcoming updates, all we get in that regard right now is the occasional cryptic twitter post every few months.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
  3. Black Sun

    Black Sun Famous Adventurer VIP

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    I agree, I think what you said about the CT being more transparent is a very important point. I think giving us small information from say, a screenshot from the modeler department, a skin or two from the skin artists, a song or excerpt from the composers and maybe a couple of build team WIP or finalized build screenshots every few months, might not be a bad idea.

    It's important to be clear on what would be decided the degree of transparency be. Full disclosure with paragraphs accompanying the images/sound might lead us to be too informed which management, and their players, might really enjoy and open communication and feedback between the two parties more, or it might also not be as enjoyable for both parties, due to the reasons you mentioned. Now hinting at stuff with releasing a few images/sounds with little context on it is a different way of addressing the issue which I think would be totally legitimate as well.
    Milvantiou and That_Chudley like this.
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