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No Inventory Space

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by StormKing3, May 14, 2019.

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  1. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I'll keep it short and sweet, you get barely any inventory space and it's all taken up by pointless items. If the Wynn team don't add backpacks in they're going to lose all their players (barely 600 at the last count). It's just pathetic how they can't see this.

    That's all I have to say
  2. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    I agree with backpacks but that's kind of exaggerated, as backpacks isn't one of the main things missing from Wynn.
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    theres a reason we have banks, and if youre running low on inv space you dont need to keep everything. And no, not adding backpacks wont be Wynns downfall.


  4. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    wynn will die if the shoutbox isn't added back though
  5. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Actually, 600 is still more than pre-1.18 player counts. Wynn isn't really losing players as badly as you might think, most people who joined/rejoined after a long time because of the trailer spreading/Grians ad/popping up on other places on YT have started to leave simply because they got bored of the two weeks of playing here and there. That's completely normal, and nothing to worry about.

    If anything, the recent radio silence after deleting the shoutbox/Trade Market, wars and nether being down is going to be the main thing actually hurting Wynn, as it's starting to drive older players away. Which is something to be worried about.

    Backpacks aren't necessary to Wynn, as we have the bank, with recently added pages, totaling up to 21 pages. While they're probably too expensive for most players to get them all, you should be able to buy at least 8 or so, even after your first playthrough. If you want some more info about mine and others' opinion on backpacks, here are all backpack suggestions from the last month:
  6. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Before going around and accusing the CT for not adding something like this, as well as calling them pathetic because they "can't see this", first consider this: it takes time to add features to the game. If it didn't, shoot we could have Dern tomorrow and a fully revamped item system next week (not implying this is necessary, just an example). Developing features that work inside of Wynn takes time. Especially considering they have to fight with both Minecraft limitations and whatever bugs arise from creating said features, you can't expect the CT to be ready and available to add features on a whim.

    Furthermore, the team has stated in the past that backpacks are on the list of things to add, they clearly see the issue at hand and are probably working on a solution as I write this. As stated earlier, all of these things take time to add. Also remember that Wynn likes to have massive updates every couple months (at a minimum), and are unlikely to release backpacks by themselves with nothing else.

    Finally, the idea that "they're going to lose all their players" is a straw man if I have ever seen one. Sure, some might get annoyed and play less than normal, but the idea that just because one feature is not at its best does not mean that everyone on the server is going to suddenly leave.

    Also, quick sidenote: why does their current player count even matter? Wynn is still very popular for a lot of people, it just isn't the kind of game you usually sit there and play for 6-8 hours at a time. Come back to me when you can sustain >1000 players on one server yourself before trying to belittle their player count.
    pogge5, Mmm, RazorGuild and 4 others like this.
  7. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    I'm going to nitpick here as I hate when people say this. He's a player, he plays games. He's not a server owner or anything related. He plays games, not develops games. It's like a movie critic gives some unhappy feedback to a movie but the movie studio responds, "come back when you've made multiple movies before you give me feedback." I know it isn't proper feedback, but it is feedback nevertheless.
    Gogeta, StormKing3, Bart (MC) and 2 others like this.
  8. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Fair point I guess, just get annoyed when people think devs are just blind to the issues and don't want to solve them. Nothing wrong w/ giving feedback but in this case making a claim on the idea that the CT are "pathetic" just bc they can't fix an issue immediately kinda jarred me a little bit.
    RazorGuild, robincaiye and Bart (MC) like this.
  9. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    It's also not totally baseless to be upset with a team that you've invested time and potentially money into.
    robincaiye and StormKing3 like this.
  10. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Never said you couldn’t be upset with them, but that (at least in my eyes) doesn’t warrant calling them pathetic bc they aren’t fixing an issue that requires more than just a few lines of code; backpacks likely require a lot more time to implement. Especially considering how they like to stay in the dark for long periods of time, it’s not unreasonable to assume they are trying to fix the issue but just need time to do so.
  11. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    No worries, just maybe throw away these “pointless items” and you’ll have space!

    Also, the inventory *is* a fucking backpack.
  12. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    All these items drop and I assume they're pointless, as the new update hasn't really been explained to me I don't know. All I do know is that I have no inventory room and I hate it, and everyone else does to. The Wynn devs will not change it until they lose ALL their players. Which is happening right now.
    Also there's no need to swear, old chap. Just makes you look like an uneducated chav.
    I understand you, to be honest I don't think I should have called the devs "pathetic". But I didn't, if you could read a tad better you could see that I said it's "pathetic" they can't see this. Not that they themselves are pathetic, so don't go misquoting like a fool.
    Exactly, it's my opinion and I will stick to it. Many others feel upset to, also at how the devs don't respond or seem to care at the upset.
    I could never make a server as great as the previous versions of this one.
  13. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Seeing as this is your main point, I'll try to explain it. Tier 0 and 1 ingredients are generally easy to get but not very useful, with tier 2 and 3 being the exact way around. You might not care about crafting at all, and you could throw everything away or try to sell valuable ones. If you do care about crafting but don't want to fill up 2+ pages of ingredients, just look at the ingredient and see if you find it useful for the kind of gear/profession you want.

    Oh yes, I really hate it when your inventory is filled. In all seriousness though, quite some people do have inventory problems, including me. I never feel like it's the servers fault though, as we've got plenty of bank pages (and extra classes, for the first few playthroughs) to store things in. If you still get a full bank, you really might want to consider throwing some stuff away or selling it, to make room and get some emeralds for the next page.

    Like I said before, Wynn is actually at a normal amount of players right now. It's gonna take a few more months of no info about the Trade Market and wars until we're gonna see some actual player loss.

    As a sidenote, try to not belittle people giving some insightful opinions/information. Kind of takes away from any points you make.
    Northie_, pogge5, RazorGuild and 7 others like this.
  14. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Rob Protag: This person, while drinking some good England tea will destroy all grammar offenders, and the "lower uneducated masses." The power of getting a 9 in some education system is overwhelming!!! Maybe I can use my version of a 9 to counteract? No, I cannot harness that power yet. I need to power up, and time.

    Next time on your favorite anime!

    Wynncraft Forums, Season 5, Episode 14!
  15. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    I'm going to ignore the clear intent of portraying me as a fool for the purpose of this response, but do be aware that trying to play me down is not something I take lightly to.

    Your entire statement here literally contradicts itself from the get-go. "I don't think I should have called the devs 'pathetic'" assumes that you DID call them pathetic, but the very next sentence has you saying that you DIDN'T call them pathetic? I don't understand what you are trying to say here, even if your goal wasn't to insult the devs, you basically implied that they are dense/blind in a sense that they clearly cannot see what you do. (Newsflash: they do see the problem. As I stated, they are working on a solution.) I am going to reiterate this: just because they do not have a solution in place does not mean they are not trying to fix the problem. Also, while I am not specifically quoting this here, the notion that the devs will ONLY fix the problem once everyone on Wynn leaves (neither of which will happen because of the issues you presented) is still a straw man blown completely out of the water. It takes time to fix these issues. They will fix it, but for now go with the advice of everyone else, and utilize things like bank spaces for your crafting needs.

    The devs don't respond because that is not their style. You may disagree with their style (I sure do), but making unsubstantiated claims that everyone will quit just because the devs stay in the dark adding content to the game is pretty disingenuous if you ask me. Also, the ending literally contradicts itself as well. The devs specifically don't respond because they DO care, and don't want to hype up something massive for the game that turns out to be below what was expected. They want everyone to be as excited for the update that they spent months working on, and that's why they stay in the dark (whether you agree with it or not).
    RazorGuild and Bart (MC) like this.
  16. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That's actually quite funny, to be fair.
  17. KilljoyDivine

    KilljoyDivine Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I just started within the last week, buuuut, I've been putting in a fair amount of hours with an archer and a mage now. I wouldn't mind so much not having the space I have, if I had a place to sell the stuff I'm getting that I don't want to use yet. Like rotten flesh, TONS of it. I'm still crafting, but I'm getting more rotten flesh than I can use. (We're talking between the two toons, something like 4 stacks. And that was throwing some out/away.) I agree that inventory is kind of a backpack. It'd be neat to access the EC/bank in more places, but I'm not dyin' about it either. I was sad to see that the junk merchants are no more. (I see the wagons around, they remind me of abandoned cars on the side of the road.) So instead of maybe backpacks/more space, I personally would super enjoy having a place to sell excess stuffs to. (And yeah, I can use some of it to craft, but when you save ev-ah-ree-thing, because you can't use it, well, here we are.)

    I didn't know about Grian's ad, but a buddy of mine showed it to me, and I was like, oh, we're going. We are THERE. Then I found out about Grian being the main builder for WC, and I have to admit I went a little fan girl there. His videos were what made me keep playing Minecraft, and my build style has taken on a lot of the elements found in the videos. (Stay with me here, I have a point!) Anyways, without me going on further, I'll say that there are players coming in who truly enjoy the work invested in the builds, the secret areas. If you enjoy exploring and actually investing in the world past just killing things, there's a ton to see and do. I really love a lot of the Easter eggy things, secret walls and areas. (And both my buddy and boyfriend agree, this is what we're loving about Wynncraft!) So backpacks/space is just small potatoes, at least to us.
    Druser, CylinderKnot and Tsukiji like this.
  18. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    How do you even know that they wouldn't be doing backpacks until they fall?

    I have never ever ever seen someone quit because the game doesn't have backpacks. Ragni has a bank now, so people know that their main storage is it. Ragni didn't even use to have a bank until I believe 1.14.1 (Gameplay) came out.

    Like another said, right now there is a problem driving people crazy, more than backpacks OR even guild bugs (?) ever did, which is the absence of the trade market, wars, shoutbox...
    No? That's not really accurate...
    Just because your phrase doesn't match up with theirs doesn't mean what they said was all invalid. He misread and thought you called CT pathetic, but "oH I wAs SAyiNg It nOt CoNTenT tEAm so... aNd yoU'Re dUMb" (This is not exclusive to you, many people do this 'mistake', I guess you can say) You don't have a right to call him a fool just because he misread it. NOT EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH PERFECTLY OR UNDERSTAND IT LIKE YOU DO. You keep calling people uneducated or illiterate just because they made a mistake. Dude, literally, that's exaggerating.

    As for the general suggestion, I believe backpacks right now are unnecessary because banks have so much space for storage and you can just not multitask and gather gear in a run and get materials in another, which is not so hard since there are basically banks everywhere (problems with Kander Forest and Dernel Jungle are acceptable)

    More content would obviously push people for a demand of more storage space, but that content takes a lot of time to create and link to updates. Until that time, storage space will be enough for players.
  19. Demon_Wolf_Fang

    Demon_Wolf_Fang Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Theres a reason for bank vaults. If you dont use them welp thats on you.
  20. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    So... Instead of suggesting how much space, where it would be, how to interact with it, you just say: "We need it" and left... That's not really much of a fleshed out suggestion. Plus the threat: Y"going to lose all of your players." Has been used so many times, I doubt anyone really cares about that sentence as they are more annoyed by it.

    As for inventory space, I can understand the difficulties about this, but I've managed fine, even with the new update my classes have yet to hit a full inventory to the point where I didn't like it. I've only filled it up on purpose when I'm weapon hunting, and that's because I'm knowingly making my inventory full and I'm supposed to make decisions on what I need. It gives what difficulty the game needs. Banks did a good job, giving us much needed inventory space (because at that point we were using classes to hold our emeralds) that we needed. But expanding the bag we currently have, will take a little bit out of the importance of the bank as our go to place when we're full.

    Plus, more inventory space won't always help as you'll fill it just as fast. Not much will change.
    ItsFreakinHarry likes this.
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