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World Improved Shaman Spell Effects [ Includes Video Demonstration ]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, Dec 7, 2019.


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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Wow, it's been quite awhile since I did one of these!

    I was originally gonna work on Shaman particles once Silent Expanse came out, but since Wynncon needed Shaman done and we didn't know when SE was gonna come out, I decided to kill two birds with one Spin Attack. So, ya, Shaman particles! Yayyyy!

    I will admit, this isn't exactly my best particle work...? I could've done better in some spots, but I just basically wanted to create a functioning Shaman, mainly because I can't even try Shaman yet.

    For background, I did have an opportunity to play Shaman for a couple of hours or so when Salted opened the beta for a few hours to all players to test the lag. I only unlocked Totem and Haul though.
    • I didn't look at the auto attack until much later in development because honestly, the Shaman Auto attacks seem actually in an okay position right now. I can't really think of what to do with them without possibly blinding the user's screen with particles, but I think overall they're decent. For this, I just added a sweep, a small burst of magic crit, and some cool magic sounds. I might make the lines actually wider now that I'm writing this...
    • Totem I feel needed the most love. This was probably the best particle effect for Shaman I did. The totem model seems like it's made out of rock or something, so I just gave it that magical-rock sound. I also gave it some nice naturey Totem particles (Thank god those exists it's literally perfect for Shaman), and also some crits.
    • Haul was alright for the most post. I gave it particles as you can see in the video because it felt a bit lackluster. The trail in the video may be toned down in particles. I couldn't really think of good particles for Shaman, so I mainly focused on sound design. Oh, and the Totem also has a particle interaction when Haul is casted.
    • Aura... Aura, I'm actually surprised in the looks of it on Wynncraft. I will say, I actually had a hard time thinking of a better particle design for it than current. I couldn't do it, it was actually pretty solid overall. The only thing I changed was the Aura prison look. I just replaced it with swirling Totem effects which actually look pretty darn good. Oh, and, sound design puts it all together really nicely, as Aura literally has no sound right now.
    • Uproot was kind of weird. Looking back, I should've added some sort of middle bolt to it. Since it had a theme of a helix projectile, I couldn't really think of how to improve the current helix design, as it was kind of weird. So I just did my own take on it and gave it some cool sounds. In the future, I will probably decrease Uproot's helix radius and maybe add a proper middle bolt. For the most part, I still think it turned out decent.

    Thanks for reading! And as always, feedback is appreciated.
    And yes, I will do the reskin too, but later.
  2. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    i'm not really a fan of the green motif with this, I like the more magical kind of blue wynncraft currently uses. the green also blends in with the natural environment a lot more, while the current particles really stand out
    NITEHAWKX and Hexorcism like this.
  3. pumpkindove

    pumpkindove happy lurker

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    i REALLY like the yellow particles that show the area of the totem, the current green is a hard for me to see. i think your effects fit shaman very well!
  4. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Bumpity bump
    pumpkindove likes this.
  5. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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