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Class Idea: ❇ Time Guardian / Rift Walker ❇ ( With Lore )

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Durabilities, Jun 2, 2019.



  1. I like this idea! I'd totally try out this class.

  2. The idea is cool, but not my playstyle.

  3. This is not a good idea, but with improvements, could be better. (Elaborate in the comments)

  4. This is not a good idea.

  5. The idea is good, but could be improved. (Elaborate in comments)

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  1. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This thread is best viewed in a dark theme.

    Time Guardian / Rift Walker


    As a guardian of the mysterious Time Valley, Time Guardians utilize devastating magic to decimate foes while maintaining graceful speed and agility on the battlefield. In their own art, Time Guardians can open doors to time, causing chaos on the field with terrifying precision as to keep the flow of time in tact whilst destroying opponents in the blink of an eye.

    An unknown force new to the land of Wynn, Rift Walkers are only known as entities capable of bending space-time itself. Using the universe itself to their advantage, Rift Walkers defy reality with their extraordinary magic, destroying foes and zipping around multiple dimensions with insane speed. Meeting a Rift Walker might spark more questions than answers.

    • The Time Guardian class is an extremely high-risk high-reward class. What the class lacks in defense and range, they make up with insane speed and spell damage, with very good mana usage. Time Guardians are a class that can quickly jump into a battle, and the longer they're in the battle, the bigger opportunity they have to perform combos, spells, and other sources of damage to destroy foes. The skill cap of this class, I'd say, is extremely high, because, if you can use the class correctly, it can absolutely dominate, but the class is quite unforgiving with mistakes.


    Damage ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
    Defense ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
    Range ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
    Spells ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇

    • Weapon: Gauntlets (Any available blocks could be used for the model. but the gauntlets would be mystical, otherworldly-looking gloves)
    • Attack:
      • Time Punch: Right click to shoot forward a small punch attack that acts similar to the Mage basic attack. The punch itself emits a 180 degree disk of blue particles out of the player in whichever direction they're facing. The attack can pierce enemies, and the attack range is 3 blocks. (110% dmg)
    • Chat Tag: [TG] / [RW]
    • Passive: While invisible, Wormhole Kick costs 1 mana.

    • Mirror Punch - Unlocked at level 1 (Offensive)
    • The player casts a powerful punch forward. If it strikes an enemy, the caster becomes invisible, and their next basic attack deals bonus damage.
    • (Single Target Spell)
      • Left - Right - Left
      • Mana Cost: 5 mana
      • Cast DMG: 80%
      • Basic Attack DMG Change:
        • 140% neutral
        • 15% water
      • Invisibility Duration: 3 seconds
      • Knockback: 2 blocks
    • Grade II - Unlocked at level 16
      • Mana Cost: 4 mana
      • Cast DMG: 50%
      • Basic Attack DMG Change:
        • 150% neutral
        • 10% water
        • 10% thunder
      • Invisibility Duration: 3 seconds
      • Knockback: 2 blocks
      • +Ripple, Striking an enemy with Mirror Punch now emits a second strike, which is a 360 degree version of Mirror Punch, with a 25% chance of the second strike to deal critical damage to all enemies it hits.
    • Grade III - Unlocked at level 36
      • Mana Cost: 4 mana
      • Cast DMG: 55%
      • Basic Attack DMG Change:
        • 150% neutral
        • 20% water
        • 15% thunder
      • Invisibility Duration: 0 seconds
      • Knockback: 2 blocks
      • +Timestruck, Enemies hit by the second strike of Mirror Punch are immobilized for 3 seconds, and for every enemy hit by the second strike, you gain 1s of invisibility.
    • Wormhole - Unlocked at level 11 (Evasive / Mobility)
    • The player casts a wormhole on the ground that lasts for a short time. Walking through teleports players forward in the direction they are facing, granting a speed boost.
      • Left - Left - Left
      • Mana Cost: 3 mana
      • Spell Duration: 15 seconds
      • Teleportation Uses: 3
      • Wormholes Active At Once: 1
      • Teleport Distance: 8 blocks
      • Speed Boost:
        • Speed III
        • Duration: 60 seconds
    • Grade II - Unlocked at level 26
      • Mana Cost: 3 mana
      • Spell Duration: 15 seconds
      • Teleportation uses: 6
      • Wormholes Active At Once: 2
      • Teleportation Distance: 8 blocks
      • +Torn, Casting wormhole now activates a 25 block radius area of effect around the wormhole. Caster and allies inside this area become invisible for 2 seconds in intervals of 5 seconds for the duration of the Wormhole spell.
    • Grade III - Unlocked at level 46
      • Mana Cost: 3 mana
      • Spell Duration: 20 seconds
      • Teleportation uses: 12
      • Wormholes Active At Once: 1
      • Teleportation Distance: 8 blocks
      • +Stamina Thief, Re-casting wormhole while one is already active consumes the wormhole, giving the caster Jump III and Speed III for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and granting invisibility to the caster and nearby allies for 3 seconds.
    • Wormhole Kick - Unlocked at level 21 (Offensive / Mobility)
    • Teleport a distance of blocks to an enemy, striking it with a powerful kick.
      • Left - Right - Right
      • Mana Cost: 7 mana
      • Teleport Distance: Up to 10 blocks
      • DMG:
        • 225% neutral
        • 15% water
        • 10% earth
        • 5% air
    • Grade II - Unlocked at level 36
      • Mana Cost: 6 mana
      • Teleport Distance: Up to 13 blocks
      • DMG:
        • 225% neutral
        • 25% water
        • 15% earth
        • 10% air
      • +Lightspeed, Upon casting and kicking an enemy, the caster will now automatically teleport to up to 3 additional enemies and kick them, and is granted 1 second of total damage immunity after teleporting for the last time.
        • (Switching items while in the middle of Lightspeed will stop the spell without granting immunity, which could put the caster in a fatal situation in the middle of a group of enemies)
    • Grade III - Unlocked at level 56
      • Mana Cost: 5 mana
      • Teleport Distance: Up to 15 blocks
      • DMG:
        • 225% neutral
        • 25% water
        • 20% earth
        • 15% air
      • +Unstable Matter, Enemies killed by Wormhole kick explode in an area around them, damaging and blinding other enemies for 3 seconds.
        • Explosion DMG:
          • 40% water
          • 30% fire
        • Explosion Radius:
          • 8 blocks on first kill
          • 6 blocks on second kill
          • 4 blocks on third kill
          • 10 blocks on fourth kill
    • Timelock- Unlocked at level 31 (Utility / Offensive)
    • Casting Timelock sets a circle trap on the ground that, when triggered by an enemy, expands and pulls in nearby enemies, immobilizing them and dealing damage over time.
      • Mana Cost: 7 mana
      • Trap Untriggered Radius: 3 blocks
      • Trap Triggered Radius: 8 blocks
      • Enemy Capacity: Up to 6 enemies
      • Trap Duration: 5 seconds
      • Trap DMG:
        • 10 hits over 5 seconds
        • 20% neutral damage (per hit)
        • 5% water damage (per hit)
        • 5% earth damage (per hit)
        • 5% thunder damage (per hit)
    • Grade II - Unlocked at Level 46
      • Mana Cost: 6 mana
      • Trap Untriggered Radius: 4 blocks
      • Trap Triggered Radius: 10 blocks
      • Enemy Capacity: Up to 9 enemies
      • Trap Duration: 5 seconds
      • Trap DMG:
        • 12 hits over 5 seconds
        • 20% neutral damage (per hit)
        • 5% water damage (per hit)
        • 5% earth damage (per hit)
        • 5% thunder damage (per hit)
      • +Paradox, Casting a Timelock inside of a triggered Timelock trap dispels the trap, scattering the enemies and blinding them for 6 seconds, inflicting them with Slowness II for 10 seconds.
      • (This sets up a perfect chance to combo with Wormhole kick on multiple enemies)
    • Grade III - Unlocked at Level 66
      • Mana Cost: 5 mana
      • Trap Untriggered Radius: N/A
      • Trap Triggered Radius: 12 blocks
      • Enemy Capacity: Up to 14 enemies
      • Trap Duration: 5 seconds
      • Trap DMG:
        • 12 hits over 5 seconds
        • 21% neutral damage (per hit)
        • 7% water damage (per hit)
        • 5% earth damage (per hit)
        • 5% thunder damage (per hit)
      • +Multiverse, Casting Timelock now sets 3 Triggered traps on the ground in a wide circle around the caster, and enemies caught inside spin around violently.
      • (Recasting Timelock while in the vicinity of the original Timelock will still activate Paradox)

    Rift Walker Variants

    Void Punch
    Voidal Kick
    Black Hole

    Note: Hi, hello, hey, howdy, I absolutely wasn't going to post this today or even anytime soon, but I finished it so quickly that I just decided to go for it. Soooo... now I have two running suggestion threads, both of which will probably flop. Anywayyyyyyy... gonna press 'Create Thread' now. yeah.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  2. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I think 14 enemies at once is a bit much, that's usually every single enemy in the room!
    Should go 2,4,6 imo.

    Also I really, really hate the idea of hitting enemies with a block, it would just be so stupid and silly, also off putting from the theme of the game. Heroes use weapons, a sword is 10 times more effective than hitting someone, even if the gloves are made of IRON.

    All critiques aside, this is a very nicely thought out and well-made suggestion. Personally I don't think it will really fit into Wynn atm, but other may like it, so you never know.

    But I am not a big fan
  3. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    When I mentioned the glove model being a block, I meant using a Minecraft block to create a Gauntlet for the resource pack. The gauntlet would be just as viable as every other Class weapon, and you're not punching enemies, you're shooting a range blast attack at them.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  4. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Tbh, this class is probaly too much for wynn
    even archer have too much ppl complaining with skill cap ... imagine time guardian with agility, no thanks
    Endistic likes this.
  5. Herufain

    Herufain Skilled Adventurer

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    While it certantly will be interesting with a new class aswell as one being a high-damage one (like the assassin), the gameplay mechanics seem a little too alike the assassin.
    For now it seems a little bit too op, and doesn't seem too high risk to me (except for the low defense). Otherwise it could be fun to both play with and against one.
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