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Guide The Wynnprobability Calculation Guide

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by NicBOMB, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    The calculator is a tool for new and experienced players alike. It uses rules of probability to generate the chances of getting any identifications on any items and displays each one in a formatted probability table.
    1. Download it from the link.
    2. Open the html file with any web browser, like chrome.
    3. Inputs
      1. Search the wynncraft API for an item by typing in its name.
      2. Search the wynncraft API or wynndata for an item and manually transcribe the base values.
    4. Click the calculate button or press enter while in an active input field.
    5. The table gets generated with all relevant information.
    Tips: Some ad blockers don't like that I load <script>'s. Disable them for the calculator's page if you experience any difficulties.
    This section is probably going to be boring for 90-100% of users, but can help you better understand how wynncraft's item system works (not class building, just the items).
    When identifying items, a range of values is generated and then (assumably) a value is chosen randomly. The calculator generates each ID's range of values, produces lists of all possible variants of the item, counts up similar variants and stats, and creates a table with those ranges, their probability of occurring using product rule, the probability of getting higher/greater than that value, and the probability of getting lower/lesser than that value. This means, you can gamble at the Identifier knowing your chances of getting better or worse than what you already have. Hopefully everyone makes more informed decisions before rerolling good items!

    This is the calculator I have been working on for the past 3 or so weeks. Here I will explain everything about the calculator I have done so far. Yes, the calculator is not done, you'll learn more if you keep reading.
    (moved here 2/23/20)
    [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]

    [1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126, 210, 330, 495, 715, 1001, 1365, 1820, 2380, 3060, 3876, 4840, 5960, 7240, 8680, 10276, 12020, 13900, 15900, 18000, 20176, 22400, 24640, 26860, 29020, 31076, 32980, 34690, 36170, 37390, 38326, 38960, 39280, 39280, 38960, 38326, 37390, 36170, 34690, 32980, 31076, 29020, 26860, 24640, 22400, 20176, 18000, 15900, 13900, 12020, 10276, 8680, 7240, 5960, 4840, 3876, 3060, 2380, 1820, 1365, 1001, 715, 495, 330, 210, 126, 70, 35, 15, 5, 1]

    [1.5991283811606635e-06, 7.995641905803318e-06, 2.284469115943805e-05, 5.140055510873564e-05, 0.00010084299383237654, 0.000178482308501381, 0.0002931813068492367, 0.0004561478740896749, 0.0006783507921091376, 0.0009722081153294233, 0.0013530057109013322, 0.001835377787126258, 0.002435237417336258, 0.0031720015424046206, 0.004063980643756439, 0.005123661947368992, 0.006359800745353107, 0.007776612601584283, 0.00937166157361012, 0.011138182264657895, 0.013065685431548155, 0.015136948974455154, 0.0173295431364051, 0.019618268634103365, 0.021971278008052562, 0.024350321957025082, 0.02671547288946845, 0.029020443712315762, 0.031210998883297283, 0.03323245005762144, 0.035036031003224985, 0.03657875535666804, 0.037825579780347236, 0.038750114231664676, 0.03933229372647206, 0.03955927319253354, 0.039427098719046594, 0.03893878797459063, 0.038103694152303136, 0.036940122500548914, 0.035474349742383324, 0.03373794474813472, 0.03177126184172032, 0.029624028330691506, 0.027350065298870404, 0.025001460925615355, 0.0226264239792378, 0.020267877074987214, 0.017963419092145876, 0.01574613629853309, 0.013644067151060028, 0.011679794116939151, 0.009871168690550025, 0.008231347549128415, 0.006767981428267684, 0.005483600370378269, 0.004376471471002711, 0.0034394176341662496, 0.0026595521134493375, 0.002020233298242916, 0.0015038963707812093, 0.001093642729572943, 0.0007738180048065251, 0.0005300539228402139, 0.0003491631692438001, 0.00021922406924470384, 0.0001296262580810128, 7.097077710427502e-05, 3.507102524518478e-05, 1.5059323170595815e-05, 5.340672051105437e-06, 1.465257158914393e-06, 2.8876983618864837e-07, 3.7582894660466574e-08, 2.854397062820246e-09, 9.514656876067489e-11]

    [0.9999984008717561, 0.9999904052298504, 0.999967560538691, 0.9999161599835821, 0.9998153169897498, 0.9996368346812484, 0.9993436533743992, 0.9988875055003094, 0.9982091547082003, 0.9972369465928709, 0.9958839408819696, 0.9940485630948434, 0.9916133256775072, 0.9884413241351026, 0.984377343491346, 0.9792536815439771, 0.9728938807986239, 0.9651172681970396, 0.9557456066234294, 0.9446074243587718, 0.9315417389272235, 0.9164047899527684, 0.8990752468163633, 0.8794569781822598, 0.8574857001742073, 0.8331353782171823, 0.8064199053277138, 0.7773994616153981, 0.7461884627321008, 0.7129560126744793, 0.6779199816712542, 0.6413412263145862, 0.6035156465342391, 0.5647655323025744, 0.5254332385761022, 0.48587396538356875, 0.4464468666645221, 0.4075080786899315, 0.36940438453762836, 0.33246426203707946, 0.29698991229469607, 0.2632519675465613, 0.23148070570484092, 0.20185667737414942, 0.17450661207527904, 0.14950515114966367, 0.1268787271704259, 0.10661085009543869, 0.08864743100329284, 0.07290129470475974, 0.05925722755369972, 0.047577433436760574, 0.037706264746210555, 0.029474917197082128, 0.022706935768814444, 0.017223335398436172, 0.012846863927433469, 0.009407446293267221, 0.006747894179817879, 0.004727660881574964, 0.003223764510793754, 0.002130121781220811, 0.0013563037764142871, 0.0008262498535740729, 0.0004770866843302727, 0.00025786261508556894, 0.00012823635700455612, 5.7265579900281116e-05, 2.219455465509634e-05, 7.135231484500526e-06, 1.7945594333950888e-06, 3.293022744806959e-07, 4.05324382920475e-08, 2.9495436315809208e-09, 9.514656876067489e-11, 0]

    [0, 1.5991283811606635e-06, 9.594770286963981e-06, 3.243946144640203e-05, 8.384001655513767e-05, 0.0001846830103875142, 0.0003631653188888952, 0.0006563466257381319, 0.0011124944998278069, 0.0017908452919369443, 0.002763053407266368, 0.0041160591181677, 0.005951436905293958, 0.008386674322630216, 0.011558675865034836, 0.015622656508791275, 0.02074631845616027, 0.027106119201513377, 0.03488273180309766, 0.04425439337670778, 0.055392575641365675, 0.06845826107291383, 0.08359521004736899, 0.10092475318377409, 0.12054302181787745, 0.14251429982593, 0.16686462178295508, 0.19358009467242354, 0.2226005383847393, 0.25381153726803657, 0.287043987325658, 0.322080018328883, 0.35865877368555105, 0.3964843534658983, 0.43523446769756297, 0.47456676142403503, 0.5141260346165686, 0.5535531333356152, 0.5924919213102058, 0.630595615462509, 0.6675357379630579, 0.7030100877054412, 0.7367480324535759, 0.7685192942952962, 0.7981433226259878, 0.8254933879248582, 0.8504948488504736, 0.8731212728297113, 0.8933891499046985, 0.9113525689968444, 0.9270987052953774, 0.9407427724464374, 0.9524225665633766, 0.9622937352539267, 0.9705250828030552, 0.9772930642313229, 0.9827766646017012, 0.9871531360727039, 0.9905925537068702, 0.9932521058203195, 0.9952723391185625, 0.9967762354893437, 0.9978698782189166, 0.9986436962237231, 0.9991737501465633, 0.9995229133158071, 0.9997421373850518, 0.9998717636431328, 0.9999427344202371, 0.9999778054454822, 0.9999928647686528, 0.999998205440704, 0.9999996706978629, 0.999999959467699, 0.9999999970505937, 0.9999999999049908]
    Sum of Values[25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100]

    Number of Ways[1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126, 210, 330, 495, 715, 1001, 1365, 1820, 2380, 3060, 3876, 4840, 5960, 7240, 8680, 10276, 12020, 13900, 15900, 18000, 20176, 22400, 24640, 26860, 29020, 31076, 32980, 34690, 36170, 37390, 38326, 38960, 39280, 39280, 38960, 38326, 37390, 36170, 34690, 32980, 31076, 29020, 26860, 24640, 22400, 20176, 18000, 15900, 13900, 12020, 10276, 8680, 7240, 5960, 4840, 3876, 3060, 2380, 1820, 1365, 1001, 715, 495, 330, 210, 126, 70, 35, 15, 5, 1]

    Probability of Sum[1.5991283811606635e-06, 7.995641905803318e-06, 2.284469115943805e-05, 5.140055510873564e-05, 0.00010084299383237654, 0.000178482308501381, 0.0002931813068492367, 0.0004561478740896749, 0.0006783507921091376, 0.0009722081153294233, 0.0013530057109013322, 0.001835377787126258, 0.002435237417336258, 0.0031720015424046206, 0.004063980643756439, 0.005123661947368992, 0.006359800745353107, 0.007776612601584283, 0.00937166157361012, 0.011138182264657895, 0.013065685431548155, 0.015136948974455154, 0.0173295431364051, 0.019618268634103365, 0.021971278008052562, 0.024350321957025082, 0.02671547288946845, 0.029020443712315762, 0.031210998883297283, 0.03323245005762144, 0.035036031003224985, 0.03657875535666804, 0.037825579780347236, 0.038750114231664676, 0.03933229372647206, 0.03955927319253354, 0.039427098719046594, 0.03893878797459063, 0.038103694152303136, 0.036940122500548914, 0.035474349742383324, 0.03373794474813472, 0.03177126184172032, 0.029624028330691506, 0.027350065298870404, 0.025001460925615355, 0.0226264239792378, 0.020267877074987214, 0.017963419092145876, 0.01574613629853309, 0.013644067151060028, 0.011679794116939151, 0.009871168690550025, 0.008231347549128415, 0.006767981428267684, 0.005483600370378269, 0.004376471471002711, 0.0034394176341662496, 0.0026595521134493375, 0.002020233298242916, 0.0015038963707812093, 0.001093642729572943, 0.0007738180048065251, 0.0005300539228402139, 0.0003491631692438001, 0.00021922406924470384, 0.0001296262580810128, 7.097077710427502e-05, 3.507102524518478e-05, 1.5059323170595815e-05, 5.340672051105437e-06, 1.465257158914393e-06, 2.8876983618864837e-07, 3.7582894660466574e-08, 2.854397062820246e-09, 9.514656876067489e-11]

    Probability of Greater than Sum[0.9999984008717561, 0.9999904052298504, 0.999967560538691, 0.9999161599835821, 0.9998153169897498, 0.9996368346812484, 0.9993436533743992, 0.9988875055003094, 0.9982091547082003, 0.9972369465928709, 0.9958839408819696, 0.9940485630948434, 0.9916133256775072, 0.9884413241351026, 0.984377343491346, 0.9792536815439771, 0.9728938807986239, 0.9651172681970396, 0.9557456066234294, 0.9446074243587718, 0.9315417389272235, 0.9164047899527684, 0.8990752468163633, 0.8794569781822598, 0.8574857001742073, 0.8331353782171823, 0.8064199053277138, 0.7773994616153981, 0.7461884627321008, 0.7129560126744793, 0.6779199816712542, 0.6413412263145862, 0.6035156465342391, 0.5647655323025744, 0.5254332385761022, 0.48587396538356875, 0.4464468666645221, 0.4075080786899315, 0.36940438453762836, 0.33246426203707946, 0.29698991229469607, 0.2632519675465613, 0.23148070570484092, 0.20185667737414942, 0.17450661207527904, 0.14950515114966367, 0.1268787271704259, 0.10661085009543869, 0.08864743100329284, 0.07290129470475974, 0.05925722755369972, 0.047577433436760574, 0.037706264746210555, 0.029474917197082128, 0.022706935768814444, 0.017223335398436172, 0.012846863927433469, 0.009407446293267221, 0.006747894179817879, 0.004727660881574964, 0.003223764510793754, 0.002130121781220811, 0.0013563037764142871, 0.0008262498535740729, 0.0004770866843302727, 0.00025786261508556894, 0.00012823635700455612, 5.7265579900281116e-05, 2.219455465509634e-05, 7.135231484500526e-06, 1.7945594333950888e-06, 3.293022744806959e-07, 4.05324382920475e-08, 2.9495436315809208e-09, 9.514656876067489e-11, 0]

    Probability of Lesser than Sum[0, 1.5991283811606635e-06, 9.594770286963981e-06, 3.243946144640203e-05, 8.384001655513767e-05, 0.0001846830103875142, 0.0003631653188888952, 0.0006563466257381319, 0.0011124944998278069, 0.0017908452919369443, 0.002763053407266368, 0.0041160591181677, 0.005951436905293958, 0.008386674322630216, 0.011558675865034836, 0.015622656508791275, 0.02074631845616027, 0.027106119201513377, 0.03488273180309766, 0.04425439337670778, 0.055392575641365675, 0.06845826107291383, 0.08359521004736899, 0.10092475318377409, 0.12054302181787745, 0.14251429982593, 0.16686462178295508, 0.19358009467242354, 0.2226005383847393, 0.25381153726803657, 0.287043987325658, 0.322080018328883, 0.35865877368555105, 0.3964843534658983, 0.43523446769756297, 0.47456676142403503, 0.5141260346165686, 0.5535531333356152, 0.5924919213102058, 0.630595615462509, 0.6675357379630579, 0.7030100877054412, 0.7367480324535759, 0.7685192942952962, 0.7981433226259878, 0.8254933879248582, 0.8504948488504736, 0.8731212728297113, 0.8933891499046985, 0.9113525689968444, 0.9270987052953774, 0.9407427724464374, 0.9524225665633766, 0.9622937352539267, 0.9705250828030552, 0.9772930642313229, 0.9827766646017012, 0.9871531360727039, 0.9905925537068702, 0.9932521058203195, 0.9952723391185625, 0.9967762354893437, 0.9978698782189166, 0.9986436962237231, 0.9991737501465633, 0.9995229133158071, 0.9997421373850518, 0.9998717636431328, 0.9999427344202371, 0.9999778054454822, 0.9999928647686528, 0.999998205440704, 0.9999996706978629, 0.999999959467699, 0.9999999970505937, 0.9999999999049908]
    My referencing combinations needs clarification. Combinations in this thread are not the same as with nCr or nPr (combinations and permutations formulas). The combinations I describe here rely on elements in columns remaining in their own respective sections; ie. STR stays in STR, DEX stays in DEX, etc. Combinations and Permutations will move points between columns, which is not what we want.
    The key to probability is finding all of the different combinations of stat points an item can take on and then multiplying all of the corresponding probabilities for those items. If you don't understand don't worry, that is why this calculator exists, because not everyone needs to know this.

    Now the actual limits of this iteration of the calculator are very simple and (sadly) very very very constraining. I have already tested this calculator on all of the rainbow/slap SP items with 6 possible values or less (like vaward). The only problem is, all of them are that large or larger in character count. What do I mean by this? The calculator can only output 50k characters. Doing the math you will see that 6 possible values and 5 stats gives you 6^5 or 7776 combinations for items like vaward (only including SPs, other stats make it far far higher). within all of those combinations the calculator has to compute an additional 5 character string for the spaces following each number. 7776*5 gets 38880 characters, which is just shy of our magical 50k limit, and why we can't go higher than 6 possible values currently. For 7^5 we would get 84035 characters which is 34k over our limit of 50k characters. Until I find a workaround for the functions I am using to produce all of the combinations and produce the results I am right now, we are stuck with less than 50k combinations produced automatically, which means no base values higher than 5. That statement about base value makes more sense later in the thread.
    As I said, I am still working on the calculator, and none of it is final. Please give me feedback. If you ask for me to make the calculator compute faster, I can't. Google Sheets is slow sometimes, and this sheet is literally pushing the boundaries of google sheets. I chatted with a google sheets expert and they said google sheets likely couldn't handle the requests I was asking, but look where I got this! I am very happy to have even gotten the results I did, and don't forget to check this thread later when you want more information on the calculator.
    For starters, make a copy of the sheet and put it into your own drive or excel (I didn't format it for excel and don't know if it will still function).
    Once you have the calculator, start at Step 1:
    Step 1: Find the red boxes starting in cell AB10. These are the 'Base Value' cells. The calculator uses these to compute the exact probabilities so you need to put the base values for the items that you want. Limits still apply here, so nothing over base value 5 unless you blank out a few of the other stats.
    Step 2: Wait until the values finish calculating. This takes forever, but I made the calculator from a school laptop with awful specs, so yours may be faster depending on computer speed (my computer crashed routinely when loading the sheet on laptop, but tower PC was fine, just slow).
    Step 3: Read all of the notes I wrote. They tell you how to understand the numbers being output.
    Step 4: profit $$$
    I will also provide the information on my first item in the calculator here:
    What you'll see:
    SUM of SP's (the total SP count, duh)
    Number of Ways (all combinations that get you the above SP count)
    P(X SP) = value in corresponding cell. (literally the % of getting that value of SPs)
    SUM Probability of > SUM: (probability of getting greater than the given SP value. basically adds all of the following probabilities to the right not including the number directly above it. useful for determining how likely you are of getting a SP roll of more than X SPs)
    Probability of < SUM: (same as above but less than and to the left instead)
    This part of the thread is messy. I suggest viewing the calculator instead of this thread for Vaward's Skill Point Probability Information (very large Spoilers).
    Number of Ways: 1
    P(X SP) = 0.00000000009514656876057970000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99969553278774300000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0
    Number of Ways: 5
    P(X SP) = 0.00001602648804204800000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99967950629970100000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00000000009514656876057970000
    Number of Ways: 15
    P(X SP) = 0.00033736118885472500000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99934214511084600000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00001602658318861680000000000
    Number of Ways: 35
    P(X SP) = 0.00069244818346956300000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99864969692737600000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00035338777204334100000000000
    Number of Ways: 70
    P(X SP) = 0.00142050972762625000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99722918719975000000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00104583595551290000000000000
    Number of Ways: 126
    P(X SP) = 0.00290213209636748000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.99432705510338300000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00246634568313915000000000000
    Number of Ways: 205
    P(X SP) = 0.00550187697962528000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.98882517812375700000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.00536847777950663000000000000
    Number of Ways: 305
    P(X SP) = 0.01049603664489260000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.97832914147886500000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.01087035475913190000000000000
    Number of Ways: 420
    P(X SP) = 0.01850166894041570000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.95982747253844900000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.02136639140402450000000000000
    Number of Ways: 540
    P(X SP) = 0.03034361088836910000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.92948386165008000000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.03986806034444020000000000000
    Number of Ways: 651
    P(X SP) = 0.04609797974376190000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.88338588190631800000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.07021167123280930000000000000
    Number of Ways: 735
    P(X SP) = 0.06462301668146540000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.81876286522485300000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.11630965097657100000000000000
    Number of Ways: 780
    P(X SP) = 0.08389643847041180000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.73486642675444100000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.18093266765803700000000000000
    Number of Ways: 780
    P(X SP) = 0.10073053058810000000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.63413589616634100000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.26482910612844900000000000000
    Number of Ways: 735
    P(X SP) = 0.11181776995264400000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.52231812621369700000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.36555963671654900000000000000
    Number of Ways: 651
    P(X SP) = 0.11464628714876100000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.40767183906493600000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.47737740666919200000000000000
    Number of Ways: 540
    P(X SP) = 0.10853102688137500000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.29914081218356000000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.59202369381795300000000000000
    Number of Ways: 420
    P(X SP) = 0.09461374797561430000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.20452706420794600000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.70055472069932900000000000000
    Number of Ways: 305
    P(X SP) = 0.07550831696847110000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.12901874723947500000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.79516846867494300000000000000
    Number of Ways: 205
    P(X SP) = 0.05489576431215880000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.07412298292731610000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.87067678564341400000000000000
    Number of Ways: 126
    P(X SP) = 0.03604913197204450000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.03807385095527170000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.92557254995557300000000000000
    Number of Ways: 70
    P(X SP) = 0.02102358583335870000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.01705026512191290000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.96162168192761700000000000000
    Number of Ways: 35
    P(X SP) = 0.01065641570119560000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.00639384942071735000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.98264526776097600000000000000
    Number of Ways: 15
    P(X SP) = 0.00456703530051239000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.00182681412020496000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.99330168346217200000000000000
    Number of Ways: 5
    P(X SP) = 0.00152234510017080000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0.00030446902003416000000000000
    Probability of < SUM: 0.99786871876268400000000000000
    Number of Ways: 1
    P(X SP) = 0.00030446902003416000000000000
    SUM Probability of > SUM: 0
    Probability of < SUM: 0.99939106386285500000000000000
    How Unlucky... I guess I should help you out: https://goo.gl/s7sG1o
    Wynncraft Item Probability Calculator V1 Upload:
    https : //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qI1f8uBAmp65UrVFRu8M9N1q5Uq4jdRyE0z99HvowYs/edit?usp=sharing
    not active ^^^^^^
    1. Specific item selection, ie. getting the probability of your item in-game using the table.
    2. Greater than and Less than for planned feature 1.
    3. Graphical Distributions of the probabilities (binomial distributions / histograms). EDIT:Implemented!
    4. Detecting items copy and pasted from the Wynncraft API directly. EDIT:Searching the API instead.
    5. Detecting items copy and pasted from WynnData directly. EDIT:See above edit.
    6. Multiple Calculator Themes
    7. Styled warning messages
    Special Thanks to @dukioooo for making WynnData and explaining how wynncraft item stats are calculated to me. I used the information from our conversation to extrapolate all the values as accurately as possible.
    Also, special thanks to @RoseGoldIsntGay @Nyam and @Rixium for making your threads and inspiring me to make the calculator in the first place.
    Again, please give feedback below
    Link Repository:
    Future Link for V2: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1-Wdssr4aFqcCjMhxg_wMRuSP052VwlSQ
    mm/dd/yy: *update contents*
    First post and some basic formatting changes.
    Began Coding AppLab Project to produce outcomes without any limits.
    Switched from AppLab to Sublime Text. Now learning html (and possibly css) in order to make an entirely new program ui.
    Started making an image for html page!
    Image is done!
    Fixed the 6/6 update's image issue! ty @motoki1 for the fix!
    Thread isn't dead! Started coding in python 2 weeks ago and I've already got promising results!
    I have personally wrote all the code that I am using in python. I do use the python 3 documentation to keep proper syntax though. EDIT: Using pycharm community edition and python 3.5.6 x64 version.
    See 9:50-10:06 10/18/18 posts for an update ;) (deleted post don't look)
    Removed links to old calculator. Corrected outdated information.
    Added Blue Mask's SP Statistics. Full Calculator Soon^TM
    Debugged all python code.
    Python has no easy distribution methods. Converting to Java and creating a ui.
    Finished the first iteration of the code in JS around 9. Used recursion instead of loops to iterate over x number of stats. Going to expand the ui to include all stats in a future version. JS version 1 release later today? Nope; html page still looks bad ;(
    Tidied Up the thread (deleted old bumps and outdated updates).
    Renamed Thread to match the calculator. #namereveal
    Link to calculator is up! It's alive! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Q3IityNJgiZOTB5MbkPvq50Xpy0qMyy?usp=sharing GDrive also allows you to view all of the contents before downloading the files, if you're paranoid ;)
    Updated the calculator! Now has a "How to Use this Calculator" section! Also, hyperlinks now open into new tabs!
    Update to V4! Included tips in the Calculator and reformatted everything! Added 'support' for all IDs. Using too many or too high of values will cause your browser to become unstable or stop altogether. All html has been verified using the vaildator.w3.org! Have fun generating! More features soon!
    Updated to V5! First error in condition found. The calculator now correctly ignores values that are "0" or "empty string" from the html inputs. This reduces the number of iterations but doesn't affect output code. Expect *minor/insignificant* speedup. Also nested the Archived Thread Text spoiler into the How it Works spoiler.
    Updated to V6! No more refreshes! The calculator now clears the table before each run without refreshing the page! Also the tips have been improved and there is better explanation for the skill points versus other stats now.
    Updated to V8! New Theme! Negative Value Support! Faster Math! All assets are now saved to the cloud. You only need to download the html file, as the scripts and images are loaded for you.
    Updated to V9! New Table Timeline! Animated Buttons! @__Excel is making a domain for the calculator! The base values of stats are now displayed in their header cells. The Total Skill Points header cell has the median value of the distribution!
    Updated to V10! Reworked Table Timeline! Far more informative buttons now! You can tell exactly what item in your queue is being displayed and even jump straight from one to another!
    Changed the download links to direct downloads and added a new section: "WIP Features"
    Reworked Timeline again! All buttons now have support for tab indexing and Enter activation support.
    Is that a calculator update?! /push
    Enjoy moving up and down the page more smoothly with WASD and E or Enter for selecting. Hotkeys are listed for jumping up and down to elements. Elements that aren't active or don't have appropriate values can't be jumped to. Inputs are always active. Comparison with player items in calculator coming soon.
    A Note To Self: I silently fixed a visual bug in the jump buttons. They should all change class and CSS styling correctly now.
    A Note To Self: I silently fixed a visual bug in the jump buttons. They should all change class and CSS styling correctly now.
    Massive Update! Graphs!
    Item Distributions went live! You can download the image of an item by clicking the icon in the modebar! (camera icon top right of any distribution)
    Fixed WASD controls and allowed for adding the minus symbol to inputs (previously had to hold the down arrow). Player item selection in calculator coming soon (still).
    All the fixes!
    Item Distributions actually have hover text now! Positive and Negative values should be working correctly. Be advised: the last update didn't set the correct hover text for stats with base values in the following 2 ranges: -100 > base && base > 100. Base values closer to 0 (-100 through 100) were unaffected by this error.
    Changed hotkey controls to introduce a new feature! Wynncraft API Searching!
    I wasn't planning on adding it, but I looked into it and the implementation was very simple.
    Reorganized some code to mitigate an error. A warning message for undefined onResize() at line 388 (document.body) doesn't affect performance.
    Typos in comments naming files incorrectly were fixed.
    The "How it Works" spoiler was corrected.
    The "How to Use the Calculator" spoiler was updated.
    EDIT: The Warning Button activates once the page finishes loading now. Previously it was ticked by default.
    Quality 1 AM calculator updates provided by @NicBOMB
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
  2. RoseGoldIsntGay

    RoseGoldIsntGay k e k HERO

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    o.o nice
    Dream, Unassigned and NicBOMB like this.
  3. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    all lies lol I forgot ;( (bump)
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. Fyr3_

    Fyr3_ Random Mage

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    Python? That's new!

    By the way, keep up the great work. I see that it's going p well :3
    NicBOMB likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I didn't
    mmgamer and ddgamer leaked?
  6. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I was wandering for a really long time but...
    what does your calculator do?
  7. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Produce all of the combinations of an item when given base stats. Those combinations then give the exact probability of the item occuring tthat way. I sum the stats for each occurrence, and that allows me to determine the chance of getting X number of SPs on an item. TLDR: gives probability statistics of any item, regardless of how many "combinations" are possible.

    Also, I am sort of spreading a falsehood at this point so I should clear this up, but I finally figured out why my program wasn't working because I have been making the same error since V1. V1 on Google sheets does work, but I didn't fully write the function to create all the "combinations". In fact, they are not all the combinations because we don't want all the combinations or permutations in he first place. We are organizing the stats so that the values have fixed position. This means when combinations and permutations attempt to create all the possible arrangements, it rightly produces occurrences where the same stat and even value may be in multiple of the columns. I realized what the pattern for creating a static column of values was earlier in the week. Nested for loops. Literally the easiest thing to write too. I finally got to testing it yesterday, hence the post. The hype is real.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  8. Anti

    Anti unmute me toy ;c

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    this is like the biggest brain thing on the server
    AndriX3S and NicBOMB like this.
  9. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Tidied up the biggest brain thing on the server.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
  10. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    But can you caculate the odds of us getting ANOTHER POLL THREAD?
  11. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
    by2011 likes this.
  12. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    would it be ok if i uploaded this to a webserver, and get a domain for this (like a cheap one)? I just think its really use full and more people would probably use it if it was online.

    Also, i read your license and you will be given full credit, and it will not be used for commercial use.
    NicBOMB likes this.
  13. Peeves5200

    Peeves5200 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Unlocked on OPs request
    NicBOMB likes this.
  14. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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  15. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    [​IMG] whoawhoawhoa what
    I was just doing a similar thing a week ago but gave up bc it wasn’t so useful
    Don’t have the time to look into it rn but this seems like what I was going for on my own
    NicBOMB and Saya like this.
  16. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Yes, that is what my calculator does programmatically (more or less). It also puts it into a nice graph. I am also planning on plotting an additional point on the trace with a user's item so they can see how close/far from the average they are. Also, yes 101^5 is big, but that's not accurate.
    Edit: Need Food For Though? Then Read This Thread.
    A threadjacking of epic proportions.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    Endertricity, Saya and Druser like this.
  17. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Nov 5 2018 -
    (blue mask was here but I removed it to save space 2/23/20)
    Check Top of Thread for more information on ^^^


    Another update, the program now runs on most devices in 10-30 seconds, down from 10 minutes previously. However, using more than 5 IDs causes chrome to stop responding. Working to isolate the problem, but it might take a while for all IDs to function. The number of operations are exponentially increasing. This means for each stat, (the range of unique values)^(number of input stats). each^(6 or greater might be too much for chrome to handle).

    (Freedom is my example here)
    If ALL Unique Values are:
    Skills = 6^5 Note: (^5 is for each stat since the base values are identical)
    Damage % = 11^5
    Spell Raw = 101
    Melee Raw = 76
    HP = 101
    WS % = 16
    Thorns% = 21
    Mana Regen = 3
    (6^5)*(11^5)*(101)*(76)*(101)*(16)*(21)*(3) = 9.7867062e+17 iterations or approx: 978,670,620,000,000,000
    so almost 1 Quintillion or 10^18 possible different Freedom(s)

    As you can see, it's not infinite, but it's far more than 16^5 for Blue Mask (1048576). Ha, just a million. *insert Trump small loan meme here*
    I did have another thought though. I can use the above formula to roughly predict if the chrome browser can handle the number of operations and stop before it tries iterating. That means the same restriction as with Google Sheets previously: fewer options means not all items are possible. I will release the Skill Point only version with a styled UI soon^tm. Maybe not producing Quintillions of array items is for the best. Also renamed the thread.
    BUMP https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Q3IityNJgiZOTB5MbkPvq50Xpy0qMyy?usp=sharing
    Massive update soon! All code has been rewritten and optimized. Styling has been improved and I'm in the process of adding interact-able inferential statistics to the table!
    But first, I need to know what colors people want/prefer. I might release a separate alt-theme if there are requests.
    Note: The image was taken at 50% zoom to capture all the elements and is not the actual calculator's scale.
    Any and all suggestions from layout to color to font size and everything in-between are welcome!

    Calculator update is now available!

    Sure! I haven't made a domain before, but that sounds great. I just don't want to see ads all over the page where this is hosted. The calculator is just a utility, not a money maker ;).
    Also a side note: The graphical display for skill point distributions is taking longer than expected as learning how to use the html canvas API is slow and I want to do it right the first time.

    Reformatted the changelogs and updated to V9!

    Wasn't satisfied with V9 so I rebuilt it entirely! Enjoy!
    Updated download links. Also, there is one less step in the how to use section now.
    Update! Quality of Life Features!
    Search the wynncraft API to find an item and use its base values!
    Multiple errors fixed!
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
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