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Guilds [wars] - Suggestion To Make Them More Rewarding For Players

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bart, Jan 11, 2020.


Should players be rewarded with 2/3EB per succesfull war?

  1. Yes

    40 vote(s)
  2. No

    17 vote(s)
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  1. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Currently, when taking a territory, the guild gets x emeralds (depending on how much mobs the territory was defended with) and will get 3x the XP that is gathered in that territory.

    So, for guilds, warring a lot and having a lot of territories is definitely beneficial, because they will level up faster when holding more territories. But, for the people warring, there isn't really an ''reward system''.

    I know that some guilds give LE to the one with the most wars in a month, but this is of course different per guild, and not a server-wide feature.

    My idea, to make warring for the people actually doing the wars more rewarding, is to reward them with emeralds. Let me explain it:

    When finishing a war successfully all the players that participated in that war should be rewarded with 2/3 EB. If you average 400 wars a month, you will get between 12-18LE. This, seeing how much you can make from lootrunning, is in my opinion a very decent amount of LE per month. Also remember that 400 wars a month is ''quite a bit'' and not everyone will reach that much wars, so not everyone will get that much LE.

    By doing this, and rewarding players with 2-3EB per war, warring will become even more enjoyable and other then supporting the guild, the players warring will also profit from warring.

    … I do realize wars/territories can get really broken with this system, so in my opinion there should be a lvl requirement for this feature. I'd make it 50+, or even higher. This way, only the players (and guilds..) that have really proven themselves (.. getting their guild to level 50+ ..) will be rewarded for warring.

    Isn't 2/3EB too much?
    No, in my opinion that's pretty decent. Keep in mind that soloing wars will take about 8 mines, with 2 people 4 mins and with >3 people 2,5-3 mins (+ travel time/pre-war timer ~2mins). In 4-5 mins while lootrunning you can easily get 3EB, so I really don't think it would be too much

    What do you guys thing about this?
    ~ Bart



    Got a good reaction that this would be really broken if you get the same amount of EB when doing like 10-300 mobs wars. So, the amount of emeralds you get should be scaled with the amount of mobs. You just have to find the right balance in that, but it could be like:
    10 mobs: 32 emeralds
    1000 mobs: 3EB
    And then just figure out how you going to calculate this/how much you are going to give for wars with between 10 & 1000 mobs...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  2. IceyFoxy

    IceyFoxy OwO CHAMPION

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    I honestly find the wars system not that engaging, like im in a guild myself and i see them doing these wars (like 400 per month or something like that not that i pay that much attention) and i find it just sortof a big sidething.. You simply claim a territory, fight enemies and such and get some kind of reward.. the more you do it the higher the reward. (varies of course between a certain amount of LE).

    I would find it a neat feature if you could do more things instead of only wars, like daily or weekly side/mini quests, defending some kind of objective for an amount of waves with your guild members, or maybe you could brawl it out with other guilds in some fancy arena for a end reward! (Like a big emerald reward or maybe a chance to get a fabled/mythic? that would be dope)

    Anyhow i would love to see improvement in the guild war system because i just find it not that engaging and not too important.
    Rhinolary likes this.
  3. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Added something quite important - which would make it not-broken for wars with less then 1000 mobs :)
  4. Chrysitis

    Chrysitis chrysitis VIP

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    bad suggestion -1
    for one, rewarding players for completing wars is a terrible idea since it would damage the already bad economy, since people already do 400ish wars without any rewards

    and two, keeping wars lvl 50+ would basically stop people from making new guilds since it takes a while to get to lvl 50, and that's with guilds taking territories
    forcing new guilds to level themselves up manually just to war would kill most smaller guilds and make most people just leave to bigger guilds
    burble, Melkor and Simplers like this.
  5. AmbassadorArcane

    AmbassadorArcane Achte Shadow cheif HERO

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    I will vote yes, but just know, this might not happen.
  6. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You can easily get 3EB in a few mins by lootrunning - so this isn't really going to hurt the economy… (and with lootrunning you have chances of getting good mythics/legendaries…)

    I didn't say that wars should be restricted to lvl 50+ guilds only. Giving players rewards for warring should be restricted to guilds that are lvl 50+ because otherwise wars/territories will be broken, since everyone will start a guild just to war every random territory for money
  7. Simplers

    Simplers Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I would have to agree with Chrysitis' statement, although I would express a slightly modified twist on that point.
    Completely agree that it would disincentive players from joining small guilds. Not much more I need to point out there, Chrysitis has already done so.

    Never, and I repeat, NEVER, should there be a design imposed Level cap on a reward. By that I mean the Lvl50+ cap on rewards is a horrendous idea. Moreover, this imposed system detracts from guilds. Individuals will begin putting themselves ahead of guilds, ruining the point of guilds. Guilds are a community where players come together to talk, quest, war and experience the immense gameplay together. A community. There should not be self-gain sought after in such an environment. I've had people enquiring about joining my guild ask me what "they get out if it". To this, my response is always - absolutely nothing monetarily. However, you will join an active and fun community, full of members who are willing to talk and give advice. Wars add a whole new element to Wynncraft, especially for bored endgame players. And most of the time, you'd be surprised to hear that they say "oh okay" and join, only to become excellent, selfless contributing members towards the guild, and help further develop the community.
    Thus I oppose this suggestion as it fundamentally contradicts the purpose and nature of guilds.

    Moreover this could easily be abused throughout the map by guilds not defending territories. Nothing stopping one lvl50+ guild from defending with 0 mobs, to be insta-capped for an easy 3-4EB. Then you could say, oh there needs to be mobs. Well, it'll take a total of 2 minutes and 6 seconds (1.5 wait time, 30 second spawn time, 6 seconds to kill 10 lvl50 mobs) to take that territory defended by 10 mobs. Then you'll come to me and say, there needs to be 100 mobs. Or 200 mobs. Where do we draw the line? What about just dropping in 1 CoW, is that too little to classify for a reward, as opposed to 100 lvl50 mobs? The suggestion is easily abusable and does not have a definitive solution to prevent its abuse.

    I do agree with you in that Guild wars COULD potentially be improved to make them more rewarding. However this is, in my opinion, after much deliberation and careful consideration, a terrible idea. Unfortunately this is the wrong way to approach improving Guild wars for the 3 reasons listed above: 1) Disincentivises players from joining small guilds. Have fun levelling up your guild to lvl50 with like 5 people in it.
    2) Contradicts the community aspects of guilds by shifting it towards a system of self gain.
    3) Easily abusable. Nowhere to draw the line on how little mobs is too little mobs to classify for those rewards.

    A solution looking towards more ENJOYMENT (not money!!!) for participants in Wars would be the right way to go!

    EDIT: I see that you stated it should be scaled off number of mobs within that territory. My point still holds. Arguably CoW is easy for all endgame players to solo, but for a Lvl70, they'd much rather fight 1000 lvl50 mobs. So you're effectively proposing that I get like what, 1 emerald for killing CoW, as opposed to 3EB for an arguably easier time with 1000 lvl50s that stand no chance of killing me? Seems a bit flawed. How will you determine how "difficult" a defence is, and how much that particular defence is worth? Inherently you cannot simply scale difficulty or rewards (which is already a terrible idea nonetheless) off the sheer number of mobs. But regardless, instead of discussing this micro point on the execution of this proposed change, my macro points regarding WHY this idea should not be imposed still stand. And unless you can sufficiently prove that this idea SHOULD be imposed, there's no point in going over the micro points of HOW it should be imposed.
    Edit 2: Mah bad, 3.2 emeralds, not 1 emerald.
    Edit 3: Now I'm just confused, since 10 mobs is 32 emeralds, but 1000 is 3EB. What's the scaling factor, and is it linear or logarithmic? Exponential? Doesn't seem like it. Leaves me confused. It's also 4:40 am and I should stop rambling and get some sleep.

    Hey Icey :P Sorry for ignoring you in Lutho earlier, I was on my way to a war xD
    I think the idea of a GvG would be brilliant! Maybe something like 2v2s, 3v3s or 5v5s of some sort between guilds who wish to participate, and these could be hosted in an arena as a round robin tournament. Perhaps give it some thought as to the logistics, and maybe we could start an idea thread on it if it comes out well :D
    ~Simplers/BedX/Xzyle/I have no idea what anyone knows me by on this server anymore please kill me
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
    Dream, IceyFoxy and Chrysitis like this.
  8. IceyFoxy

    IceyFoxy OwO CHAMPION

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    I would find that really neat, We really do need some more guild activities imo :)
    Simplers likes this.
  9. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Lootrunning/grinding would still be much faster for money but this just seems like yet another way to damage the economy. I would much rather get xp after guild wars so I could get ever closer to 106...
  10. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Almost everything you do in Wynncraft, gives you the chance to get emeralds (questing, grinding, lootrunning), except for discoveries.

    With this feature, I indeed don't want people joining guilds that are lvl 50+ just for the emeralds you get from warring instead of creating their own guild & community - But, the 0-3EB you would then get from warring are really not that much compared to what you can get while lootrunning/doing quests, so there really isn't a point of joining a lvl 50+ guild just for the emeralds, since you can get more while lootrunning/doing quests. (AND: people that don't enjoy wars will definitely NOT do a ton of wars just to get money, because why would they???).

    I can understand why you're disliking the idea, but honestly: if you not enjoy wars you will not war...
    1) Disincentivises players from joining small guilds. Have fun levelling up your guild to lvl50 with like 5 people in it.
    --> If it were to give you an absurd amount of money, yes. But, warring will give you less emeralds then lootrunning/doing quests, so this honestly wont be the case. And there are a lot of people who will not notice, because they either not war or not read the update post.

    2) Contradicts the community aspects of guilds by shifting it towards a system of self gain.
    --> ??? - If you don't like wars you won't war.. and the money you get from it is nice, but it's not an absurd amount of money - Tell me if I'm wrong: but even if this idea would be implemented I'm totally not going to war all the time I'm online, that would be boring. I'd still do other stuff, and not just think about self gain (since it will not give more then lootrunning/doing quests…? )

    It would just be an other way to make money

    3) Easily abusable. Nowhere to draw the line on how little mobs is too little mobs to classify for those rewards.
    My scaling was just an example, when this really is going to be a feature you'd have to find something that's fair.

    --> I will definitely not war 24/7 if this is going to be a feature, I will just keep warring as much as I do right now, or a little bit more...
    --> This would just be an other way to make money, and it's not ''better'' then lootrunning/doing quests - and since wars are for a lot of people really boring, there will be plenty of people joining lower-level guilds because they don't care..
    For people that don't enjoy lootrunning (like me) - this would be a good way to earn some money :)
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  11. Simplers

    Simplers Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    You've honestly provided very little substantive to negate or resolve any of the issues I have proposed.

    You claim people won't join a Lvl50+ guild just for emeralds when they can get more in other methods. That's just flat out ignorant. Does having one mythic make you not want two? Does having two mythics stop you from wanting three? What you've said is effectively that people who are ALREADY making money loot running will not switch to wars as a way of making money.
    My reply - you don't say? Nobody in the history of histories claimed that this was an efficient way of making money. But if I'm going to war anyway, I may as well make some money out of it. No? Does that not make sense? It's not an issue of making money. It's an issue of players being incentivised to join big guilds because they can make MORE money doing what they're already doing - warring.

    Your response to my first point was extremely minimal, and I addressed it in my previous paragraph.

    Your response to my second point was dismissive, and you evidently failed to comprehend any of it. Try reading it properly this time.

    Your response to my third point was pretty much - eh, someone will come and fix my idea. So why exactly are you bothering to propose an idea if you're not actually going to put effort into designing it? Not saying that you should waste any more time on it though - the idea is flawed to begin with, no amount of tweaking will fix that. Maybe reread my previous post since I feel as though you failed to understand most of it. Not sure how much further I can break it down, I feel as though I explained it pretty clearly and thoroughly, especially for someone who's still awake at... it's 6:23 am now. Woot.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  12. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    I use light theme pls help
  13. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Let me rewrite it.
    1) Disincentivises players from joining small guilds. Have fun levelling up your guild to lvl50 with like 5 people in it.
    Why? There are so much people out their that don't enjoy guilds (edit: *guild wars), there are so many guilds out there that have never warred. YOU think everything wants to grind money by warring, but you can't really make that conclusion. There are so many people who don't enjoy wars, and will just keep on lootrunning/questing/grinding/doing profs...

    2) Contradicts the community aspects of guilds by shifting it towards a system of self gain.
    Let me come back on the point you made in a previous paragraph:

    ''Never, and I repeat, NEVER, should there be a design imposed Level cap on a reward. By that I mean the Lvl50+ cap on rewards is a horrendous idea. Moreover, this imposed system detracts from guilds. Individuals will begin putting themselves ahead of guilds, ruining the point of guilds. Guilds are a community where players come together to talk, quest, war and experience the immense gameplay together. A community. There should not be self-gain sought after in such an environment.''

    With the exception of communicating with each other, and some other exceptions that can be made, if you do quests together, if you do war together, if you do experience the immense gameplay together there is a self-gain sought. Sure, sometimes you help people with the ??? quest (for example) - while they've already done it.., but sometimes you don't want to help others/want to continue doings profs/quests/war. This would mean you just think about yourself, and don't help someone else, which is a self-gain sought. This really is normal in a guild, and I don't think rewarding players for warring will make people more unhelpful then how guilds function right now, the community might even get more connected, because more people will war together.

    So to say that there shouldn't be a self-gain sought in guilds, is maybe what YOU want guilds to be. But, right now, there are a lot of people with self-gain sought in guilds, that for example don't want to help others with quests because they don't profit from it. And yes, I know sometimes you do help people with quests etc, but a lot of times you don't. Rewarding people for wars will really not change this. I will ensure you that people will not begin warring 24/7, ignoring everything else, because after a while it will get boring and you will do other things

    Edit: re-read it, and you were explicit saying shifting the aspects of guilds toward self-gain sought: I still keep my conclusion, people will not war 24/7 to make money from warring, since it DOES NOT give you absurd amounts of money (and it will get boring...), it just rewards you for doing something for your guild.

    3) Easily abusable. Nowhere to draw the line on how little mobs is too little mobs to classify for those rewards.
    I indeed did not work it out completely, because that would be pointless if it were to get rejected instantly. But, let me correct/tell my exact idea:
    - The amount of money should be scaled on the amount of mobs. Because I think it would be too little to only give ~3 emeralds for 10 mobs defenses, I'd start at:
    10 Mobs - 32 Emeralds
    And then let's say for 1000 mobs:
    1000 mobs - 230 Emeralds (this to make it an number you can do calculations with which will give you an exact amount of emeralds)
    In between, you have 230-32 = 198 emeralds, which you want to split between 1000/10 = 100 steps of 10 mobs - but the first one is already given, s0 99 steps.

    That would mean you'd have 198/99 = 2 emeralds per 10 mobs
    10 mobs - 32 emerlads
    20 mobs - 34 emeralds
    30 mobs - 36 emeralds
    990 mobs - 228 emeralds
    1000 mobs - 230 emeralds

    - And then you have bosses, those of course shouldn't count as a normal mob, since they're a lot harder. For a boss you should get 32 emeralds instead of 2 emeralds.

    This is kinda-ish what I was thinking about, but since this suggestion is not yet accepted/rejected I'm - for now - not going to put more effort in working out the emeralds you should get per mob etc etc.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  14. Mc_elfs

    Mc_elfs how to adult VIP+

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    the economy would fall if this happend
  15. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    you mean to say it hasn't already?
    Simplers likes this.
  16. Simplers

    Simplers Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Nah whatchu talkin about, the economy is fine! It's not like white horses sell for half their breeding price or anything...
    I'll get back to you and edit this comment in a bit - heading out now, so don't have time to read. But saving myself a spot on the first page hehe
  17. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    vote owo
  18. Mox gang uwu

    Mox gang uwu Professional Loser CHAMPION

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    You see, the real reward you get from warring is free mob kill count, obviously. This is what we need to strive for gamers. This joke was sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends
  19. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    if warring became a primary source of money it would make warring much more fun but also a lot harder lmao
  20. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ye it would make it more fun… I already love warring tho :)
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