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World Legacy/pre-gavel Servers

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by trashguybob, Jul 18, 2019.

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  1. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    I'll get down to the meat of it. Essentially a few worlds (3-5 worlds to begin with I suppose) would be that of Wynncraft just prior to the Gavel update.

    - The Wynncraft world just prior to the Gavel update, nothing more nothing less (all it's brokeness and fun to be had) aside from perhaps the ablity to expand bank space (but not having it is completely fine) some examples...
    - Level 75 Max
    - Old item system
    - Old powder system
    - Old compass menu
    - Old health/mana/sprint system
    - Exclusive to Hero Rank (if you want to play the old Wynn pay up)
    - Own seperate server selection on the server, indepedent from the main game
    - Everyone starts with a fresh player profile for those seperate worlds (8 level 1 classes, one for each of the different classes in the game and no more than that)
    - Nothing is transferred from the main Wynncraft worlds (with the exception of GC/Bombs/Cosmetics I suppose, but you could just give each player a certain amount of coins and nothing else)
    - Guilds territories aren't transferred, but guilds themselves can be

    While in a traditional sense Wynncraft has improved, many MANY people much perfer the old Wynncraft including myself and everyone I've talked to despite it's flaws. I played through the whole orignal Gavel update and have logged on and off for several updates just to be even more distraut. With many old Minecraft players returning to the game I think this would be a great way to capitalize on that development.
  2. MattyOrigami11

    MattyOrigami11 The Skin Maker VIP+

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    imma hit this with a +1
  3. Ian8705

    Ian8705 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    Can you add a poll
    StormKing3 likes this.
  4. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    I'd enjoy having the old Wynncraft for nostalgia purposes, but I'd much prefer they use their resources towards working on new content. I'll be honest, I don't get why people genuinely think the old Wynncraft is better than the new one, as far as I know most things have been improved upon and the only bad thing I can think of is that the systems have become more complex (which isn't even that bad). Either way though, if the CT is able to bring back old Wynncraft I won't complain.
  5. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    From what I remember hearing some time ago is that the entire pre-Gavel map hasn't been saved anywhere, so the CT would pretty much have to recreate it from scratch, and that would take a lot of time, maybe even too much. And running two servers at the same time is not beneficial at all and only does more harm than good for everyone. Why waste so much time creating something technically worse, that only like a few people would even try out? Sure at start it would have some amount of attention, but as the newcomers of the main server realize how much worse it is they leave and kill the whole thing.

    And I'm sure that once people would realize that the CT put time into a pre-Gavel server, that only a few people asked for, than actual new content such as Dern that would help the main server, there would be much more hate than love for that hypothetical pre-Gavel server. It just would not work at all.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  6. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    "Exclusive to Hero Rank (if you want to play the old Wynn pay up)" - Hahaha, how about no
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  7. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    I think a lot of people are just nostalgic, and forget about how bad old Wynn was.

    -No discoveries - exploring was a lot less rewarding, also lore was very limited.
    -Linear and simple builds - There was one single endgame set of armor. You also just slapped on whatever armor piece had a higher def value. ID's didn't really matter.
    -Much lower quality quests - remember grinding 64 leather and blaze powder for ToL?
    -Simpler combat mechanics - Heal was useless, every boss 1 shot you because of the health system, skill points were simpler. put 70 into Str/dex 70 into agi/def.
    -Mana steal/Life Steal was broken - archers and assassins with arrow storm/multihit were invincible and had next to infinite mana. Meanwhile, mage couldn't solo any bosses.
    -Much smaller map.
    -Leveling was harder - no Dungeon parties, no corrupted dungeons, no dungeon bombs. You had to just farm mobs, and there weren't mob totems. Swarms had been removed at this point.
    -Powders were useless. Feather falling and blast prot were useless. Only green powder mattered. (I will admit KB 2 Depressing weapons were fun)
    Also the fact that there was nothing to do in the late game. You hit 75, got the endgame set, and the game was over unless you did guild wars.

    There were some cool things like the relics and sealed letters, but its not worth putting all the effort just to satisfy some nostalgia from a time when a good portion of the current player base didn't even play.

    Also, its one of those things that seem cool, and people may play on it at first, but it would quickly get old.
  8. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    "-Leveling was harder" - Not necessarily a bad thing tbh, I for one are all up for nerfing corrupted dungeons and turning Wynncraft more back into a proper RPG again. Lvl 70 onwards is now just doing dungeon runs, it's kinda pathetic tbh
  9. RazorGuild


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    I don’t know who you talk to, but I’ll bet it’s not a player that has actually been engrossed and a bit deep into the current game. The people you probably talk to have their nostalgia goggles on way too tight, and probably are unwilling to accept that the game god damn changed and you would realize how much better the game is compared to pre gavel.
    ItsFreakinHarry and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    I played all classes to 75 without much trouble for the last 5 and it was really good. Just prior to Gavel releasing was prime. I've played another class to completion when Gavel dropped and have now recently been attempting to get it up to 104 and complete the old quests. I'll admit that quests are more complex and interesting now and there are several new features I think are great (ex. expanded bank, exp for finding areas), but I still think the old system just has more charm. Essentially Wynn has turned into an other RPG rather than having the same charm it used to have for it's unique simplicity. Wynncraft lost that into having a much more traditional system by RPG/MMO standards. Being limited by Minecraft now just makes it objectively worse than many other RPG experiences since it appears it's trying to approach more popular RPG/MMOs instead of going in it's own creative direction it used to. Sometimes less is more, and I think that's the case with Wynncraft.
    I haven't used the forums in a while. Can you link me somewhere where I can see how to make a poll?
    Odd that they wouldn't save a map they put so much time into, that's a shame. Well as much as I want it of course having to reconstruct the entire old map isn't resonable. If they still have it thought I'd enjoy them tossing it in.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
  11. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    I'll address this point by point in the best way I can

    -The discovery system is wonderful addition and getting exp for exploring the world is really nice, great change
    -I believe the simplicity makes Wynncraft far more interesting due to every other RPG having the mulitude of builds and ups and downs, it seems like Wynncraft was just trying to be like every other RPG rather than it's own unique and interesting entity (crafting for example, which is ironic how little fun I've had with the system considering I'm playing Minecraft while playing)
    -The quests in the current Era are certianlly much more interesting, if you just toss those quests into old Wynn and they would blend perfectly and be just amazing (and again with this suggestion it's not like you're locked off from them since you have the main game)
    -Knight and Mage certainlly didn't possess the power of the other two classes, and the weakness of Mage is certianlly one of my biggest gripes with old Wynn; luckily, I had the ablity to just switch to assassin and kill a boss at anytime and just use Mage for everything else (since Dark Wizard was and is now even more so my favorite class)
    -Grinding was certainlly more difficult at the time and obviously there weren't nearly as many quests to pad the levels, although I got every class to 75 and for the last 6 or so I had enough mastery of the game to get each done realtively quickly (being able to get 2x exp and exp bonus from quests unlike today made it pretty easy)
    -Well 2 powders were useless like you mentioned, and that didn't really matter all too much, but if anything else the presence of two useless powders made the green one stand out even more although I'd of rather the red and blue been useful in some way

    I mean if you look at the amount of people playing on the server at a time it's the same as it was before. A larger overall community of course, but by proxy a proportionally less active one. Whether you want to chalk that up to the popularity of Minecraft of the time or not all this work is being put in for not as much traction as would be expected if the server was just straight up better overall.

    I mean again people played the hell out of old Wynncraft and it was a great time. It would get old if the old system was just a worse version of the new system (technically I believe it is, but in practice it's just more fun due to the simplicity). Minecraft is a ten year old game and I don't think it's alive because of the slight updates they've made to the base game. It and many other games that hold the interesting of people for years to come is built on nostalgia.
    Yeah, that was just $ bait. I would love for it to be open to all players or at least those who have support the server montarily in some way (so VIP would be enough).
  12. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    Just gonna point out, if you don't like how grind-focused the current crafting system is, I can't imagine how you enjoyed the old xp system.
    also hence why mage was useless.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    RazorGuild, Bart (MC) and Druser like this.
  13. RazorGuild


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    In what way? Wynn really always felt like a generic mmo, which is completely fine. Back in pregavel it really felt like an incomplete mmo, no crafting, no unique ids, and pretty much a lack of actual variety in builds. You literally had a pretty much endgame set that worked best in everything. Current wynn just added some features that bit by bit really solidified wynn as an mmo you can continue to play. Ids are big, as the old pregavel ids were boring and uninspired, to be frank they were shit. The new ids feel unique to wynn and can all create unique builds and archetypes formed around them. Wynn was always generic feeling and honestly the only charm it had was it was an mmo in minecraft, and that charm still exists today, but better.
  14. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    Well I guess that's just a personal disagreement. Wynncraft managed to both contrast and stay in the mindset of Minecraft in a way that just worked. It took away the ablity to craft and mine, which made it the literal antithesis of the main game. At the same time it had the spirit of the game in it's simple manor of play and ablity to get behind. When Gavel first dropped after getting to 100 I felt that something was missing in the experience of the game, sure the quests were much more epic, but after that it felt like a more expansive yet hollow world (which to be fair Gavel at the time wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it is now). Now it's completely lost that interesting contrast and just feels like Minecraft with nice spells (it always was, but it masked it perfectly). I already mentioned what I found the current Wynncraft to do much better. Back in old Wynncraft at the end you felt as if a journey was completed, now you get to 103 (level cap should've stayed at 100) and you get to sit there or grind 200 million exp for 104. You can run dungeons a bunch, but you end up at the same 'nothing to do point' which makes you want to just move to the next class and screw around. Back in that time being in the endgame made you feel like a god that could only be stopped by a select few bosses. Now you can be level 100 and get murdered by lava and drowning and sitting in a hoard of much lower leveled mobs. Not to mention the addition of crates and even more bombs which are nice I guess for money but you know that stigma. Generally old Wynn felt more natural, and the new Wynn feels artifical in it's trying to be like any other RPG. I don't know how much you played old Wynn, I'd assume a lot, but I guess that just didn't resonate with you as much. But on a serious note that flying the ship minigame in the Royal Trials made my eyes want to die.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    TalkingKittyCat likes this.
  15. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    So from what I'm reading, you liked old wynn because
    1. grinding was harder and therefore getting 75 was more rewarding (debatable, but I can see your point). I personally think that type of grinding was less fun and more mind-numbing.

    2. being a lvl 75 made you more OP. In old wynn, that was because of how linear and simplistic the item/gear system was. You get the endgame set, and yes, you're pretty much unstoppable. That's not necessarily a good thing. It means that there is even less to do in the late game. Nothing is challenging, so people quickly get bored, which was the case. There's a lot more endgame content now than there ever was, and part of that is making it so that you're not just automatically unstoppable once you hit endgame.

    "you end up at the same 'nothing to do point' which makes you want to just move to the next class and screw around."

    This applies a lot more to old Wynn than today.
    Anyhow, back to the main point, I think somebody mentioned that the old wynn map isn't saved anywhere, so this idea isn't really feasible. Nor it is really practical for the devs/CT to work on these new servers that cater to a smaller portion of the player base.
  16. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    I'll address your's first.

    1. Mob grinding in both feels essentially the same other than you being in more danger now, and I like that there is more quests and dungeon run throughs (although dungeons now feel more designed to just be ran over and over for levels) to pad that out obviously. Also grinding back then wasn't even that bad due to you being able to get 2x exp from quests with bombs (something that was in Gavel for a while, then got clapped) so really it was more rewarding due to how much stronger you became with each new armor set and weapon not the time taken to acquire said levels.

    2. Again to the idea of overpowered, yes it's fun working your way up from a scrub and becoming an invicible monster that only a few bosses can hope to face. That's fun in my eyes.
    Well I'll put what I like better simply. As for the late game it was pretty bland content wise I'll give you that, but as we can do now just make another class and experience that power trip again with the knowledge gained from the intial playthrough. Also as an MMO engaging with the community just like you can now to an even greater extent kept things fun and interesting, whether it's helping other players or having fun conversation just like you can now. Also finding little things to mess with and use to your advantage or just for fun kept interest.

    1. Smaller and more simple item system (new one isn't hard to get around or understand it's just feels like any other game in terms of 'complexity' and class building, which makes it less unique)
    2. Riding on people's heads (I mean it let you break stuff sometimes, but it was extremely fun)
    3. Just how it generally felt like more of a happy accident that became and amazing game, compared to the plastic and generic feel it has now (imo obviously, but IDs are much more crucial now compared to before, and every ID is just feels like something you'd see on any random RPG)

    How I personally feel is that the Gavel launch to now is Wynncraft 2, but the original was burned in a fire and can't be played ever again. Sequels expand on the system of a game and can sometimes fundamently change it for better or worse. Your opinion is that it's better mine is that it's worse; however, unlike a normal game I can't just go back and play the original. It's kinda like how Minecraft has versions and ever version of the game is always able to be played. If you completely and fundamentally change a game that people love and don't give them the ablity to play what they like it turns people away. It has it's own new player base now, which is nice of course, but a sizeable amount of the people who were here from the start just can't vibe with this sequel. I don't know how deep and invested you were in pre-Gavel Wynncraft, but many of the people I talk to that were invested in both pre-Gavel and after Gavel and a couple of other small updates arrived just don't play the game much or at all. and think old Wynn was more enjoyable. After playing that, playing Gavel to completion a couple of year ago, and playing the endgame stuff now I just can't honestly say that now is better than pre-Gavel despite how 'technically' superior it may be.

    And yeah you're correct they would never bring back any trace of old Gavel because they most likely thing it's a hilarious failure compared to what Wynncraft is now due to all the extra work and detailing they've put in, and if they really did throw out the old map (shame all that work would just be deleted) then the chance goes from 0.000000000000001% t0 0%.
    TalkingKittyCat likes this.
  17. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Not only do I support this because I haven't liked Wynn since Gavel but I also just feel obligated to support it because it was suggested by an old HoL member
    TalkingKittyCat and trashguybob like this.
  18. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I have cleaned-up the thread due to a person attacking OP in the most grotesque and mindless way possible. I have also removed the comments referring to aforementioned comment (I just dont want anyone to see that comment again, I was fine with the response to it).

    Please be nice to each other
  19. trashguybob

    trashguybob Trash Senpai~

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    Uhh I think he was agreeing with me in his own special way lol, but thanks
  20. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Lol and attacking everyone else for not agreeing "in the most grotesque and mindless way possible."
    ItsFreakinHarry likes this.
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