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Bob Class Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by LeviLips96, Jul 24, 2019.


You'd like this in game or not ?

  1. I want to use all 4 weapons at the same time

    4 vote(s)
  2. I don't want to have to deal with 4 weapons at once in a duel

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't like something bout it or want to add more ? (definitely tell me)

    3 vote(s)
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  1. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    -> This is basically a class that can use all 4 weapon types.
    -> Now you have a reason to level up woodworking and weaponsmithing on the same class.
    -> The way i see how you'd unlock it is by doing a lv 100+ quest on all 4 classes, something along the lines of :
    "The ways of the warrior". After you do the quest on let's say .... Assassin you'd get from it "The art of the Assassin", on archer "The art of the Archer" and so on.
    -> Once you have all 4 Arts you get into the lobby and when trying to make a new class you can choose Bob class.
    -> It would work as a normal class, when holding the dagger you can use Assassin spells, when holding a wand you can use Mage spells, so no using any spell on any weapon.
    -> For stats ... i'd give it a 5 on each of them (if you don't like it plz give me suggestions on how the base stats should be attributed).
    -> The VIP side of the class could be something among the lines of "Super Bob" or "Corrupt Bob".
    -> If there'd be any problems with quests definitely tell me. I can see some with Reincarnation or King's Recruit.
    -> Lastly I don't see why this wouldn't be a good idea. Bob already agreed for you to be the one that will follow in his footsteps in Reincarnation. This would give many players a reason to play every class (i don't say that you don't pls don't throw rocks at me). Also this fits perfectly with the fact that by default you have 5 class slots, aka 4 for the already existing ones and one extra for Bob. Alright, enough me rambling let's get voting !
  2. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Would this "Bob" class just be a clone of the other classes when holding their respective weapons?

    Each class is supposed to have its own strengths and weaknesses. What happens when you get rid of the weaknesses and combine the strengths?

    I don't see how you can't tell how absurdly broken this would be. All end-game content is already solo-able with each individual class, and this would just make everything else a joke.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  3. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    Well yea thats the one part i didnt think through, tho if ye'd like you could give it the stats. I'd just like to have a class that can use all 4 weps. I kinda liked the story of Bob.
  4. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I think that having four weapons is an *interesting* idea, perhaps it may not be a good one though.

    You failed to mention the most important thing about classes, their ablities. All I can gather from this is that Bob has very average and boring stats and no abilities. But I did laugh at the "super bob" part, as it made me imagine a superhero XD. It's an interesting suggestion, and surprisinly I haven't seen anyone else suggest this, so well done for originality. Thanks for sharing!
    BqwaOLD likes this.
  5. OwlbearLord

    OwlbearLord Deceased VIP+

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    Very original, but lacking in balance.
    After you get the Bob class, doesn't every other class become obsolete? Wouldn't there be less creativity without different and BALANCED classes?
    Maybe if this was a separate game mode that people could choose to play with, and then if you wanted to have "God" fights with other players, you could, which could actually be quite fun, plus then the frame of Wynncraft remains intact.

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    BqwaOLD and Official store like this.
  6. OwlbearLord

    OwlbearLord Deceased VIP+

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