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SPOILER Please Prepare Me For The Eye

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Torpid, Jan 29, 2020.


Do I Have A Chance?

  1. A chance? Im counting on you to solo it!

  2. You're going to get your butt handed back to you in an urn.

  3. Why are you asking us for help

  4. Maybe

  5. Why do you keep making these polls

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  1. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    My Wynncraft journey started 4 years ago, i picked Archer as my first class (Which i see now was a bit of a mistake), back when powders gave your items things like Fire Aspect, Knockback, Thorns, and things like that. Back when Assassins used shears, back when the tutorial was so short it was basically nonexistent...

    But that was back then. Now, i have soared through the levels and accomplished many things, made many mistakes, and finished many quests. I finally beat A Journey Further and murdered Aldear, the last thing that i can do on my journey, is defeat the Eye and do A Hunter's Calling.

    Yet, i know im not ready for it. I havent tried, i'm not going to try, i know that im not ready yet. And i need the wisdom of the players who have succeeded in what i havent attempted yet. Prepare me for the Eye.

    I've heard things about "Wretches" or something like that in the Eye boss battle, i've heard things about the Eye eating you, and i've heard that you need to be highly aware of what is going on in the boss battle, or it's game over. Please explain how the boss battle works, and is there any other part of the dungeon that is especially difficult.

    I would also like to include what my plan currently is, so that if you find any issues, you can tell me.
    Here is my plan:
    I'll contact my friends and my guild to find as many people that will help me as i can, at least 2 people. Then i'll grab Morph, along with Cluster, Plague, Gale's Force, Torrential Tide, and Alka Cometflinger. I'll also grab Strength, Defense, and Intelligence potions, and every other spot in my inventory will be filled with health potions. Once i have my equipment gathered and my warriors at the door of the Outlook, i will use a shout bomb to let everyone know what im about to do, asking for help. Then once a couple more people show up, i'll throw a dungeon bomb, and all hell breaks loose.

    ~ T
  2. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Get skill point potions it makes the fight infinitely easier
  3. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    At first, I also feared the Eye. But after 6 successful completions, I've come to the realization that the Eye is not even that hard. All I did was ask for help on ohe Discord in #planning_parlour, waited for someone to reply (thank you to all 3 people who helped me beat it) brought lots of health pots and one def pot. And that's it. I haven't played EO after the patch, but before that, this is what happened: you got to the Eye, and started damaging it. Just kill the annoying Retaliating Glares and you'll be fine. After some time, the boss spawns two minibosses, none of them is particulalry difficult. Then, if you dealt enough damage, you get teleported to a room, where eye's fall from the sky. There is a safe spot in the left half of the room under a ledge, just go in there. Then the next phase comes. Here, the Eye will start shooting lasers, which is indicated by green particles. As soon as you see them, back up a bit so the lasers won't hit you. Then comes another dodge section, you'llk what to do. Then come the Wretches. The game will point out that they've come to existence. As soon as this happens, go to the back of the room and start killing them. As many wretches spawn, as many people are in the boss room. After this section comes the last: the Eye jumps out of its socket. This is a simple phase, you just kill it, and that's the dungeon. I would actually suggest watching some videos about EO. Those will help you better than this explanation.

    The Eye's damage scales with the amount of players, so it's not a very good idea to bring 10 people or so. As I've said before, two is perfectly enough, and you don't even need 5 different weapons.

    Summarized, don't stress out on EO. I did, and I didn't enjoy it. It's actually a fairly easy dungeon if you know what happens, and you have a good friend to help.
  4. HelloIAmG

    HelloIAmG Beginner Theorist.

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    Step 1:
    - Kill that fucking Deathknell Wretch. If you lose this moment, you can die immediately.

    Step 2:
    - Do not come closer to tentacle with "The Wretchers".

    Step 3:
    - Dodge the "Dark Beam" (Magma Cube-like lazer).

    Step 4:
    - Dodge the "Chomp" (When The Eye transforming into Big Mouth).

    Step 5:
    - Dodge the "Wave of Tears" (When he create wave with knockback particles).

    Step 6:
    - Use Jump Spell if he uses "Super Knockback Spell" (When the Eye pushes you to The Wretchers).

    Step 7:
    - Use only those potions that will help you. Do not use all elemental potions.

    Step 8:
    - Do not fear. If you lose this battle, try again :)
    ImThatOneGuyIRL likes this.
  5. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    thanks guys, will morph work for this btw?
  6. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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  7. MikAsk123

    MikAsk123 Buff Warrior

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    Before the patch, if you have high hpr you could literally AFK there. Although its not possible now due to the frequent wretches.
  8. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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  9. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    The eye is a bit harder than Qira: most of the difficulty comes from the wretches and the endurance factor of the fight. Kill the wretches and don't try to facetank the laser and you're 90% of the way there. Any build with decent survivability and damage is fine, and if you have a healer and someone who can take out the wretches as they spawn, you're set. Skill point potions make it much easier.
  10. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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  11. Geede

    Geede Wynncraft Newbie

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    I've recently beat the Eye for the first time after numerous fails, and the most annoying part for me was my game freezing every time the boss switches phases. As the game teleports you every time the Eye switches phases, your ping spikes immensely (due to loading new chunks or something). Especially during the transition to the 2nd and 3rd fight phase, you can easily be obliterated by a laser or from minions. I don't know if this happens to many other people, but if you have a bad connection, it's best to come with a tanky build (morph should work), healing and defense pots, and you can also duel someone shortly before switching phases so you essentially have two lives (dying during a duel resets your HP to max again). This is cheesy but if you're laggy or cannot handle the phase transitions well, it really helps. Finally, the last phase isn't that hard but if you want to cheese it you can camp in the eye socket. Good luck with the fight!
    Torpid likes this.
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