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Fuck Profession Speed Bombs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Dec 29, 2019.

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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Please visit >>THIS<< thread, this one is no longer in use.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2020
  2. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    As someone who did prof without exp bomb, fk yeah
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  3. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Bombs are a necessity to ensure Wynncraft's monetisational scheme makes money. They are a relatively consistent stream of income and thats what every mmo needs to stay afloat. If you dont like it, leave. Bombs are probably here to stay.

    Edit: I'll add this picture so people know it's a joke
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
    Dr Zed, Jacquie, Arkade and 7 others like this.
  4. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Gameplay > Money

    That's all I'm saying here. I don't need an underhanded comment about why this shitty gameplay "feature" needs to stay because money. It's obvious Wynncraft needs money, I have a brain. I'll be staying, thank you very much.

    Edit: Just for future reference, telling someone to fuck off just because they think that something needs a change isn't how things get better. Just because someone makes a criticism towards a game, or anything for that matter that your personal ideologies don't see as "possible", doesn't mean that you should shun them. If anything, that is the most efficient way to prevent progress and keep bad things the way they are.
  5. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I personally was willing to grind up to level 90 regularly and from 90-100 I only worked on profs when there's prof bombs; however, I only did this because I was determined to get a class with level 100 in all profs and will NEVER do it again (except maybe a HIC class one day).

    If profs are to be taken seriously, then they should be crucial to the gameplay. Here's how it could work:

    Every quest gives xp for combat AND gathering professions (crafting professions would still just be optional), this would hopefully mean that they will level up side by side. Also, lots of quests would involve having a certain level in professions, e.g. instead of farming wood sprites in Dodegar quest, you have to get light wood instead.

    This would mean that the player has a good balance of gathering professions and combat levels. The downside is that anyone who wants to do crafting professions will have to go and grind anyway as they will still need resources.

    One last thing: Completing a gathering mini quest should reward the player with a few Tier 3 materials. e.g. 1 Tier 3 oak wood from the level 8 woodcutting mini quest. This means that players who complete these mini quests (Especially for HIC classes) can actually make something good afterwards.
    Gogeta, SgtClips, Jacquie and 11 others like this.
  6. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    The first 10 levels of professions, I enjoyed. You progressed fast, got satisfying effects, and could just relax. And I think it was the optimal length.

    But with every ”tier” after that, progress got slower and less satisfying, and I became more and more bored. I just can’t take the grind, and only got 3 professions above 60. Rest got stuck way below 50. And they still remain there.

    If the whole game continued at more or less the pace of the first tier, I think I’d have gotten them all to 100 by now. I understand every tier must be longer, but they merely become more boring as time goes on - not more enjoyable, like everything else.
    Jacquie, Gogeta, StoopidDog and 3 others like this.
  7. BisexualDog

    BisexualDog Boogie Boy CHAMPION

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    If there is a way to progress in a game using money giving a disadvantage to others then it's something that doesn't belong. I know that it effects the world but other players who can't afford to track bombs are left behind. Furthermore it generates laziness in the community and hard work in general. There are many better ways to make money, the vip/hero ranks are a great example. And telling someone to leave is very rude but I think the other guy pointed it out very maturely.
    Arkade, Gogeta, Epicness937 and 3 others like this.
  8. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    They did, in the 1.19 changelog they said gathering and crafting xp will be buffed by 50% for lower levels and 20% at higher levels (Hunted Mode buffs Profession XP for SOME reason), also I think Gathering is usually the more tedious task, as Gathering requires lots of hopping around areas while Crafting can be leveled up with ingredient spam (thank you ingredient pouch) that's commonly found in loot chests, but Gathering became a little less grindy when they removed weight and refining and replaced it with tool durability, yes, Professions are still a grind, but they've been made easier and faster, but making them not feel repetitive? Err, um, uhh, well I guess the main source of fun is hunting for ingredients, problem solved? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Edit: Just realized that Gathering Mini-Quests exist, so that helps to break some monotony
    Dr Zed and BlueCloud like this.
  9. -PlayList

    -PlayList Archer of dern HERO

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    I get the frustration, but you need to look at the point of view of the content creators. Yes it is grindy, yes it takes a long time to level but how fast are you getting through quests, there will be a point in time where you have "finished" all your quests, got to what level 106? and the only thing you can do is all the quests all over again on a new class or spending your time like me on lootrunning until New quests and new regions will be making their way into the game. Money isn't the only thing that's important to them, play time and players are also a must so how they do that?Introduce a thing people can do when they get bored of leveling a class or getting bored of the lootruns. It takes a long time to create quests from scratch create a whole region around it to fit the story. Keep in mind they just need you to play the game untill they have new content for you to enjoy.
  10. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    i mean the idea of professions is to be grindy, and completing them isnt necessary for any gameplay elements other than crafting, which isnt necessary for any other gameplay elements. it is purely optional. but on the idea of removing profession bombs, i totally agree. it will never happen sure, profession parties are surely one of the most profitable aspects of wynncraft, but considering that most of the time i only ever craft or grind materials during parties is totally bullshit, when you think about the fact that no other gameplay aspects are locked behind bombs being thrown except for dungeon parties, but bombs arent even necessary for those. it is sort of a joke in the profession community that youd have to be literally insane to ever level a crafting profession without bombs, as it is a complete waste of your time and money
    a solution would be to either just say "fuck you" and remove profession bombs entirely and just make everything 4x more grindy, but that would literally make everyone hate the CT more so i hope that never happens
    it would just be nice if they removed profession bombs and doubled the xp gain and crafting/gathering speed and halved the crafting requirements to just make professions overall more "pleasant"
  11. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    This is funny because I’m level 1200 or so and every prof level I have done was with bombs, I didn’t bother for a second grinding without bombs unless I was 97% on gathering and just wanted to get that level.

    That said, removing bombs would kinda make it impossible to grind considering how hard it is to level up.

    They could add profession quests and daily missions or something to make it somewhat “enjoyable” or at least less grindy because right now even after the tutorial some noobies still got no clue how profs work other than gathering some stuff to level up their gathering.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t really make sense to add “profession quests” because it just has nothing to do with lore(unless, of course, with the current lore system they could literally be like Wow! Bob also gathered materials! Here are some quests)
  12. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    They did, there are now Gathering Mini-Quests, also they recently added Objectives (a revival of missions) which also can have Gathering and Crafting things, or Combat, or Lootchests, but all-in-all they give xp (I haven't done any Gathering/Crafting Objectives though, but I expect them to give their respective xp)
  13. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    If you think about it like this, pre-1.18 there was only one level for each player, the combat level. You could get up to level 100, and there were many many different ways of gaining EXP - mob grinding, quests, dungeons, etc.
    Then, in 1.18 they introduced 12 new "professions" that you can now level up. Think about that - you now have 13x more leveling to do to get them all to 100 (you can yell at me saying "professions are optional!!!" but im talking about the people that actually want to do the professions). But there is only one way to level up - boring, tedious, grinding. No quests. No dungeons. Its not even the (more) fun mob grinding where you at least need to think. Its literally sitting for hours on end, clicking on these colorful blobs. This is the true reason why leveling professions is so tedious.

    EDIT: you can do mini quests, but IMO those dont really help very much and barely give any EXP
    Tsuneo, Gogeta, SnapDoomy and 9 others like this.
  14. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    professions are stupid

    this post was made by the normal item gang
    dotGenco, Arkade, Mekyr and 4 others like this.
  15. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    See, without profession bombs, I wouldn't do them at all. I feel like the underlying problems need to be addressed more than bombs. If it were fun to do, I think bombs would become more like combat xp bombs, where it's a nice boost, but not necessary to get it over with.
  16. Prie

    Prie gaming HERO

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    I agree with all of this tbh, when profs were announced I was very excited about it, but after seeing the amount of grind needed to the point that prof bombs were almost required to make decent progress. I get that this is an mmo and the grind is a part of it, but this is just too much and it ruins the experience of the average player. Also, this is very different from grinding mobs, because all you are doing is running around and clicking a button for hours on end, meanwhile grinding for combat xp is way less repetitive.
    Gogeta, Theeef, Dr Zed and 1 other person like this.
  17. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Professions are optional gameplay. So why ??? It's not important.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  18. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    papa salted need a way to milk money from us tho
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Remove Prof bombs and change current values to match bomb values (double speed, double XP, half mats needed).
  20. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    I mean, wha-
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