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More Spells?

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by IronHands, Jul 9, 2019.

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  1. IronHands

    IronHands IronHands CHAMPION

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    Hello Everyone Its IronHands here! I was thinking about what about there were more spells? Then I thought it is possible. You know that you can add powders to weapons. And once the percent is on hundred you can active it by pressing shift + left/right click. I was thinking maybe we can add some special spells that cost all of your mana? And ofcourse It must have some type of cooldown other way It would be too strong. The way to activate these spells for an example pressing shift + left click + right click + left click. IF you like my idea don't forget to reply to this thread!
    YoshisWorld likes this.
  2. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Nice idea ^^
    It would be nice if you could describe the spells for each element more maybe what they do for example air weapons cast a tornado that pulls all enemys in a 5 block radius and do half of their entire hitpoints damage (half hp, does not work against bosses) or something like that :)

    And also add a poll so I can say yes :D
  3. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    This idea is suggested a lot (not necessarily bad, I do agree more spells would be amazing), so specifics are essential to making your suggestion unique. I understand you are new here so it would be wrong of me (and most other ppl imo) to assume you could flesh everything out perfectly on the first try, as well as coming up with spells. However, I would advise that you provide at least some kind of examples in your suggestions to spells they could add (I'll provide a little inspiration and let you flesh out more details from there) as well as specifics of the system used to cast said spells.

    I understand you used the idea of pressing shift then casting the spell, which is fairly common and (to me anyways) completely acceptable for a simple system. However, how would you unlock these new spells? When do they level up? Are they unique in any way (a cooldown mechanic would be interesting, perhaps shifted spells are more powerful than normal but have a cooldown attached?) compared to normal spells?

    Just trying to help flesh out your suggestion a bit more. Hope you find it helpful!

    As promised, here are some personal ideas for each class that the spells could be:

    - A spell that casts a lightning bolt in a straight line in front of you, shocking enemies in its path (perhaps slowing at early levels, but at higher levels it stuns instead and gains dmg)
    - A spell that curses a certain number of nearby enemies (3-5 depending on level maybe?), cursing an enemy makes them unable to heal for a certain amount of time, and reduces their defense by a certain amount

    - A spell that fires an arrow that knocks your enemy back a far distance (higher levels could even have them rooted in place if they hit a wall)
    - A spell that places an arrow trap on the ground. Enemies that step over the trap have arrows fly at them, dealing damage

    - A spell that blinks you to a random nearby enemy (would either require a cooldown or a % chance to not blink and instead stuns you for 2 seconds or so)
    - A spell that throws a ninja star at an enemy in front of you, dealing damage at range (you must pick up the ninja star from the location where it landed. Otherwise, you regain it after 20 seconds. Higher levels can grant you an extra ninja star)

    - A spell that causes you to recklessly swing your spear in front of you, hitting enemies multiple times for a certain amount of dmg (hitting nothing damages yourself)
    - A spell that makes you smash the ground, launching enemies into the air (kinda crazy, but lvl 3 could have you even jump in the air when you hit an enemy and do a spin attack, damaging enemies again)
  4. IronHands

    IronHands IronHands CHAMPION

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    I think pressing shift with left/right click won't work. Cause you know we are already using some powder's power with that move. So to fix that I think this "Special Spell" can be activated by pressing shift three times. It would take your whole mana and It will have a cool down around 1 minute. I think there must be a cooldown beacuse you know other way a player can make a mana set and spam it like every 3 seconds. So normally I said more spells on this thread but I think it should be like "Special Spell" from now on. To obtain this Spell you must reach level 100. To upradge it you must reach level 105.

    Here is the explanation of this "Special Spell"

    How to obtain:

    - Player must reach level 100 to unlock this "Special Spell"

    How to use it:

    - Pressing shift three times in a row will activate the spell. Your whole mana will be taken. You can use this spell after every minute.

    Special Spells For Each Class:


    - Activating the "Special Spell" will resuscitate 4 ragni soldiers from ground with 3000 health. They will follow you with the same speed you have. They will dissapear after 20 seconds.

    - Activating the "Special Spell" will make nearly enemys friendly troops for 20 seconds. They will fight with you with the same speed you have.


    - Activating the "Special Spell" will give you incredible mana regen and speed bonus. These bonuses will get removed 20 seconds later.

    - Activating the "Special Spell" will give you more life steal for 20 seconds.


    - Activating the "Special Spell" will summon a arrow rain to near enemys. This will end in 10 seconds.

    - Activating the "Special Spell" will increase the attack speed of the bow for 20 seconds.


    - Activating the "Special Spell" will give you %60 resistance for 20 seconds.

    - Activating the "Special Spell" will increase your defense +20 for 25 seconds.
  5. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    I would like to offer some critiques regarding this post, as I think the idea you're suggesting now is nothing like what you originally posted (you generally want to keep the original idea of the suggestion in tact, slightly modifying it based on feedback and new ideas) and, imo anyways, a step in the wrong direction.

    Having a single spell that consumes your entire mana bar seems pretty extreme to me and, considering how mana is somewhat tied to your ability to sprint, can be pretty annoying. A spell with only a 1 minute cooldown sounds much better to me, rather than simply draining your entire mana bar.

    However, while I do appreciate the suggestions for these special spells, I have to say some of these are just blatantly overpowered. Lets just take the second Mage one. You have the power to literally turn the tide of an entire battle with a single spell, just because a group of enemies becomes your allies for TWENTY SECONDS. 20 seconds in game is a LIFETIME, most simple mobs of your level or lower die within a second or less of you attacking them. Imagine using this spell on Death in ToA, you literally befriend Death himself for 20 seconds, all the while his minions attack him instead of you. This spell would be completely game breaking, and while I understand wanting to use your own ideas for spells, there is a fine line between creative and broken as hell, and I am afraid you have crossed it with this one.

    Another issue is the lack of any details of these spells. With the exception of Warrior, how much lifesteal would Assassin get? How much attack speed increase does the Archer get? These details need to be flushed out. I'll go ahead and link you to Selvut's Soldier Class Suggestion to give you an idea of some of the details that need to be included for these spells to make sense.

    I have rambled on long enough, and I don't expect you to read all of this, but if you do want your suggestion to be taken seriously (a notoriously hard task given how set in stone the game system is atm) it needs to be as fleshed out as possible.
    Stag2001, IronHands and Bart (MC) like this.
  6. IronHands

    IronHands IronHands CHAMPION

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    Thanks for the support for real but I am new on forums. I posted this thing cause I thought about it before. So I decided to make a thread like this to hear what people thinks about it. I don't really want to focus on this you know :D But thanks for the support anyway!
  7. PurpleAdventurer

    PurpleAdventurer Well-Known Adventurer

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    cool idea I think that's also the Mage although he had the most points in spells too few spells that is especially the one that later only the meteor spell.
    There was an idea from IronHands.
    I quote: Hello Everyone Its IronHands here! I was thinking about what were there more spells? Then I thought it is possible. You know you can add powders to weapons. And once the percent is on hundred you can press it by pressing shift + left / right click. I was thinking maybe we could add some special spells that cost all of your mana? And of course It would be too strong. Pressing + left click + right click + left click. IF you like my idea do not forget to reply to this thread!
    quote end

    With this idea, one could easily make more spells for the Mage
  8. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Mage is already extremely strong with Heal. Also, why invest time into a feature that only 1/4 classes gets to enjoy? Mage isn’t the only class out there, every class gets played to some extent and it wouldn’t make sense from a realistic point of view to create new spells for only 1 class.
  9. PurpleAdventurer

    PurpleAdventurer Well-Known Adventurer

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    You do not just have to make new spells for the magician, but the ones you add to the mage are stronger than the one you give to the archer and all spells get a lot more motivating if you could get some spells later ,

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