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World ✹ Quest Activated Class Upgrades ✹

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Durabilities, Jun 2, 2019.


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  1. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This thread is best viewed in a dark forum theme.

    Quest Activated Class Upgrades

    〖 The Idea 〗
    As a way to introduce new lore into the four Wynn classes, add more complex customization options to play styles, and add interaction and a sense of achievement upon unlocking new powers, Quest Activated Class Upgrades, or QACU, could bring about an entirely new concept to Wynncraft that wouldn't necessarily disrupt the flow of Wynncraft gameplay that we know.
    Overall, the augments should introduce new doors for players to explore entirely new play styles with classes they love that are viable, enjoyable, and above all, balanced and fitting to the game. These augments should also introduce minor improvements for struggles that some classes experience, such as mobility and mana usage for assassins, defense for archers, damage for mages, etc.

    〖 The Concept 〗
    At level 66, a quest will open up to the player, corresponding to their class. The quest is a long length quest, and in the quest, the players will receive a deeper backstory to their class, and will, in the end of the quest, unlock the elemental augmentation menu, allowing them to add augments to their spells based on the elements of Wynncraft.
    Every augment in the game would be based on % stats, for the sake of scaling, because these augments are meant to be viable throughout the entire game.

    ✺ Elemental Augmentation Menu ✺


    As shown in the Archer/Hunter example menu, (no texture added), the menu works like a selection menu of columns, allowing the player to choose an elemental augment for each of their four spells. To deselect an augment, a player can simply click on the selected augment.

    Within the menu, the player can see the level of their elemental augments by hovering over the red or green stained glass, which will show them the stats, augment description, and whether or not it is currently selected. For example, in the archer menu, if a player were to hover over the green stained glass under the arrow storm sign in-between the yellow dye (thunder), they'd see what the augment does to their arrow storm spell, the stats of the augment, and they'd see that the augment is currently selected.

    Now... for what we've all been waiting for, the augments themselves.

    ✮ Class Elemental Spell Augments ✮
    (Note, all stats of augments scale with the player's level, the stats shown are at the base level, 66.)


    One thing to note, I am not talented by any means at stats and numbers, and if there are numbers that I should adjust, please leave them in the comments, and I will absolutely take a look.
    Also, I am 100% open to editing certain augments based on suggestions given, and anyone's ideas are welcome.

    〖 The Quest Concept 〗

    As of right now, I'm not entirely sure which would be a better idea for the quest, so I decided to put both ideas within this part of the thread.

    4 Quests

    Around the Gavel and Wynn provinces, 4 mysterious figures hide in small new areas of the world. One NPC for each class, your class must find the NPC that will begin your Class quest for the augment menu. The quest will be themed to fit your class's lore and idea, and you'll be sent on a medium to long length journey to unlock special powers, and you'll be given rich lore information on your class. Your class cannot begin the quest that corresponds to any of the other 3 classes.
    The only issue with this, is I don't exactly know how this would bode for completionists of the quest book, as this means that there are 3 quests that your class could never complete.

    1 Quest, 4 Rooms

    In a large temple somewhere in the world, a mysterious NPC promises untold power and knowledge by passing the test of <insert cool temple name here>. The player will begin the quest, but then will only be allowed to enter the door that corresponds to their class, and will be teleported to an open world where they must complete their quest.
    This would mean that it's only 1 quest, but there are 4 branches, and your class can only go through one branch. Meaning, wherever your class teleports, it's an entire area dedicated to your class, with NPCs that will talk about your class, and quest stages that pertain to your class.
    The issue with this idea is that there would need to be 4 large locations built for the 4 classes, and many NPCs, many dialogues, and many quest stages. In and of itself, this idea is a bit complicated, and I'm not sure how good of a job I did explaining and expressing it.

    Proposed Lore:

    Mages, alchemists, powder masters, all types of knowledge have been passed around the world for as long as the sun has shone light upon the land, knowledge that had hoped to achieve elemental fusion with soldiers, to create a power soldier, capable of dominating entire provinces with honed and impressive control over the elements. Though unrefined, and captured in its rawest form, an unknown figure entering the land of Wynn awaits the right hero to bless with a wild version of this 'Elemental Fusion. A figure who's power is immeasurable, immense, and foreign. It will take a truly worthy challenger to impress this figure enough for it to decide to bestow the gift of the elements.

    (Lore is subject to change, I just whipped this up in about 5 minutes)


    This idea is a pretty big one, and would cost quite a bit of time and effort, as there are a total of 80 augments that would be introduced into the game, and depending on the quest, there'd be lots of NPC dialogues and complicated stuff.

    To be totally fair, I know this idea probably won't be implemented, but I did like the idea, and it was heavily inspired by 'Destiny' the game, where in the first game, players had to embark on a small journey to unlock their 3rd class, and to me, that was fun, and it felt earned and achieved, rather than just being handed the class. Not to mention it went in depth on the lore a bit, and I feel that this could be an opportunity for lore fans to learn more about where the 4 heroes of Wynn came from.

    Finally, I also believe the amount of play style customization this would add to the game would be absolutely insane, and every augment has a focus within the playstyle of that class. Every single class has augments that support the basic playstyles, or improve weaknesses of the class if a player chooses to be more versatile, or even spark entirely new play styles for those who just crave something new.

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  2. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    This is actually a really great, thought-out suggestion.

    Very nicely done!
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    light theme tho
  4. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I spent a bit of time looking through your Elemental Spell Augments, and here's my feedback so far. Keep in mind that I'm just writing down what I would do or would want to change, and doesn't mean that you should. (I can get kind of aggressive/grumpy when writing long feedback)

    Spin Attack:
    -burning skin seems kinda useless (seeing as how thorns isn't really that good, especially with only 10% being added), maybe change to like 20% thorns or make it so you get a small defense boost instead (seeing as that is what fire is all about)
    -lightning storm seems pretty interesting but feels like it's too strong, perhaps if it's just a single-target lightning it's more balanced
    -water hurricane is really cool. I think 5 seconds is too long, but getting mobs sucked in for a bit more damage whilst losing some moving speed in a very good concept.
    -final slam is good. only thing to add is that spin attack already slows, so maybe change the wording the 'extend the slowness' or something like that
    -acrobatics is just redundant with vanish existing, maybe try something with knockback instead.
    -circus fire could be cool but i think the fact that you have jump boost makes it unnecessarily hard to use. fire is meant to be slow anyway, so i'd say maybe the jump boost should just go.
    -kill stroke is just broken for masses of mobs, as assassin is overwhelmingly mana steal anyway and now they can get a free 6 mana by just killing something with a melee attack in vanish. not sure what could be changed, just know that it should be changed.
    -honestly, just make you be able to use one spell in vanish without reappearing and it's good. making one spell cost zero mana is too strong.
    -rock clone is pretty much good, i'm just curious how much health it would have or if it's just unbreakable and if there's a limit on how many can exist at a time.
    -just give an assassin speed 3 for the air augment man, we already have aoe speed and making it some stacking but not replenishing technicality just makes it harder on everyone.
    -vital spots does not work with dexterity (assassins main element btw)at all, seeing as how you're overriding the normal dexterity-boosted crit chance. 85% chance to crit seems quite strong as well but i'm honestly not sure.
    -jelly body is once again something made op by masses of mobs, but i feel like just slowness 3 might be a bit weak. perhaps a boost to multihits normal water damage?
    -mountain punch: i like the whole idea of 'less hits but more damage' it has instead of 'more hits means more crit chance' of dexterity, but i think 3 hits is too big a step down from 10 hits. also, don't make the attack charge or change element damage. at all.
    -shadow dance is kind of cool, but that half mana cost has got to go. it has lower cost that spin attack at this point. alternatively, you could make multihit be able to move the target around more, or throw it further away at the last hit
    Smoke Bomb:
    -blinding light: 10 seconds is toooo long, how about a small (non-stackable with vanish) defense boost if a player is within the smoke bomb
    -short circuit: kind of confusing to read, but i think you meant that mobs in the smoke bomb just stop instead of slow down, and i'm perfectly fine with that.
    -mana pool is, well, strange, but i think it could actually work and not be overpowered. just make sure it's unable to stack.
    -dissipate: that's the second time you've impersonated vanish. maybe make the range or just the smoke bomb itself bigger.
    -seeing as you're missing an earth augment, here's my shot at one
    "Heavy Bombs" - When thrown, the bomb explodes when it comes in contact with the ground, doing an extra 80% earth damage. This does not affect the gradual damage of a normal Smoke Bomb.

    -blood curse might seem innocent but if you take a look at how heal works and some wands you'll see that you have just created a monster (monster ironically being not a good example). just change it to higher healing for other playing or something
    -optimal improvements: i feel like you couldn't come up with anything here, so i'm offering the idea of bonus, weaker heal pulse
    -gift that gives is indeed a gift that gives, because it's probably the most broken thing in this entire suggestion. my best suggestion is maybe changing it entirely to throwing the pulses away for one big heal or something but i'm honestly not sure about this either (alternatively: a vanish-like state where health quickly goes up and mana slowly goes down)
    -smog: both blindness and slowness seems a bit excessive, and seeing as mage has ice snake and teleport to already do that, it's kind of made redundant. best alternative i can come up with is it charging the powder special when you don't get hit for all three pulses
    -castaway; yeah, knocking enemies away is cool. you're still really trying to give classes speed though.
    -flight of the legends: first of all, flight of the phoenix sounds way cooler, second of all, how about a short defense boost? total immunity is a bit, uh, total
    -blue wasp: you're getting very creative here and i like it, but i'd say that the time limit should go away and following that damage multiplier should also go down. also, the term 'tripping' should already hint you about it not being a good way of balancing the augment, mages close to an enemy without mana are basically dead. oh, and a fun thing to think about: i saw a suggestion a while ago about teleport turning around when you hit an enemy and i think it fits really well here.
    -mana pigeon is another place where i'm gonna have to say that a free 4 mana makes this op in groups and useless without groups. i have no better alternative to suggest though.
    -molecular deconstruction is worded a bit confusing, but having to charge before using teleport but then doing more damage seems pretty cool.
    -propelling force: knocking enemies back to where you came from, great idea. much better than the obvious 'extend range'. i'm still a bit iffy about the speed 2 though.
    -crushing force: i think it's a very cool ability, but i'm afraid meteor is such an important spell for mage that making in low-range would make it a bad choice. maybe the split-in-four thing but still with normal meteor range, or a bigger and more damaging burning ground.
    -teleportation: instantly might be too strong, how about 'twice as fast'?
    -graced by death: aaaaaaah extra mana with aoe spell aaaaaah (alternative: all mobs standing in the burning ground take more damage?)
    -planet: yes. cool. want.
    -mirage: well, you can already cast multiple meteors. and more or less control where every one of them will land. maybe this is where we go with the easy range upgrade?
    Ice Snake:
    -fire phoenix: how often is multiple? how big are the blasts? kind of vague tbh. (alternative for fun: mini burning ground effect wherever the snake went over)
    -thunderbird: ice snake already immobilizes, just make it chain to nearby enemies or something
    -theoricks will; 6 blocks seems kinda big, but otherwise, great suggestion.
    -fissure: ice snake already slows/freezes, i also feel like earth damage just doesn't fit for ice snake.
    -wyvern: woah there, big knockback and three snakes? choose one and it's fine. (put the other one on the earth augment haha)

    tl;dr yeah they're pretty cool but you tend to go a bit too far in terms of giving players mana/speed and the time you give enemies slowness/freeze/whatever.

    I'll continue this some other time, I can now see and respect the amount of time you put into this
    brokenmotor likes this.
  5. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Heyy, thanks for putting so much time into the responses, damn. I do understand where you’re coming from about some of the Augments seeming unfitting to the class, but in a sense, that’s the whole point of augments. It’s a way to give new play styles and new means of customization, and because of the sheer amount of variables that goes into having 20 augments per class, it becomes difficult to fit in an augment that works for everything. For example, you mentioned Mana Pigeon (Mage can give allies mana by blinking on them) being useless if someone is playing solo. And that is exactly as intended.

    Not every skill is going to always have a use necessarily.

    As for the Assassin’s ‘mock vanish’ stuff, that’s also sort of intended. I tried my hardest to incorporate means of mobility for the assassin, and the most fitting thing I could think of is the state of vanish itself, so I used some of the augments to actually set up quite a nice Mobility build, giving the Assassin more viability and use than people seem to think the class has.

    Just one more thing, and I’ll probably add this to the Thread itself, these augments are in no way meant to be teeny tiny additions to your Class that you barely notice while you progress through the levels after 66, these Augments are very much “Class Augments”, meaning they can and WILL change a player’s play style.

    I’ve seen many suggestions offering similar ideas as this thread, but in such small quantities, it just becomes kind of pointless to take the trouble to add them to the game, because they’re such minor changes.

    Anyway, anyway, thank you for reading so in depth and responding and giving your feedback, anything that I didn’t brush on right here, I agree with, respect, and will look at on the google documents. Also, I fell in love with your burning ground idea for the Ice Snake.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  6. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Wow... I guess it's safe to say my camp of insane suggestions has been breached, and I am all for it! I don't plan on going into details regarding each individual augment (not my battle) but I will comment on the system as a whole. Also, I will be slightly referencing my own suggestion that is somewhat similar to this one (still W.I.P.) but all of this was planned out before I saw your suggestion so don't get the idea that I stole from ya.

    I like the idea of tying these augments to a quest. My system uses mob drops and honestly I like the idea of a quest better, although I will admit it can seem a little flawed. After all, how does explaining the lore of your class to someone suddenly grant them bonuses to their spells? I'm not saying it's a bad system, I would just like to see this part more fleshed out, as well as a more thorough explanation of how you suddenly gain these powers.

    Another positive I see is tying the upgrades to the elements. This could actually bode well for explaining how you got these upgrades in the first place. If the quest can go into more detail about how the elements can interact with your classes spells, I can see the lore getting much richer with that change alone.

    I will admit though, I would have liked to have seen more requirements to gain each upgrade. Gaining every single augment once you complete the quest seems a bit overwhelming to someone who hasn't looked into them further. While it may just be my personal philosophy regarding how upgrades should be obtained, I would rather see some kind of level requirement to gain more augments instead of getting every single one once the quest is completed.

    Either way, great suggestion overall. I would love to see this kind of thing in game personally. Adding unique play styles to each class via these kinds of systems would enrich the game so heavily and I am just dying to see it happen.
  7. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    if you know its only viewable in dark theme dont make it this way.

    ...buuuuut screw light theme sooooooo
    trex1611 and Druser like this.
  8. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Alright then, part 2. I'm gonna do the same thing as before, but I'll try to remember that the augments are allowed and supposed to change classes and spells up a lot.

    -phalanx gives extra defense, but warriors defense is already maxed out with 78 defense and its normal 20% extra defense (iirc). i think maybe giving it a better amount of knockback or just making it do fire damage might be the best alternative here.
    -thunderpunch: yeah, 1 second freeze seems good. is it on the first or second 'wave' of bash though? (also, what about thunderstrike as a name?)
    -drain: again, extra mana regen is a bit strong i feel, but sure. maybe slowness 2 or something might work better. also, i don't get why the timers work that way: hit gives 4 secs 2 hits give 8 sec, but a 3rd hit 7.5 seconds later doesn't refresh it? it seems unnecessarily hard to understand.
    -shaken earth: probably the best augment i've seen yet. fits perfectly.
    -prepared counter: i think i've said this before, but i think adding a chance to do whatever is a really bad idea. dexterity and agility currently already gives you a chance to either crit or dodge (which can go higher than 70% btw), and giving augments the option to just kind of ignore them would kind of devalue them? i think? anyway, i advise against adding chance modifications on spells in general. i'll give the alternative of making the 'waves' of bash extend further.

    -firestorm: looks good, but i think putting the wall behind you as you charge is way cooler :p
    -quick charge: against, lose the extra crit chance, otherwise fine 9although it feels like it fits more with an air augment)
    -echo: aside from the mana regen being strong, the delayed damage seems pretty cool. 5 seconds are quite long though, maybe make it 3 seconds wait and an instant 50% damage.
    -heavy force: an extra 50% damage might be a might much in this case, but otherwise a good augment.
    -full coverage: yeah, about what i expected. (maybe change the name to, uh, 'jetstream' or 'aerodynamics' or something)

    -asteroid: i wasn't expecting to say this, but you can ramp that extra fire damage up a bit. 50% should be fine.
    -to the heavens: hm. 6 strikes per killed enemy seems like a lot and would probably be laggy as well, how about one strike per enemy? it'd be strong in masses, but weaker one-on-one.
    -dark magic: ..you're aware you can already hit multiple enemies with one uppercut right? still, just being able to change what direction they fly up to is good enough if you return the lost damage.
    -pure strength: normal uppercut does 375% damage total, with 8 mana cost. i'm not sure if you read things wrong, but earth isn't an element that increases attack speed but decreases damage (in fact, it's the opposite. you could do that, or maybe make it do like 325% plus 125% fireworks for a total 450% damage, but the mob wont rocket down)
    -snapping winds: gonna be honest, i do not know what you're trying to explain here, but it seems interesting, so maybe reword it better?

    War Scream:
    -dragon's roar: yeah, that seems pretty fair. i'm a bit conflicted about the defense cap being lowered even more, but i guess this would still be good for offensive warriors (and other class ofc). i'm just a bit concerned about warriors taking revenge with spamming war scream at everyone to give them slowness..
    -focused anger: holy shit this is broken. first of all, crit chance is higher than the dexterity limit (which is 80.8% crit chance), so double no. then the attack speed bonus. i'm gonna read this as an instant +1 attack speed (attack speeds aren't gradual, there are 7 and it has to fall within any of those) and boy this would make warriors instantly very, very strong. possibly (probably) too strong. not even to talk about other classes: just put a war scream spamming warrior somewhere and suddenly every melee build in sight gets a damage boost and another extra damage boost (which can go up to like 1.3, 1.4 times the normal amount). simply said, op. i'd maybe change it to making war scream behave a bit like arrow storm, with two different 'scream streams' at the same time (and every scream doing 20% damage i/o 30).

    Now, before I start talking about archer, I would like to point out that I've only played archer up to level 50, and haven't played it for like 2 years, so I might not be the best person to give archer feedback.
    Arrow Storm:
    -melting matter: i think that if it pierces, the current fire damage is fine; arrow storm is one of those spells where that could have a lot of difference in damage, of which it already has plenty.
    -grounding lightning: not sure if it would matter a lot for damage, but making the last arrows freeze is a great augment, seeing as archer is probably right next to the enemy and now gets a good chance to escape. maybe 2 seconds is a bit much, but i think it would need to be tested before that's clear.
    -whirlpool: seems really strong for an already very strong spell; maybe just choose one of the three effect? (i'd go for the pull effect :3)
    -double down: this is just worse than normal arrow storm. alternative: slower shooting/shorter range, but higher damage (25/30%)
    -tailwind: i think pushing the caster away at cast would just disorient the caster and make the spell fail (you usually want to use arrow storm at close to extreme close range). i think pushing the caster away when the spell is done would work a lot better.

    -fire geyser: bootleg burning ground, i approve
    -thunderstruck: you've been.. well, you already made the reference. i think it works pretty well, although it might be accidentally very strong if you can spam spells whilst in the air. maybe put losing the slow fall (but still not take fall damage) as a countermeasure to it being too strong.
    -stamina: aside from the fact that escape already costs 1 mana at 105 int, i think slowing nearby mobs is good enough.
    -earthquake: although the slowness 3 might be too much (and overshadows stamina hardcore) as you already blind them, the damage seems fair.
    -coverage: i mean that's cool and all but what about d o u b l e j u m p

    Bomb Arrow:
    -fire dragon: yes, cool.
    -blink: again, that would work.
    -muffled bounces: not sure how long 10 bounces would take, but if it's within the 10 seconds of the enemy being unable to jump, it's fine by me.
    -detonation: killer queen has already touched this arrow. ahem, what? jojo references aside, maybe twice the damage is too much, how about 400% damage?
    -glide: you mean.. pull the archer towards the enemy? oh. oh no. how about they entire bomb arrow bounces along up to three times, exploding when touching an enemy (or when it touches the ground/wall the fourth time)

    Arrow Shield:
    -imbued flame: invincibility is an iffy concept, i think if that's just left behind this is still a great and useful augment.
    -focus: pretty broken ngl, crits are quite a bit more damage and even if archer has single attack melee, it's probably still really strong. maybe just a slight damage or dexterity boost while arrow shield is up?
    -mindful rainstorm: idk about this one, you're essentially putting an archer close to a group of enemies without any mana. yikes. how about no mana drain, but either only slowness or only pull?
    -brutal force: make it take a second or so before the shield goes up again, otherwise mobs will get comboed to infinity. also, maybe lower the damage from 250% per shield to like 175% per shield, otherwise it'd be too good compared to other augments.
    -arrow dance: so, lower damage from arrow shield, but an even higher walk speed (speed 3 + this speed would probably be speed 4)? seems perfect for an archer.

    tl;dr: changing chances to a set number is a bad idea, otherwise these augment seem more balanced than the first post. Also, the archer augment were really good, is that your main class?

    If you have any more questions about balancing or why I said a specific thing feel free to ask, I might've missed an explanation here or there while writing this essay (it's a total of about 2750 words, oof).
    RazorGuild likes this.
  9. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    I'd look more closely over the damage that the spells inflict initially and the damage these augments are providing. For instance, the "Pure Strength" upgrade actually REDUCES the power of Uppercut. It inflicts a total of 350% damage divided over all its hits, while Pure Strength puts it to 275%.

    If you meant that only the first hit of Uppercut got boosted to 275%, that's still not a particularly impressive boost. Mountain Punch does something similar to Multihits, reducing the amount of hits to 3 and increasing the damage...at base, Multihits deals 420% damage over 11 hits. This brings it down to 345%, and requires a windup.

    Double Down also looks unimpressive, essentially turning Arrow Storm into a double-casted, smaller-range Bomb Arrow. I'd look into these changes and adjust the damage of these augments as needed.
    trex1611 and Druser like this.
  10. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hey, thanks for reading through everything, Selvut :))

    As for Pure Strength, that was my mistake, I didn't elaborate on the fact that the 275% damage was for the initial hit, and I fixed that in the document, bumping up the damage of the first hit to 325%. With Mountain Punch, I somehow totally miscalculated, and that's entirely my fault, so I reworked the augment itself, giving it a more unique and (now) viable stat.

    For Double Down, I completely reworked the augment, giving it a pretty drastic change to Arrow Storm, while still being viable and full of damage potential, (given that the augment IS Earth)

    Again, thank you for reading and clearing this for me, any suggestions and pointers are greatly appreciated.
  11. Eterlore

    Eterlore Yeeet HERO

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    How can something like this go unseen? YES!
    Durabilities likes this.
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