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World Shaman Melee

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by highbread, Feb 21, 2020.



  1. yeah

  2. idk

  3. no (say why)

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  1. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    currently, shaman melee is three beams, one centered, two off to the side at an angle.

    my suggestion is to change this to a wave that expands outward, growing weaker as it moves further, along with decreasing range while increasing its speed.

    this accomplishes a few different things:

    1. fixes life steal/mana steal issue. since there's only one projectile, there's no need to split up the stealing probabilities into all 3 beams. this makes hybrid builds more of a viable option without forcing players to come up within the 5 block range that's currently necessary to maximize stealing chances.

    2. fixes attack speed jankiness. melee is coded as a 0 mana spell, meaning that attacking with melee will cancel a current melee in progress. this severely limits the range at which faster speeds can attack from. although this doesnt completely solve the issue, decreasing range and increasing speed lowers the discrepancy between super slow and super fast melee range at their maximum attack speeds without making it too powerful as a result of too far of an effective range.

    3. mid-long range melee crowd control. with the current tri-beam system, gaps are left between the outer waves and inner wave. this makes it difficult and unrewarding to melee from a range, and is even counterintuitive to the purpose of the class. as the most damage is dealt when close, it acts as an incentive to move close. however, this also lowers the amount of area being attacked for that particular group of mobs. by making it an expanding wave rather than a tri-beam, these gaps where mobs would normally be safe in are filled, making it more rewarding to using a fuller extent of its crowd control.

    tl;dr: change shaman melee to an expanding wave with gradually diminishing damage, less range, and faster speed. it fixes the stealing range, improves effectiveness of faster attack speeds, and gives a greater incentive to actually use it as crowd control.

    thanks, give feedback.
    Iboju, Bart (MC), H0Y and 5 others like this.
  2. GlassJarss

    GlassJarss Shaman Main CHAMPION

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    This is a good idea, however I do think that the melee should still cancel if you repeat it, this makes fast and slow attack speed weapons play differently and it's better to have that than just "click fast and win lol"
  3. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    never said it wouldn't still cancel. the discrepancy is still there, but just not as annoyingly large
    Druser likes this.
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