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World Please Let Us Filter Trade Market Front Page

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by MidnightOpera, Dec 24, 2019.

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  1. MidnightOpera

    MidnightOpera BUYING Motivation cuz I've lost mine HERO

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    Title says it all mostly.

    I love the trade market. However, when somebody spams twelve brown horses every hour and there are a bunch of powders, it makes it more difficult and much more annoying to keep up with the new things being posted on the market.

    I know this probably isn't really feasible but I would absolutely love if there was a way to filter out powders/horses/repair scrap from the front page of TM. Comment down other items that are annoying that fill up the trade market.
  2. Iboju

    Iboju swag guy CHAMPION

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    You can use the search function to narrow your search results. Also, add a poll.

    I guess that suggestion wouldn’t have any disadvantage so why not?
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