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Advertising Rules Update

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Naraka00, Mar 5, 2020.

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  1. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Salutations community of Wynncraft,

    We've updated our advertising rules to be more in line with the thread posted almost a year ago. This was done to prevent any future confusion between that thread and our official rules thread.

    Since discord has started booming we've added it to the current rules following the same guidelines as before. This means you can still advertise discord servers but as per usual you aren't allowed to post direct invite links in a shout or on a forum's thread/message (including guild threads). This was done due to an increased security risk and spam that appeared from discord invite links.

    We're making this announcement so everyone has time to become accustomed with it and make any necessary changes to threads.
    For more information check out the new advertising rules: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/game-forum-rules.111874/

    We hope this won't be much of a change from your normal posting routines and have a nice day!
  2. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    No u have a nice day >:( wait that reply is too nice

    edit for some reason i can't reply again:
    Class building community is already very established so blaming this change for a potential failure seems a bit funny. #class_builds exists for most people while Atlas Inc is where most big brain builders go

    Edit 2:
    Agree with this ^

    Also agree with this ^

    Damn, wynn players are really saying things that make sense! Who would've thought.

    I wonder if the staff will listen :flushed:

    Edit again: Well I guess I can't reply here again, but a bump in spirit since there's still no response

    Newest edit: doesn't seem like this is being enforced, so is there any official update?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
  3. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Well that's tedious
  4. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    This will make guild advertisement shouts more interesting hopefully. Lets all make the shouting zone a cooler place to hang out at ;)
    Vendenar, _Leg, pogge5 and 2 others like this.
  5. scottmad

    scottmad The Council will see you to you later....

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    This is honestly quite dumb and will only further hurt wynns community as a whole, especially the guild community.
  6. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i love the clarification about the "one shout per hour, 3 per day" before it was so vague that you couldnt tell if it was referring to one person, or that entire guild. myself and a few friends have actually gotten a warning about that before and it made me very upset actually, very happy about this update

    Edits because mr mod team doesnt like people to speak
    just a small comment about this but a large part of the guild community, for whatever reason, does not like the #class_build community so they opt to make their own build server or whatever, Lys' idea isnt even the first time ive seen something like this.
    most likely no they will not lmao

    im not going to comment anymore about why this hurts guilds because like 5 people already have, however i would like to add one thing
    this entire rule change seems entirely targeted at guilds and its incredibly funny to see how incredibly true Paladins comment is
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  7. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    Why do people like pissing on guild communities :c

    This only adds unneeded maintenance toward advertising your guild, I don’t understand these additions. Preventing discord servers from being shouted is understandable, but preventing forums shouting as well? That’s just wrong IMO, it not only advertises ones guild and prevents spam toward that player, but it also advertises and influences players to make a forums account, which can help them stay up to date. Restricting that doesn’t make any sense to me as both a prominent member of the guild community as well as from a marketing standpoint, now people won’t buy as many shouts from your stores as they’ve now become useless for guilds.

    As for no more discord links in forum posts, I can understand that in other things as they may be malicious toward others, but as for guild posts it does not make sense in any bit. Discord is one of the primary ways to keep guilds alive and updated on information. Doing this is directly killing/weakening one of the most active player bases in Wynn, guilds.

    I hope some people read this post and agree with me. As I believe this new change in the rules restricts the overall guild community.
  8. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    I hope we can invite the wynn team to an open discussion about this change, the question that's really on my mind is:

    What are the merits of this change, and is this really the best way to achieve those merits?

    Discord communities have been surging more than ever before as of the last few months, paired with guilds being neglected for longer and longer, this feels like a kick to the gut from the wynn team towards the community, so I hope we can reach an understanding.
    Vendenar, _Leg, aFireBlaze and 7 others like this.
  9. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    To add on to what these fine people have said, this is quite unreasonable. As far as security risk from discord, this imo is few and far between, as well as where the heck are these "spammed"? There are only like 5 discords that I've seen that revolve around Wynn, not including guild discords.
    Another thing: Guilds really need to have these discords, as there isn't really a reliable way to chat and message people in game, because people have all different time zones. Forums aren't really that much of an option either, as people generally are not super active.
    By not allowing links to the discord, you have to ask for one. idk if you know (most likely but whatever), but when you have to ask for something, it drives interest away-People always prefer the path of least resistance, the easier way.
    I don't see the harm in having discords on guild pages. Maybe the rest of the forums, sure, but not there. Overall I think we need to know more reasoning behind this.
    maybe just make it so you have to have a certain number of members to post a guild discord, or certain guild level etc. Completely outlawing it is really very, well, stupid.
    robincaiye, Vendenar, _Leg and 10 others like this.
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I'm confused. How else are people going to invite others into a Discord server then? Direct invites are only good for very, very small communities, where there's barely any joining or leaving of members.
    Wouldn't it be better to treat instant invite links case by case? You don't solve a problem of several bad mouths by silencing everyone. Could a system be instated where people must ask permission before posting an invite link at the least?
    The in-game guild chat is a reasonable tool to talk to your guildmates, but like btdmaster said, there's the problem of timezones. This rule will reduce ease of communication between guild members, and by extent the whole Wynncraft community. To me, this rule seems almost like a repeat of the removal of the shoutbox. Communication between the developers and the community has never been very smooth, so please, at least try to work on keeping internal communications proper.
    I don't frequent the Guilds section here, but I know I have heard no one say anything about a problem concerning Discord invite links. Rules are always created out of need, but it doesn't seem like there was a big need for this rule.
  11. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    finally something to piss off guilds and make shout spam better, hopefully soon they'll finally add a way to opt out of seeing guild stuff and contributing to other guild exp in normal gameplay
    Iboju, _Leg and Son_Omega_Dan like this.
  12. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    As a non-discord user, why?
    robincaiye and _Leg like this.
  13. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    Was working on a sick class build server and about to make a thread for it.

    Thanks and cheers to wasted time and effort.
    robincaiye, Vendenar, _Leg and 7 others like this.
  14. Zeerion

    Zeerion Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    But why? Where's the logic in adding an extra step to the process of getting people into the discord? Adding a straight up link made it easier to check discords and their communities to see how you fit in, requiring player to player interaction to get a link just adds the possibility of missing someone asking for a link, and therefore missing out on a possible community member and/or new recruit. What's the point of that? It won't stop guild advertisement messages, just the type of messages people send.
    robincaiye, TrapinchO, _Leg and 5 others like this.
  15. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    this is all actually just to stop all the guild dudes from SHATTERING lore continuity because seaskipper says that the only thing shouters are supposed to say is stuff about selling items.

    get with the program yall
  16. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I never made that connection
    _Leg and the drink like this.
  17. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Wait, discord links arent' even allowed on FORUM THREADS!? Excuse me but there's no "security" concern over that, you'd be messaging incoming members the same invite link to the same discord server anyways! You're just making it infinitely more tedious to do the very same thing, it makes no sense. I want a thorough argument from the staff team as to what they mean by "security" and examples on how it's posed an "issue." There is literally zero point to this, especially on the forum threads clause, you're just requiring people to private convo you on here to ask for the discord link, and some ppl even prefer having direct convos off by setting on here, so then it becomes impossible to share the discord link *Aisde from within discord*.

    Welp... yet another example of how little this server's moderation team cares about guilds and undermining their importance. Not like the server nearly died due to a facet of guilds being broken or anything...

    Bruh, nearly every devoloped guild's forum thread has a link to their discord. I hate blindly-made subtly in comments. You know it will be a change from most people's positing routines, so just say it as it is. Don't pointlessly sugarcoat it, it just makes you and the other staff even harder to take seriously
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    robincaiye, Vendenar, from and 12 others like this.
  18. BasicAly

    BasicAly Commandress of HackForums CHAMPION

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    This new rule is very frustrating. Discord is not Wynncraft Staff Team’s responsibility. If something goes wrong on discord in whole is the person’s fault for joining when they can easily remove themself from any situation with discord’s features. Also with young children, their parents should be monitoring what they do on the internet anyways. This is very limiting and makes the guild scene even more boring and bland than it already is seeming. It’s frustrating that the staff team seems more interested in making guilds worse and adding unnecessary rules than fixing them. A lot of endgame material for players is in guilds and discord is how we grow our guilds communities and communicate. It’s frustrating that the staff team thinks that this will stop “Spam”, because won’t players now have to be spamming people in /msg if they want them to join a discord? (And I’m not just talking about guild discords here, there are plenty other Wynn community discords than guilds that should be respected too.) I hope this rule can be cleared up and reconsidered because discord is how we stay in touch and communicate within the Wynn community.
  19. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    This happens more often than you may think. There are a lot of passionate players who will come out of the woodworks when a part of their livelihood on the server is threatened. As for staff listening? I mean, one really good example of them doing so was the very initial preview of the "endgame elemental revamp pt. 1" thread, where the community distaste was the vast majority and over an idea deemed to have done more harm than good, at least in its current form.
    robincaiye, from, _Leg and 2 others like this.
  20. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    When people actually think the mods will rethink their choices lmfao we all stuck with this now guys. It used to be rule 18 that everyone wanted changed/cleared how long did that take again??
    _Leg likes this.
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