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World Inventory Management Issues

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by FoxWSilver, Dec 14, 2019.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes I would love to see this

  2. No (Please explain why below)

  3. Maybe (Hope you consider it =^-^=)

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  1. FoxWSilver

    FoxWSilver Pokémon, EDM & gaming for life with a girlfriend! CHAMPION

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    What's the number one issue we face now? Full inventory! I'm sure you all know that your inventory fills up quickly while you're out exploring and killing mobs. Constantly having to run back to a bank every time. Well I have a suggestion, Backpacks! Yes, backpacks. They increase the inventory space you will have access to, and would be great to have along side the ingredient pouch. The backpack would come in a couple different sizes and be craft-able at a certain tailoring level. (TBD, suggestions welcome below). Only taking up one inventory space, they would range from as small as 9 slots up to the size of a full double chest. The best part would be this would give you plenty of space for all those unidentified items (that don't STACK!) you gather during XP grinding sessions. Sound good? I think so!
  2. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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  3. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I'm guessing this is your first real suggestion?
    Backpacks are a super common suggestion to the game, in which the ingierdent puch was an answer to.
    Anyways, issue with backpacks comes down to a few things, game balance, and the gameplay loop.
    Game balance is more direct, it kind of makes loot running a little, well good.
    The gameplay loop is the more interesting topic of discussion, basically, the game wants you to make trips back to town, it wants you to identify, sell, restock, and then explore again. It's essentical to the pacing of the game, and fundamenttaly changes what the game feels like.

    That's not to say backpacks can't work, but they would change the pacing and gameplay loop, which would be alot more drastically then you may realize.

    Mind you that this isn't to say you can give a well realize backpack suggestion, but you would need to think about it alot more then this. The main thing to keep in mind is how often you want to break up gameplay. How often do you want the player to explore, quest, and engage in combat, and how often do you want them to break up that pacing in order to identify, bank, so forth. (Note: Making them stay engaged longer, does not mean better.)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
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