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Guilds Guild Suggestions (current State, How-to Improve, General Suggestions)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Novalescent, Jun 11, 2019.


Which suggestions do you like?

  1. Territory Resets/Rewards

    8 vote(s)
  2. Guild Bank

    7 vote(s)
  3. Guild Housing (Hard to Implement may I remind you)

    8 vote(s)
  4. Guild Perks

    7 vote(s)
  5. Guild Crafting

    3 vote(s)
  6. Most/All of these are absolute garbage

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I shall first start off by saying two things: One, I am not in any high-level, high-tier, elitist guild of any kind. Two, this post is not meant to batter guilds with the "this feature sucks, it needs improving. Figure out how." stick. I am simply giving my thoughts and suggestions on Guilds and how they could be improved in the future.

    This is an extremely long post (Sorry about that I naturally like to add extra detail and reasoning to my ideas) so please bear with me. If you want the tl;dr though:

    • Guild Territories reset monthly/weekly. Yields rewards to all guild members who participated in wars. More participation = better rewards for the player. Also helps the guild xp and emeralds.
    • Guild Bank. Larger than normal player bank. Shared between all guild members. Permissions for which guild members can access which bank pages. Members can take stuff and store stuff in there. Can also store withdrawable emeralds.
    • Guild housing. Is mainly a cosmetic/hangout suggestion. Provides little gameplay benefit. This feature, however, is incredibly difficult to implement into the game.
    • Small guild perks that come with guild leveling. Ex. Slight XP increase, increased horse speed, increased stats when near guild members.
    • Guild Crafting. Can be used to buff the entire guild across worlds and servers. Can also be used to buff territory mobs.

    So, guilds are one of the primary cornerstones of the Wynncraft community. At the very least and the very heart of a guild is a permanent party, working together, whether that be in separate small groups or entire raid parties, to help each other, accomplish a common goal, or defeat a common enemy (or enemies). The majority of active players are in guilds, big or small, and each guild has their own set of ideals and goals.

    I will say what I've been saying about Wynncraft to both myself and my friends for all these years of playing it: It has incredible amounts of untapped potential. Wynncraft has the ability to make dozens of changes, big and small, that will make their game infinitely better for everyone. Of course, this includes guilds, which I would like to provide my feedback and general suggestions on. Hopefully this reaches the Content Team, maybe even gets a like from Salted, and also to other players who agree with my ideas or even have their own ideas for guilds.

    Current State

    So before we get into the current state, we will first establish the timestamp of this feedback and the upcoming suggestions. For this, we will assume that Wynncraft is still in its current patch at the time of writing this post (1.18.1), and none of the following has been added:
    • Additional Provinces (Dern, Fruma)
    • Massive-Man Raids
    • PVP made great again
    Now, let's look at how guilds are currently right now. Currently, guilds are, as stated previously, permanent parties of people. Each guild also has their own banner that they can cosmetically upgrade for stacks of LE, and they can also claim Territories, which give guilds, as stated by the wiki here, "1/5 of the Emeralds dropped by mobs in this territory, and will receive 300% of the XP gained by anyone in your territory to your guild."

    So in general, guilds do not provide any form of gameplay benefits to the entire guild or even a single player. They only serve to contain and build sub-communities of the current community pool. Unless the idea of guilds sole purpose was to do this (Which I really hope is not the case), then I generally do not approve of the state of guilds right now. There's no difference between finding a group of friends to help you achieve goals and being in a guild to help you achieve goals. I believe that there should be a gameplay-benefitting reason to join a guild, small or large, to encourage both smaller guilds to become higher level, and larger guilds to become larger and more active.


    Let's look at the main purpose and feature of guilds right now: Territories. As of now, Territories promote competition between guilds, creating both enemies and allies. This is natural for most RPG games with guilds in them. The main problem with territories right now is smaller guilds cannot possibly hope to keep claim of a territory (territories). This is mainly due to the fact that if a smaller guild tries to raid a territory, most likely that territory is defended by a high level, active guild. As a result, either the small guild wins but then gets the territory immediately taken away from them, or they lose to the fact that they do not have the manpower or gear to win the war.

    Looking at these facts, it seems like the smaller guilds usually don't stand a chance to take on the big ones. They have to grow exponentially to achieve that, both in guild levels and members. I don't know how long it takes to do that, but I'm assuming it takes longer than grinding all 12 professions from level 1 to 100 at the same time (This comparison may or may not be incorrect. Verify this, bigger guilds). Even if this does happen, it's usually a process of back-and-forth claiming to see who will run out of the emeralds to spare or who will just say "Eh, whatever let's go elsewhere." (Again, I don't know how big guild vs. big guild works, so correct me if I'm wrong.).

    Suggestions for Territories

    So let me propose a simple change to territories. For this first part of the suggestion, I will go with the assumption that guilds are not supposed to grant any sort of gameplay benefit to members and instead be a way for player competition to exist. The suggestion is weekly (or monthly) resets. Every certain period of time, the territories reset in who has them claimed. When they do, each guild receives x amount of emeralds and XP for how long that they have had each territory claimed. What this means is that if you had say the territory of Troms claimed for 15 days, then Guild X comes and takes it from you for the remainder of the period, you still yield the rewards of having that territory claimed for 15 days. This can be based off of the level of the territory, the amount of territories they have left, what level the guild is, and so on.

    This will allow for guilds, both big and small, to take some of the territories for themselves and bolster their spots in them, while also (most likely) alternating between who has a certain patch of territories claimed and who doesn't. For example: Let's say Guild A has Troms and the surround territories of it on lockdown for the month of June. When July comes around and the territories reset, Guild B decides to take over that area, while Guild A goes to claim different territories for themselves, or fight back for that territory that Guild B has taken.

    Let's expand off of this and say we can have some gameplay benefits: When the territories reset and the guilds get their rewards, each player, depending on guild contribution to the wars and/or other factors, receives a small cut of the rewards. This can either be something similar to the Daily Chests (Guild Loot I, II, III, IV...), Emeralds (EB or perhaps a single LE), or even combat XP. This would encourage more Warring to occur and more of a reason to try and have the most territories claimed, and gives more of a reason to be in an active Warring guild and to take part in these wars.

    There's a lot to this system that needs to be in more detail. The above is mainly an overview of what it would be like for the finish product, however if you really want a detailed overview, click the Spoiler below:

    Let's first cover the guild XP and emeralds reward of this suggestion. As stated before, the amount of rewards that the guild receives is based on the length of time that you have had a territory claimed.

    For example: Let's say Guild A has had Troms, Temple of Legends, and the neighboring territories claimed for the last 15 days. Guild B comes to take those territories from them and they loose Temple of Legends. Guild B keeps Temple of Legends for 10 days, until it is retaken by Guild A again for the remainder of the month (5 days).

    Then the monthly territory reset comes around. So how are rewards distributed for guilds? For now let's say the following factors amplify the rewards you get per territory:
    • The level of the territory claim (Is it a level 50 area, level 60 area? etc.)
    • The duration of time the territory has been claimed by that guild IN TOTAL (Meaning you could have it for 15 days, lose it, then retake it for another 5 days. It would equal up to a reward total of 20 days).
    So now that we have that worked out, we can work on the rewards that a guild would get. Depending on the scaling of the rewards and how it increases with time, each territory would yield their own reward amount. Add those rewards together and you get the total rewards for that guild. For this example, we'll say Guild A receives 150,000 emeralds total for all of the territories they have claimed: Troms, Temple of Legends, and the neighboring territories. Guild B on the other hand only had Temple of Legends claimed for 10 days in that entire month, so they will receive ~25,000 emeralds. The amount of experience that a guild receives, I cannot give an accurate number on because I don't know the XP requirements for each guild level.

    Now let's talk about individual rewards. Keep in mind that these are just dummy and draft numbers and are not meant to be the official scale. If such idea was implemented I'm sure the rewards would need to be tweaked so they were more balanced/worthwhile.

    So let's say that each guild member has a progress bar that ranges from 0-100. Let's also say that there are 5 reward tiers in total. Each tier has its own rewards and are received at the following:
    • Tier I (Equivalent to a Loot Chest I. 10% contribution)
    • Tier II (Equivalent to a Loot Chest II. 25% contribution)
    • Tier III (Equivalent to a Loot Chest III. 45% contribution)
    • Tier IV (Equivalent to a Loot Chest IV. 75% contribution)
    • Tier V (Equivalent to the non-existent Loot Chest V [However would most likely have every single chest slot filled with emeralds and high-tiered loot]. 100% contribution)
    For the sake of not being overpowered, a guild member can only receive 1 Tier reward per month. Meaning if they have enough for a Tier III reward, they will not receive the lower tier rewards as well (Tier II, Tier I).

    You may notice that the contribution of each reward tier is increasing exponentially and not linearly. Why? Doing it linearly means that players always have to do the same amount of contribution to reach the next tier. Each tier of course has significantly better rewards than the tier below it. It would make more sense that the player would need to work harder to receive the better rewards.

    So how does a player earn contribution points? Well as stated a player has to participate in guild wars. The more you participate, the more contribution points you earn. The amount of points that a player can get is determined based on mobs killed, damage dealt, and healing done. The player however loses some of their earned contribution points for that war if they lose the war. Players also cannot earn contribution points if a territory isn't defended by mobs. Also, the more defended the territory is (This can be calculated by taking the average level of all players, then also taking the average level of all mobs and the average amount of mobs per player to kill.), the more points that can be receive in total.

    For example: Guild A has 5 members raid Temple of Legends and they win the war. This territory was decked out in level 80-100 monsters. Player 1 dealt the most damage and killed the most mobs, so he'll receive 10% contribution. Player 2 did the most healing for the war, but not so much damage and didn't kill a lot of mobs, so they'll receive 6% contribution. The three remaining players dealt average damage and killed the average amount of mobs, so they'll receive 7% contribution. Now let's say that they lose the war. They'll still get contribution points, however some of them will be taken away. Player 1 still dealt the most damage and killed the most mobs, but instead of 10%, he'll get 7% instead. The same applies to the other remaining players (A -3% to their awarded contribution)

    Before we move on I'd like to talk about one of the principles of gaming and how it applies to this territories suggestion. I'm sure some of you aren't interested in logistics and principles but if you are, click the spoiler:

    So I'd like to discuss one of the main principles of games, and RPG games, as a whole: Meaningful work. Players, to some extent, do like to work in games to achieve a great reward, such as doing a legendary questline to receive a legendary item. However, these rewards have to be within viable reach in order for the players to really attempt to pursue them. Let's segway for a moment and take the example of leveling professions 1-100. As we know, the profession grind is excruciatingly long and difficult, requiring numerous hours to even get 1 crafting skill up to 100. Why 100? Because many endgame players are level 100 and everything below level 90 is useless to them. So they have to put in the work to get that skill to 100. Is there meaning to this work? Yes, as you get to craft powerful (sometimes OP) gear at the end. Is it a very realistic, achievable, enjoyable-to-accomplish-and-get-to goal? I'm assuming no to the majority.

    Now let's talk about how this relates to the territories idea. As said before, Guilds are communities of people looking to accomplish a common goal. They also, most likely, seek to become stronger and more powerful, not only as a guild, but as an individual. So where do guild territory rewards come in? Well as stated in the overview, players get more rewards the more they contribute to the war. Of course these rewards are given according to the player's combat level. As the player works more and more to receive the highest tier rewards, they are still rewarded appropriately for their contribution. So regardless of how much contribution they put in, as long as they put in the minimum they will get some sort of reward that they can somewhat appreciate.

    Of course, players naturally want the best rewards and the highest tier, so they will always attempt to pursue the highest tier they can. Of course, some make it and get those rewards, but some don't. Even if they don't they still get rewards that definitely are worthwhile of their work to get to that higher tier. It may be depressing to receive that slightly lower tier reward but it's a really good reward nonetheless, and players will feel rewarded for their work regardless of the outcome because they are receiving something that will benefit them (Emeralds, Legendaries, Crafting Ingredients, Mythics, etc.).

    The Guild Bank

    The next current feature that I would like to talk about is the Guild Bank. Let me first start off by saying that the guild bank is more of a storage for the guild emeralds, which are of course used to buy troops and upgrade the guild banner, and only that.

    Now of course, the idea of a Guild Bank can be improved a thousand different ways. Let's start with the obvious idea: An official community guild bank. This bank would be significantly larger than a player's normal bank, and can of course be upgraded in size. This would be a shared storage between the entire guild, and guild members would have the ability to give and share different pieces of loot and items from others.

    Furthermore, each guild bank page section could be titled and perhaps even blocked with permissions. Let's say you farm a lot of gathering materials. Got a lot of people looking for some in your guild? Put it in the Crafting Materials page of your guild bank. And anyone with the given page permissions, whether by rank or other given permission types, can take and place stuff there.

    But what about the guild emeralds? Let's be realistic: There's no way in hell with the amount of money a high level guild has (I'm assuming stacks upon stacks of LE), that having the power to withdraw those emeralds freely would be healthy for the economy. The only way that something like this would be allowed is for an entire guild emerald reset, which I'm sure no one will like. And even that may not fix it. But what about just normally stored player emeralds? Well you can just store that in the Emeralds page of your guild. Everyone can contribute emeralds there, and only high ranking trusted members can take emeralds out. (Via permissions of course)

    Having a guild bank would be a huge reason to join a guild. The ability to share all types of resources with guild members with ease is a major way a guild can flourish and become more powerful as individuals. It would also encourage more people to both create guilds with their friends and to join high ranking guilds who are willing to help the new players. Of course, there also comes with the possibility of stealing and betrayal of guilds. This is why the permissions stated before should and need to exist. There could also be the possibility of guild logs, which shows who placed/took what out, who changed whose permissions, who edited what guild bank page, and so on. I'm sure there are also other ways to prevent guild bank stealers but we won't dive into that too far.

    Suggestions and Ideas

    So far I've discussed about the current primary guild features and how to improve on them. Now I would like to talk about what could be added in the future to guilds that would ultimately make them much more enjoyable. Keep in mind that these are suggestions and rough overviews, and are not supposed to be already completely designed from the ground up.


    Let me first start off by stating a very crucial disclaimer: This feature is probably one of the most requested yet one of the hardest to actually implement for guilds. Why this is the case I will get into later. Just know that I wanted to address this because this is a suggestion I've seen quite a few times now, so it's pretty befitting for it for it to be discussed here in length.

    So Guild Housing, as stated above, has been one of the notably requested features for Guilds for a long time now. The basic concept is that Guilds can build their own base where everyone in their guild can hang out. This also allows for guilds to purchase various upgrades or vendors for their base, such as Blacksmiths, Weapons Merchant, Marketplaces, Banks, and so on. Guild Housing could also have teleporters to various places on the map (towns, cities, dungeons, etc.), and perhaps methods of summoning guild members who are in the guild house to your position.

    As for the concept of how the base will be upgrade, this can branch various paths. One way is to make it so there is a linear upgrade path for the guild, meaning that there is really no variability for builds between each guild. Perhaps a purchasable build palettes could be implemented? These upgrades can be bought with either massive amounts of guild emeralds, massive amounts of gathering materials, or both. Another idea would be to allow guilds to build their own structures from the ground up. This would allow for Guild creativity to flourish, and to allow people to build everything for they guild they could dream of. From massive dining halls filled with overhangs, paintings, and a throne at the very end for the king/queen of the guild, to large training grounds with training dummies, various test boss mobs, and so on. Finally, there can also be the idea of the hybrid of these two ideas, allowing for the main command center of the base to be upgrade/expanded upon via building on their own, and perhaps players building their own small structures.

    So what does this feature bring to the guild and the server as a whole? Well first of all it brings a lot more social aspect to guilds as a whole. I know that many guilds have formalities, high rankings, and are overall serious about their guild and need builds and/or settings that support their guild. It also allows for Guild Members to meet up in a common location, and possibly host events, parties, or even just a meetup point before going out on their next big adventure to who knows where. Another thing is that it would also help with player retention for both guilds and the server. Players do like to work towards a common goal if that goal is super cool, and guild housing definitely is. With the ability to upgrade your guild base via materials or even building the base yourself, guilds will become much more active as players will be allowed to express their building creativity and directly contribute to their guild's setting via gathering materials and contributing emeralds.

    So all of this sounds fine and dandy right? No doubt everyone, including me, would kill for something this for guilds. Well, there's one problem that has probably been holding this back for the longest time: Server space. I don't mean in World space (Where will we place our building in World 21), I mean the amount of RAM and memory a server will need to have to support something like this.

    So there are two ways this can be integrated properly: Either via each guild who has been able to purchase guild housing gets their own small private server for all of their guild mates to use, or something similar to how we have Trees and profession gathering right now, as in there's one (or more) spots guild housing can take place, and depending on what guild you are in, only you can see your guild housing and the players inside it. There's also the idea of a few separate servers with all of the guild buildings on it, and everyone who has bought a "Guild Plot" can go there and hang out in their respective guild housing.

    Now I'm not a master or god-tier Minecraft Plugin coder (Although I have worked with Minecraft Plugin coding for over 3 years now and have made some very cool things), but I can definitely say these two method of integration would require a lot of server memory space. Not to add the costs that this may add, and the fact that each build needs to be serialized (saved to readable data for the plugin) and deserialized into the guild server or the server world, and would have to be saved each time players made changes to the build.

    I'm not saying something like this is impossible, but it's definitely something that would be incredibly hard to accomplish and make efficient enough to not crash the entire Wynncraft network. Nevertheless, I know a lot of players are rooting for this to happen, and so am I, so I will keep rooting for it unless it's seriously impossible to do.

    Guild Perks

    So Guild Perks are a pretty obvious yet minor feature a guild could definitely utilize. These perks would be obtained generally via having a high level guild or perhaps even buying some of them (Although that would allow for some guilds to automatically buy every single Perk in existence now would it?).

    Now Guild Perks usually and should always be something very minor. Why? Well first of all making them super good or extremely noticeable would mean those in the larger, higher level guilds would have a significant advantage over those who aren't that high level. And second, it could possibly break the balance of the game if they were very noticeable, and as we all know, Wynncraft needs to balanced, as Wynncraft is a perfectly balanced game (Or is it?).

    There are a thousand perks that can be given to guilds. I'll give some of the basic ones for now:

    • A small XP bonus in both combat and professions. This bonus doesn't have to be excessive. Something like a 10 or 15% bonus would suffice. As stated, the bonuses cannot be extremely noticeable or absolutely required for gameplay or else major guilds would triumph entirely.
    • Increased Horse Travel Speed. We all love getting to our destinations quicker right? So let's help our guild out with that. Something like +3 levels to a player's horse in both speed and jump would be a very nice thing to have. It would also help early game players out with their horses, allowing them to level their horse normally but also being able to go at a decent speed.
    • Increased XP, stats, and/or loot bonus when near other guild members. As stated, Guilds are permanent parties of people looking to accomplish a common goal. So when you ask 3 guild members to help you with Legendary Island, you should get a small boost to your stats, XP, or something since you're cooperating with your fellow guildmates. A guild is a community of people after all, and people should be encouraged to band together to achieve greatness. Sure it may be cool (and edgy) to do everything solo, but it's never a bad idea to band up with others to accomplish something. (Unless the content breaks with just even 1 more person). Something like this would of course have to be limited so that way guilds won't stack people together (perhaps a max player bonus limit of 3?) and the bonuses should be minor. Nevertheless, encouraging a guild to work together is cool.
    So what does this bring? Obviously more people would seek to join guilds for perks like these. And most likely these perks would be increased in later levels, perhaps bought initially with guild emeralds. It would allow guilds to grow much faster, and encourage players to help in leveling their guild so they too can reap the rewards.

    Guild Crafting

    So as of 1.18.1, crafting and professions were introduced. Of course, right now they're only used to craft gear and consumables. However, we can expand off of this scope so that way crafting is useful for Guilds as well. So, let's introduce Guild Crafting.

    So how does Guild Crafting work? Well Guild Crafting is, obviously, crafting, except the items you get can help your entire guild immensely, such as in Wars and PvE content like Legendary Island. For example, let's say that a guild can craft a consumable that gives a guild-wide (Goes across multiple worlds and wars) buff (ex. elemental damage, defense, XP bonus). To craft it, the guild work need to work together to accumulate crafting materials and certain crafting ingredients, then once made, for the next 10-20 minutes, the guild receives said buffs that will aid them in the upcoming battles. This would not only help larger and mid-size guilds in their conquest to take over the world, but also help some of the smaller guilds to try and take some territories if they're low on numbers. Of course it's not a massive buff, but gives them more of a chance to win. But wait, perhaps you need a quickport to the next warzone, but you're halfway across the map! Just craft a Guild Scroll to teleport you to the impending warzone, and you'll be there in a jiffy.

    But we can extend this scope out even more. Those territory mobs? They could use the extra support from your guild, the extra morale. So guilds can work together to harvest mining materials and wood. They will be able to craft weapons and armor that will give buffs to your territory mobs. Maybe you can give some of that trash armor that you've been crafting to level your professions can be given to your territory mobs. Perhaps even giving some of them 1 or 2 mob abilities. Then you can feed them as well with some of your cooking food, giving them increased health regen, increased speed, and so on.

    But why territory mobs? Why help them? Well usually territories are cleared very fast of their mobs if a large dedicated guild attacks the territory. Allowing for territory mobs to be aided via crafting will help guilds keep their territory, and gives the attacking guild more of a challenge to face. More importantly, I should also mention the power difference between the larger guilds and the smaller guilds. Now obviously smaller guilds and larger guilds cannot be on the same level, but the issue is the difference is insane. So, dedicated smaller guilds can participate in guild crafting to boost their territory mobs and defense. This would give smaller guilds a chance at keeping their territory for a good amount of time if they put the effort and resources into it, while also giving larger guilds more defense to their territories.

    Now of course while it is extremely helpful to have these things by your side and guild crafting can be very useful for many guilds, crafting these things does require loads of resources, ingredients, and time. So let's make it a bit more rewarding for everyone in the guild: When an item is crafted or when a player deposits materials, depending on what crafting skill it is, every player who helped contribute to it receives profession experience for that skill. It would give an incentive to players to contribute to guild crafting who are seeking to level their professions (Which is a large majority of players). Not only that, the guild would also gain Guild XP according to the level of crafting and guild participation that took place. Now having Guild Crafting contributing to individual player's crafting levels would help the process of leveling player professions, even if on a minor level. I'm sure it can be agreed on by many that the profession grind is a painful one, so anyway to speed up that treadmill would be very helpful.

    Ending Thoughts

    If you've somehow survived that long essay and made it to the end then I hope you at least agree with one of the ideas here. There's so much more that can be done with guilds, however I decided to stay within the scope of the current patch and content, which is why things like Guild Raid Dungeons and Guild PvP aren't in here.

    Thanks for hearing me out. I'm sure some of this data and information isn't completely accurate so feel free to correct me. Thoughts and comments are welcomed.

    And if I'm completely in the wrong on all of this please be nice to me and don't hurt me ty.
    That_Chudley likes this.
  2. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    aw dude i can't wait until we are able to raid massive men

    Oh, right, feedback.
    This shouldn't matter, as the mobs defending the territory aren't based on the level of the surrounding area.

    I also get the general idea of your territory suggestion, but I think it already kind of works that way? Guilds get a percentage of however much xp and emeralds have been gained in the time that guild owns that territory. What you're suggesting is essentially the same.
    Individual rewards are, besides incredibly low for a month's hard work, not really supposed to exist for wars, as the system you've described would lead to immense toxicity within a guild. Not even a 'fair' individual rewards would seem fitting, as you're not supposed to war for yourself; you're doing it for the guild.

    The guild bank is a neat idea, but I think it's a bit too convoluted to add in. That's it really. Otherwise, cool suggestion, and I would maybe work this one out to a suggestion on its own.

    i read housing lol, i'll let aaron or someone pull up the housing list (although i would like to add this has been one of the most reasonable housing ideas so far)

    As for your last two points: I get why you want to incentivize people to get in a high-level guild or make a high-level guild, but it just wouldn't work. Many guilds hardly to never take off, kick you if/when you get inactive and you'll lose all your bonuses, people would dislike high-level guild players even more because of the inherent bonuses they have, etc. etc.
    This part is very much an opinion, but I don't think guilds should have effect on the game outside of guild stuff, at all. It would anger literally anyone who isn't in any of the top guilds (and probably quite a few people in those guilds), and just not help anyone.

    Oh, and add a poll.
    StormKing3 and brokenmotor like this.
  3. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    So the main idea of the territories resetting is to allow for guilds of all sizes to go out and have a chance of getting some starting territory. I usually happen to look on the map and see guilds have large masses of territory claimed, and I assume that unless a guild or an alliance of guilds launch a mass attack, there's no way to break that formation.
    I will also say that the time between each reset and the rewards players get individually are drafts and not meant to be official numbers. They are there to help with examples and not be the official numbers and rewards given out.
    As for the toxicity, it would help if you could explain how this would happen. From my standpoint I see that this would make players war for both themselves and the guild, as they are not only getting rewards for the guild but rewards for themselves as well at whatever period the reset occurs. Unless you mean you may only get players who just want to do wars just to get rewards for themselves? Which I can definitely see that occurring in some cases but they are still technically contributing to the war.

    Thanks for the approval on guild banks and housing.

    Guilds kicking you/failing to take off, I can see that. However, the idea of these perks is to morely encourage lower level and newer guilds to work on their guild levels. Of course these higher guilds will obviously have these perks automatically but as mentioned, they would be minor, and shouldn't feel absolutely required for leveling or gameplay. I understand though, as I have no idea how much XP it costs to even level a guild (The wiki didn't mention XP requirements so :shrug)

    Thanks for the feedback.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, poll made.
  4. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Brutally honest VIP+

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    The reason you see the map the way it is, is not so much due to just warring alone, we have made alliances and arrangements that make the map look how it is today, if you reset it, by the end of that day it will look exactly the same as before you reset it, not even by the end of the day, maybe within the hour. The challenge of this is making the teams you will need to hold your ground, along with whom you talk to in regards to obtaining something on the map, as well as how much u actually want it. Some of your ideas could be possibly implemented in small ways but bart is right overall. We didnt get these grounds easily, or by any means of help from game mechanics like monthly resets, it was always more against us as beginning guilds with how things have always changed or odds always against you from larger guilds, we got to where we are because we want to win and be the best. One other thing about the incentives idea, that is just asking to be abused / will be abused. Good luck to you, hope for the best.
  5. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    XP wise I have to disagree on you. Low lvl guilds by far don't need as much xp as the big ones and so don't need to hold certain territories for that long to get some %xp for the guild. Another way for them to lvl fast is by grinding on a high lvl class with 100% contribution on! Ive personally seen guilds get up to lvl 30-50 this way. And if you have comments on 'high lvl class', I know there are many mid-level people who want to start a guild and make it grow but I think guilds were mainly meant for the endgame and high lvl ppl to spend time on.
    On the other hand, emerald wise I understand how smaller guilds don't stand a chance against big guilds. They'd need to contribute a lot out of own pocket first (or donate lootrun/grinded emeralds) to get a decent bank to compete with bigger guilds! (they probably also have to be more frugal on mobs they place in territories)
    So in general low(er) lvl guilds should first focus on leveling the guild by own hand and getting emeralds before they can rlly start getting in wars with the purpose of holding territories for a while/long time

    First of all giving people a reward of like a certain loot chest based on the amount of contribution they put into wars/the guild.
    I think this is too little of a reward to give for the amount of wars some guildmembers do! (ye I know we don't get anything now but still I think it's a little stupid to just give a loot chest). Also when you talk about the contribution on % work they do. The percentages you give are way too high for most people to reach! Especially to big guilds that have a lot of people doing wars (in different time-zones) and these percentages would be ridiculous if you would even need to have participated in 45% of the wars, as well as the fact that some people can just f*** the others by soloing a lot of wars and decreasing their %. I think puttin a set amount of wars & mobs killed would be better. And also I wouldn't look at 'most healed' stats etc, 1. most healing is just counted by mage heals, giving mages a big benefit! As well as giving a big advantage to archers (who get most dmg and mob kills) or people with the best builds.

    First things first, in general I like the idea.
    But I have some comments. Adding a guild bank could draw some people towards guilds with a big bank in order to win their trust and raid their entire bank! Offcourse this power lays in the hand of the owner but still, some people can be very persuading.
    And when a guild decides to upgrade their banner or place mobs in territories. From where would these emeralds be taken from? First from emerald gain out of territories/wars? Or out of stored emeralds? (I know your suggestions are just rough overviews of ideas but would like to discuss these things a lil further :3). Also if this guild bank would be accessible by a single command at every place on the map this would make people able to store materials while grinding f.e an advantage that isn't intended or something the CT/devs/admins wouldn't want for it would make inventory weight completely uselss! And I'm sure there are some other things I can't come up with right now that this could be used for in a way that's not intended. So making this bank only accessible by an npc in f.e only the big cities like detlas/cinfras/corkus... this would clear that advantage I think.

    How nice this sounds I don't think this will ever be implemented for wynncraft is the MMORPG of minecraft and the main/only focus on that.
    (There's been wizzard fortress ik, think it just got removed cause ppl didn't like it, but also think the devs didn't think it fits in wynncraft)
    A lot of people might also just join wynncraft primarely for housing then and the normal wynncraft worlds will be emptier.
    Also most people want this to be a general feature for players with no guild as well :/

    Just like you stated yourself, lots of people will just want to join bigger guilds that have unlocked these perks.
    Nothing more to say :3

    I like this idea a lot. However crafting a guild scroll sounds weird and how you be able to craft this xD!
    However 'working together' won't rlly be much working together I think, most guilds only have like 1 or 2 people that level professions and especially the consumable professions aren't rlly popular. Also for giving the guild stats in a war there are just scrolls for, however having other kind of stats in the normal worlds seems nice but a little weird to add to guilds. BUT giving buffs to the mobs you place with crafted consumables sounds like a great idea. The current mobs are pretty weak, even the expensive lvl 100 ones. Being able to give buffs to these mobs will make them usefull and maybe even very though to fight against!

    Nice I survived the essay :D
    Bart (MC) and Tsukiji like this.
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