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Guilds Add The Ability To Change Your Guild's Name

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by CryptoPhoenix, Nov 17, 2019.


Would you support adding the ability to change guild names?

  1. Yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
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  1. CryptoPhoenix

    CryptoPhoenix Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    There aren't many downsides to this that I can see. (unless the data for guilds is stored in a way that would make it difficult to change without major issues)

    The main reason I want this is as a Just in case I start hating my guild's name because I find out it's edgy type of thing. The difficulty is that to essentially get a new guild name you have to make an entirely new guild which would likely take away a lot of progress from the guild.

    If you are worried about someone abusing this you could add something that limited the name change to once a year, and add a 5 le 5 sp cost. I would also recommend requiring the person that is changing their guilds name to have a forums account and verify they want to change it there to prevent the name being changed from someone else hacking their account.
    Coffee KQ likes this.
  2. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    Don't see a downside, maybe confusion to those that aren't aware that the name has changed? But yea

    vaughaan and Coffee KQ like this.
  3. vaughaan

    vaughaan Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think it would be quite confusing to have guild names changed constantly. If you really want/need it changed (and the owner+everybody in your guild) you might be able to message a mod or admin about changing it. I know they have the power to change them but I really don’t know if they do it on request.
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