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Item Idea Thread

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by add 45/45 horse, Jan 29, 2020.

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  1. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    Hello, world of wynncraft! You probably don't know me but I know you all very intimately! As an introduction I just want to say I'm an 18 year old girl living in San Diego, California and my favorite fruit is the humble lemon ^.- But enough of that, I'm posting here to show you my amazing item ideas!

    --------------------------------------------------- division line 2 -----------------------------------------------

    Health: 2500
    ✦ Thunder Defense: 150
    ❉ Water Defense: -200
    ❋ Air Defense: -200

    Combat Lv. Min: 97
    Dexterity Min: 80

    -4/4s - -2/4s Mana Regen
    +15 Dexterity
    +3% - 13% Walk Speed
    +88 - 380 Spell Damage
    +5% - 20% Thunder Damage
    +3% - 13% Water Damage
    +3% - 13% Air Damage

    Accumulation - After waiting 4 seconds between casting spells, receive +150% spell damage and 40% walk speed for 2 seconds. (cooldown 10 seconds)

    [0/1] Powder Slots
    Fabled Boots

    I have created this item for the purpose of making burst spell a reality. The Major Id is the primary selling point. It rewards taking breaks between casting and the rest of the item's power shows this. As you can plainly see the rest of the item's ids increase spell damage further and punish mana regen to lead the user further in the direction this item wants you to go which is waiting to quickly exhaust all your mana at once.

    ------------------------------------------ divison line 2 ------------------------------------------

    Divine Intervention

    Health: 1250
    ✹ Fire Defense: 250
    ❋ Air Defense: 250

    Combat Lv. Min: 98
    Defense Min: 65
    Agility Min: 65

    +1/4 - 3/4s Mana Regen
    +90 - 390 Health Regen
    +80 - 345 Life Steal
    +15% - 65% Thorns
    +15% - 65% Reflection
    +2% - 10% Water Damage
    +15% - 65% Water Defense
    +10 Agility

    Retribution - After receiving or dodging 400% of your max health (before defense), creates a shockwave that knocks back and damages nearby enemies for max health (cooldown 5 seconds).

    [0/4] Powder Slots
    Fabled Boots

    Generates damage through reckless defensive play and encourages tanking. Alternative hpr boots to boreal. Survivability granted through hpr and ls, with some mr and water damage to add a slight boost to healing (and a slight nudge towards wfa). The other side of the item is the cactus and major id (which acts a lot like cactus except isn't affected by defensive stats).

    ---------------------------------------- division line 2 ---------------------------------------


    Health: 3500
    ✦ Thunder Defense: 250
    ✹ Fire Defense: -150

    Combat Lv. Min: 96
    Dexterity Min: 55
    Intelligence Min: 70

    +1/4s - 4/4s Mana Regen
    +12% - 52% Health Regen
    +10 Defense
    -20 Agility
    -44 - 24% Spell Damage

    Overcharge - Every 10th spell cast recieves +300% spell damage.

    [0/2] Powder Slots
    Fabled Helmet

    Item that encourages and rewards spell spam. Alternative mr helmet to Third Eye, the major id sets it apart. The spell damage boost rewards players for being mindful of the spells they cast while spamming and potentially use cycles they wouldn't otherwise.

    ----------------------------------------------- division line 2 --------------------------------------------

    Chains of the Titan

    Health: 3750
    ✤ Earth Defense: -100

    Combat Lv. Min: 91
    Strength Min: 75

    -1/4s Mana Regen
    -650 - 350 Life Steal
    +1/4s - 4/4s Mana Steal
    -26% - 14% Walk Speed
    -12 tier - 6 tier Attack Speed
    +5% - 20% Spell Damage
    +5% - 20% Main Attack Damage
    +720 - 3120 Main Attack Neutral Damage

    Juggernaut - Base damage scales with reduced attack speed for main attack.

    [0/3] Powder Slots
    Fabled Chestplate

    Alternative heavy melee chestplate to Taurus. Major id enables all types of weapons to be used for optimal heavy melee as well as heavy hybrid (real gamer playstyle). Negative hpr "forces" some type of sustain to be used alongside it.

    ----------------------------- division line 2 --------------------------------
    to be continued....
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
  2. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The boost that gives major ids are a bit too much.
  3. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Retribution sounds really awesome.
    accumulation seems WAYYYY to powerful
    the 300% every ten spells would be fine if the item had -mana regen or somthing ig...
    I don't really understand your point with the last id tho
  4. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Try making items without major IDs before making major IDs. Balance is nonexistent here.

    Juggernaut is so broken for heavy melee. The major id might actually be balanced if it scaled the opposite way while the item it was on had a lot of -tier. Not to mention, the item it's on is overtuned as well.

    See that little bit of balance thinking that just happened? Your items show none of that. The pitiful negative hpr to balance a SSS tier must-use broken af heavy melee item, with the reason being sustain? Heavy melee is designed to sustain off of high chance steals. Negative hpr is also really weak right now.

    Warlock major id is just boring, a <40% bonus to each spell, essentially. Spell spam is already meta enough, and even when it isn't, it's the most popular.

    Divine intervention is a boring item carried by its major id. It's actually kinda cool! The damage should be after reduction, not before, though. And doesn't that just encourage potspamming/regen tank?

    Gamma is cool and all, but the major id, ignoring all balance issues and talking playability alone, feels clunky. Very very very clunky. And doesn't it just reward spellspam anyway?

    I'm not sure if it was you who posted some similar item creation thread before, but if it was you, you clearly didn't learn a thing.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2020
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    You make a lot of very strong points, but I have to disagree with these in particular

    I don't see how its broken at all, as it essentially makes every item super slow. Items that are super slow really don't seem to suffer much of a punishment for it, and Chains seems perfectly fine for a fabled item. The raw on it is actually fairly low for the tier, and the negative mr helps take away some of the power from the ms. I suppose by virtue of the spell damage it outclasses every other spell steal chestplate, but that's just one of the issues you run into when balancing items for a tier above legendary. I'll see what I can do.

    I feel that's partially the purpose of major ids, to breathe life into otherwise boring designs. Retribution does not take into account def/agi because I don't want to disincentivize investing in those sp. I'd rather increase the amount of damage you have to take in general. It was meant to reward offensive play with high sustain builds and I did consider that potspamming could be used to cheese through it, but pot spamming is basically cheating anyways and I didn't want to take it into account.
  6. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    That know-it all attitude is the problem. Heavy melee items don't really suffer a punishment because of the current state of balance. Heavy melee builds in general currently have no real weaknesses, other than being locked to ETA. The major ID either ensures it's the greatest heavy melee item of all time, or if the bonus is underpowered, makes it useless due to less raw like you said. The spell damage isn't the problem at all. It would be cool if it had actual downsides, like crippling agi or even negative lifesteal.

    That is kinda the purpose of major IDs, yeah, but the items you posted are carried out of the depths of uninspired boredom by them. They're an empty shell for the major ID. Boring designs can be cool, but these aren't. Without the major ID, they don't really exist.
  7. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    Divine Intervention: Reduced the health and greatly increased the general power of the item. Getting high health for retribution will need to be build further towards, and this + agi sp provides further distinction from boreal.

    Warlock: Made the item more defensive in return for reduced spell damage. The spell damage is in turn made up for by the major id, which essentially counts for +30% spell damage on average (although in practice would be stronger)

    Chains of the Titan: Exchanged -hpr for -ls, a more direct way of achieving the goal of discouraging use of the item from builds without sustain of their own. Also clarified Juggernaut's effect.
  8. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    They're cool, but honestly not as cool as my Marathon idea.
  9. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    lmao ok
  10. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Gamma is actually something I'd really like to see; something that pushes heavy spells rather than spamming. If it was more water/air, I'd say it would go well with lunar spine, since that is the only thing we have that favors slow, heavy spells with deliberate timing. Balance issues aside, I'd love to see that as a more supported playstyle.
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