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Discussion in 'Feedback' started by InfernoWraith, Apr 28, 2019.

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  1. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    No, not the end game movie. The Wynncraft End game experience. I think that a considerable portion of the Wynn population who reach level 103, just get bored, and quit. Here's a few problems that I see with the Wynn end game right now.

    I) Lack of any significant content.

    There's no beating around the bush with this one. There is literally, no-end game content out there. Literally none. There's only 2 places Legendary Island and Qira, and even those are a joke by now. How many times are you going to see the same places, and same bosses over and over again, before, you end up getting sick of them?

    II) Insanely high grind.

    With the drop of the economy update, there's been a insane grind to level up all of the new crap. It takes weeks just to be able to mine a new ore. This wouldn't be a problem if mining, woodcutting etc and levelling up were fun, but it's literally holding down Right Mouse Button, and sitting in one spot. It is mind numbingly boring, and its just tedious.

    III)Lack of any significant reward

    There's literally no end game reward, other than being able to say that I was able to beat Legendary Island and Qira, which at this point nobody cares, since meme builds can beat it with relative ease. @YYGamer. Also the fact that Legendary Island is still kinda buggy as shit, doesn't help the situation. There's literally no reward, for getting to level 102. None. Zilch. Nada. You're literally hemorrhaging money at that point, since quests don't work, loot runs got nerfed into the ground.

    So I'd like some opinions. Also please don't comment that the grind to get to end game is the main part of Wynn. Now that most of the population is at end game, we need to decide what to do. Most of the people who are 102,3 are either afk at Detlas, or they just quit.

    TL;DR-Wynn's end game sucks, and suggestions to improve.
    NotFunny likes this.
  2. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Why I stopped playing
    Why I burnt out when I came back
    Why I won't be coming back anytime soon
  3. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    The next update will hopefully address this lack of endgame content, higher levelled corrupted dungeons (CUR and CGG) will fill the grinding gap along with a handful of quests hopefully.

    I'd really like to see a Corrupted Fallen Factory too and it should be insanely difficult :D
  4. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I would say the main three problems that Wynncraft has is:
    1) Minecraft limitation

    2) Time

    3) Lack of Communication (on forums)
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Well, at least one of those could be improved and it wouldn't take all that much work...
    mantidmadness and ParkourTNT like this.
  6. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    Exactly, why I did the same
  7. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Not an excuse for promised/expected content. They got client side harvesting and terrain working but can't add some more content? No on that one.
    We already know why it took so long to get the 'content' we did. Lack of organization internally and a drive to meet deadlines before the content was ready.
    How is that related to lack of a reward? Good point to bring up, but not related to what @InfernoWraith was saying. Best not to bring that up unless it's necessary.
  8. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I think you misunderstood, i didn't mean the 1), 2) and 3) answers for the reasons he put. I just put what i think the major problems they have randomly.

    Here is what i think about what he said:

    1. The problem here is time. They can add endgame content, and they will but it takes time. I'm not saying that this is an excuse, i'm just saying that things take time to make. I also believe that professions are kind of endgame content too. Not saying that they don't need to add new endgame content, but i can say confidently that they are aware of it (as stated from one of Salted posts).

    2. I can agree that it's tedious. I just hope that they add something to make it less tedious in the future. But for now, we don't have a choice other than waiting sadly.

    3. I'm going to skip LI part since i didn't try LI yet. The levels above 100 are all cosmetic as stated by salted. But to be honest, i'm kinda really confused why they did decide to raise the level from 101 to 104, it did ruin a lot of players progression since they did lose their XP for only one level? the only reason that i can think of is that they plan to raise the level for Dern as you can see that their materials are level 110.
    Some of the nerfing for money making ways were kinda reasonable, like seavale reefs, but some of the quests nerfing did really disappoint me.
    Loot running is one of the most broken ways to make money like really there is a guy with a friend who got 14 stacks of le at each end of the week which really did surprise me (Pre-1.18). I'm not saying here that what they did on nerfing loot runs to this extent was correct, but to be honest, i don't know if it is really bad, Since i can still see some players on the forums talking about loot runs.
    They did at least put the MarketPlace which kinda replaced the old ways of making money (not as good, but it still works), but it's broken for two months which is... not good.

    TL;DR: The first point: They need time, the second point: i agree and the third point: Level above 100 is cosmetic, and it's stupid. They nerfed broken ways of making money, but some of them i was disappointed that it had been nerfed. At least we have the MarketPlace... or not.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    NicBOMB likes this.
  9. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Oh, you formatted it exactly like the initial post and I thought you were commenting on them. I see the error.
    I agree with all of that, but I would add I don't believe they should have released professions in that state, as there were many problems on release and the grind is genuinely abysmal, both in time and tedium.
    More agreement.
    They raised the cap so that the 2SPs that 101 gave were easier to obtain (balance reasons) while maintaining the vanity that 102+ players have for playing a lot. I understand it and agree those 2 sps needed to come back but knocking off millions of XP from players because they were the most dedicated was awful. Any way to fix 101 that didn't simultaneously crush the accomplishments of their players would have been better.

    I still haven't seen the difference with seavale and quests since the update, as I haven't really played those areas yet, so I can't say much about that.

    Economy stuff! That's my shit. I've already responded to the marketplace before, but now I've got another opportunity. RIP marketplace btw.
    Yea, I've said
    for a while now, but I'd like to expand on that. Wynn doesn't really have more than 3 ways of making LE effectively. In order of most profitable I'd say: Mythic Trading/Selling/Scamming, then Loot Running, then Seavale. There needs to be a better source of items that doesn't rely on waiting around arbitrarily for items to spawn or clicking chests one after another. There should be enemies that spawn consistently that give better loot than others, similar to the XP grind mobs (gold stars). Instead we've seen loot bonus get nerfed, quests get nerfed harder, loot chests get changed/relocated by map changes (so basically nothing), and mythics remain mostly the same except for the cata, sing, spring, and freedom changes. Professions haven't changed the forums trade market outside of massive buying lists for ingredients and items being tagged "stuck in marketplace". No one is selling crafted items and everyone is making their own stuff. Crafted items haven't replaced mythics for profit. At best, another avenue for selling cheap ingredients in bulk opened, which is exactly the same as what I did with uths and nii runes, so nothing groundbreaking. Again, I think the CT needs to look at where they want players to spend their time rather than making content just to help players pass the time in days rather than hours :p.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  10. RazorGuild


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    LI is not easy for most players. Most people can’t solo LI and that’s why a large portion of maxed out level players still haven’t beat LI. There are still a fair amount of quests in endgame (dnd questline for example) and you’re forgetting one key aspect. Builds. Builds are what people aspire to make, and overall acomplish one goal or another. And builds are drived by the economy, so pretty much what I’m saying is endgame is based on the economy. To get stronger, attain better items, and therefore attain better builds. That’s what drives me at least to keep playing. I agree that we have a lack of endgame content, but right now endgame is serviceable and still can be fun.
  11. RazorGuild


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    There is a massive reward for beating LI and hive. You get amazing accesories that are pretty much the best in the game for beating LI and Hive gives you items that are used in endgame builds. (Especially master items)

    Like I previously stated, endgame revolves around ecnomy and trade (to improve/make new builds) and that’s the reward you want. Get rich as shit to make builds/improve them. Stop acting like there is fucking nothing to do in endgame, you just have to get off your lazy ass and work.
    brokenmotor likes this.
  12. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Yeah, it seems professions weren't ready. I wonder how it will turn out if they instead focused on Dern instead of professions, and let the next update be the economy.
    Pre-1.18 Seavale reefs give 3-4LE per hour.
    After 1.18 Seavale reefs give 1LE per hour.
    A lot of quests rewards have been nerfed the one i remember are 1000 meters under changed from 5le to 1le and A grave mistake changed from 2le to 1le.
    I assume the problem here is that there are no crafted items that can achieve mythic power?
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Seavale nerf is roughly 25-35% of 1.17 rate (I only skimmed the prices briefly so not sure of exactness).

    Enemies that spawn consistently that give better loot than others = grinding the same enemies over and over. It doesn't matter what happens, endgame content is going to rely on repetitive tactics. People will find the most efficient solutions and milk them until something else becomes more profitable.

    Loot bonus never really got nerfed, but lootchests definitely got nerfed hard. I don't understand how locking out new players is supposed to help the market.

    One Thousand Meters Under is actually now 32 EB (just did it a few days ago). Quest rewards are essentially flat from the 50s onward.

    No one knows if crafted items can achieve mythic level, but even if they could no one would particularly care much. People would much rather own a mythic than a good crafted item.

    Agree that cheap ingredients in bulk is 100% the way to go. People will commission crafted items on occasion, but it's not going to take off outside of walkspeed enthusiasts and such, simply because there's not much reason to buy a crafted item - there's almost no point at which a player is good enough that crafted items will push them over the edge but not good enough to just use existing items. How many people are borderline from beating LI and would benefit from a crafted item, and also are willing and able to buy a crafted item that may or may not turn out to be good enough since the RNG prevents one from knowing ahead of time how good the item will be? Post-production sales are next to nonexistent since it's hard to tell if someone actually wants an item before making it, and that's a lot of money to sink into something that might never sell.

    TL;DR there's never not going to be a grind for endgame money because there's a lot of money already in the economy. Mythic prices went up a lot from the very early Gavel days because people started to accumulate money much faster than the growth in the number of mythics, while prices of endgame non-mythics went down somewhat because they became far more common over time. That's why you see something like Unravel going for a dozen plus LE even though it only has 2 important stats - it's recent and basically the only option in its niche, so everyone wants it but there aren't very many of them.
  14. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    I'll address, the uh "get off your lazy ass and work" bit first. If you check my stats, you can see that I have around 800-850 hours on Wynn combined. I have beaten LI 32 times, and opened a shop, sold enough to buy a Grimtrap and then successfully sold my mythics in such a manner, that I now own a good Nirvana. So don't try that excuse that you need to get off your lazy ass and work.

    Also Legendary Island accessories aren't absolutely mandatory. Sure they're nice, but they aren't that much of a drive. While the Hive rewards are amazing, and pretty much mandatory at this point, you can forgo LI accessories, so long as you have a good roll on a dropped item. For eg- Diamond Static Brace, can be replaced by Destrortur and Gigabyte, without much negatives. So are you really willing to invest so much time, effort and money into attempting Legendary Island, just for freeing up your necklace slot?

    Also LI is buggy as shit. Cybel still has his 1 shots, in phase 2,4,5. Phases 1 and 5 are a joke. He still maanges to get stuck in the barrier blocks, necessitating a restart of the fight, making it incredibly frustrating.

    Also builds might keep you around for a while, but you get bored, as shit, after a while doing the same builds with the same items over and over again. As stated by @Druser there's only a small amount of items that are actually viable to use. So you get bored of seeing the same shit over and over again. Like I said, Wynn's end game is non-existent.

    The problem is that crafted items can easily achieve mythic dps, and sometimes even outperform, mythics. Mythics such as Nirvana, Weathered have been easily replicated.
    Even Stratiformis has been outperformed. @by2011 has a bow that can easily outdps Strati. So, no they can beat mythics, but the problem is that their market value is shit, and isn't worth it.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
  15. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I wouldn't say that its "non-existent". Its true that there arnt enough endgame content, but I can assure you that the CT/admin are aware of it. This doesn't mean that you don't have the right to say that there arnt enough endgame content, but it would be better if you give examples on how to improve on endgame content.
  16. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I feel like many of you are seriously underestimating how much money you can still make from quests and the money you can make from professions. You can still make roughly 48-54le from doing all the quests that give a decent emerald amount (unless they got nerfed even further from the last time I actually went on Wynn) and, if you know where to grind with the proper gear, it is relatively short to get through the ranges of grinding. However, this requires you to be able to delete classes repeatedly and have lots of time on your hands, as opposed to being able to do a lootrun relatively quickly if you know the route. It is much more consistent than relying on your luck when lootrunning though.

    There's also professions. Druser mentioned selling ingredients in bulk as a good way of making money, but selling materials is also a pretty good way as well. When the market was actually working, I was able to make roughly 2 stacks before it broke, and at least half of that came from just selling raw materials. Raw materials are in higher demand because gathering is a lot more tedious than the professions themselves. You can just buy your way through levelling up professions if you really want, and due to this more people look for ingredients and materials rather than the crafted items themselves. However, without profession bombs, the grind for gathering is going to turn down so many people.
    Druser likes this.
  17. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    One way is to have more raid/boss gauntlet type stuff. Like Legendary Island, or more of challenging bosses that give excellent rewards but are hard to beat. For eg- We currently have Orange Wybel, Adamstor, Legendary Island and Qira as late game bosses. More of that stuff
  18. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Actually I brought up that point about bulk items and it was before I realized the trade market would be closed for. It seems really bad right now, so professions are an even more interesting/less useful argument since the whole point of the eco update and trading with other players is almost completely undone, returning all the marketplace sales back to the forums Trade Market instead of the 'new in-game content'.
    Wynncraft CT Finding a way to stop a bug:
    Quickly! Just disable the 161482 new lines of code and months of hard work! It'll all be resolved Soon™!
    The community will understand! Just like how the community understood 101 xp needed to get deleted and the 600+ hours of extra content isn't just clicking nodes or staring at the crafting GUI! ThAnKS sALtEd1 VeRy cOoL!

    In all seriousness, literally nothing is clear anymore and whoever is in charge keeps ruining their only good points of argument for measuring wynncraft's success which's really annoying since I want the game to succeed. The last update was a big flop even if the marketplace comes back. This is just ridiculous. No update is actually more content than what we had before save for new builds like the Detlas remodel etc. At least they can still place blocks right. Oh wait, that brings up invisible wall problems too. It's never ending I swear. -fin
    Dr Zed, brokenmotor and Bart (MC) like this.
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