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A Way To Maybe Help Fix The Economy

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Morgan83, Apr 5, 2019.


Yay or Nay? (Or do you all somehow think the economy is ok)

  1. Yes good idea

  2. Yeah but needs work

  3. No you big buffoon

  4. eCoNoMy Is HeAlThY

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  1. Zirker

    Zirker Well-Known Adventurer

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    I don't understand why mythics need to be fixed, as someone described here they are a luxury, something that only the people who have poured time into the server "can" have, if anything people seek mythics because having one represents your dedication.

    There are already what you can call middle tiers between mythics and legendaries, hive and LI gear, and eventually crafted gear. I think the real problem is inflation, while wynn gets older, gear like mythics either becomes very cheap if it is over grinded or very expensive if under grinded, older players will acumulate wealth and since it is older players that want mythics, mythic prices go up, this makes more recent players have to play for a longer amount of time to get that much wealth or grind for a mythic, with this economy update it was expected to slow down inflation, but it back fired with lesser people devoting time to grinding for mob gear instead lvling up crafting professions while simultaneously adding emeralds to the system (selling the low lvl weapons, byproducting of lvling, to merchants).
    Finally, professions should have been a money sink, whenever you refine the materials you should pay a fee(essentially emeralds that get deleted) higher lvl materials would cost more to refine.
    Pokextreme and Matthew Mason like this.
  2. CanadianMacaroni

    CanadianMacaroni Professional Canadian HERO

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    yes very good 112/18
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