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Spell Trees

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by _Eth3real, Apr 29, 2019.


What do you think?

  1. This sounds like a great idea!!!!

  2. No, this is terrible

  3. This sounds cool but maybe a bit much

  4. A cool idea but I think it would be better if (reply down below)

  5. This would be so hard to implement

  6. Why, this is stupid and unnecessary?

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  1. _Eth3real

    _Eth3real Titans Valor [ANO] CHAMPION

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    Spell trees are something that is in a lot of different MMORPGs. If you aren’t familiar with what they are, it is a tree in which you start off with one spell and as you progress through the game you unlock more. This is displayed in a tree like pattern. Some sections can be a kind of you choose scenario. Similar to advancements/achievements in vanilla Minecraft.
    (From Spellforce 3, just an example and I have never heard of this game)

    I suggest we have these in Wynncraft and we have it so that this is how you unlock your spells. One way may be incorporating something similar to mini quests by having you kill a set amount of mobs to unlock something. Maybe if you have the legendary pendant from legendary island you unlock a spell. Maybe you can get them from quests. I was thinking that maybe you could only have 4 equipped at one time. Representing the 4 spell slots we have now. This would make it easier for the players. I have heard this suggested by a ton of people in game but I have never seen a forum post on it. I think it would be a great addition to Wynn.
    I also find that I have kind of been getting bored of the same old same old spells. This would add a huge layer of variability to that. It would allow for spells to be incorporated into builds which I think would be amazing. People could choose for a Air based archer build and their spells could be something like, an attack that knocks enemies away by spewing a single burst of arrows around the player, Escape, A homing arrow (possibly similar to Rockets arrow from Marvel), An arrow that can be shot and will disappear, and then damage the mob it was aimed at 10 seconds later with a large amount of damage (in the time from when the player shoots the arrow and the arrow hits, they will be unable to attack). Just an Idea.

    I understand that this may be very very very difficult to implement. I just thought it was a cool idea maybe for an update far in the future. Let me know what you think about this idea by voting in the poll!!!
    It wouldn’t let me edit the post sooooo

    _Tiger helped me come up with this idea (just wanted to give him some credit)
    Sar, Muchwag and _Tiger like this.
  2. RazorGuild


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    Not a good start, you should put a clear specific system that is clear on what you want to add. Don’t put “maybe” but put something clear on what you want implemented. You don’t want to be vague on your suggestion. Your suggestion doesn’t have to be “you must implement x in this way exactly” but it still should have a main suggestion point but have some things be up to the devs.

    I think a better way to potentially say your suggestion is, “we should be able to get a new spell through doing certain quests, dungeons, and ascertaining rewards, or other means” (Potentially, what I currently get from your suggestion)

    Also confused by this suggestion in general. You get items for new spells? And you get these by doing mini quests? Would like to have more clarification on this suggestion in general.

    And you said it yourself, this will be very hard to implement. Spells were very hard to code and implement into the game, they took up a large portion of the initial dev time. (from what I remember)
    ItsFreakinHarry and Bart (MC) like this.
  3. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    Salted has already mentioned it before in one of his posts. He has thought about it but they will have to push one update at a time. They cant do all at once and to those who voted "Would be hard to implement", its not impossible at all.

    The idea of a skilltree would help us with a more variety of playstyle for each class. Currently there is the same spells etc over and over again with different particles which bores me and probably everyone else. I'd like to see more details in this suggestion etc like the commenter above says, but we can discuss that later GNC ;)
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  4. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Here is the source:
    By Salted: "we think having more spells or a spell tree would be super fun and allow more customizations"[1]

    Also, Here is a pretty good suggestion about spell trees.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Aye thanks for linking me :)

    But in terms of the thread itself, I really like the idea but for such major game-changing suggestions, you need to flesh it out more. I understand it’s daunting, and there is nothing wrong with starting small, but if you want a suggestion to be taken seriously, you need to go into major detail. Feel free to take a look at mine linked above and improve it how you wish.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
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