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Making Professions More Accessable - Profession Tiers

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by add 45/45 horse, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    Introduced in 1.18, professions allowed players to craft their own items. However, very few players actually utilize them. For the first 10 or 20 levels maybe, but after that they're too troublesome to keep up with. Using a single profession in the endgame requires many hours of work, making it very offputting to do so.

    Profession tiers fix this issue by making leveling up professions to 80 much easier and doing so in an intuitive and rewarding way. I chose level 80 because that's when I feel that crafted items could reasonably be used in the endgame, but any level would work. The tiers would work as follows:

    Novice: 5-30
    Amateur: 30-55
    Adept: 55-80
    Experienced: 80-105
    Brilliant: 105-130
    Mastered: 130+

    These tiers would show up wherever your profession levels show. The Tiers above Experienced are just there to show off.

    The experience formula would be stunted for tiers below Experienced have slower experience curves, meaning at the lower levels players would blow through levels just by gathering things they find. Once they reach a new tier, the experience required for leveling is increased considerably. This would not be a shock to the player as it could be included with the level up message.
    Theeef, euouae and Coffee KQ like this.
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