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World Skill; Slayer

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Uri, Apr 4, 2019.

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  1. Uri

    Uri Travelled Adventurer

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    Many people who know the MMORPG Runescape, will definetly recognize this skill. After having spent a long while on the server now, I noticed that this very skill concept is quite useful on the server, and henceforth I would love to propose it to become one.

    What is Slayer?
    Slayer isn't just killing stuff. Slayer is the art of knowing how to kill enemies. Be it simple enemies at the start, creatures that are invincible without proper research or preparation, or creatures that take an extra level of precaution before they are really dead. Some monsters can only be harmed when you have a certain Slayer level. Think of a monster that can only be hurt with a certain elemental weapon, or a monster that requires a Splash Potion of Harm in order to finish off. Slayer gives access to a wider range of monsters to kill, each who can have access to unique ingredients, weapons, etc.

    Why would you do Slayer?
    Slayer not only gives people a reason to commit to combat, but also lets people explore much more areas of the world. Areas that they previously might not have known about, since they are not on the way. In addittion to that, it gives the player access to a wider array of equipment to utilize. Equipment that can only be gotten from Slayer monster, that could either be more powerful for their current level, or more versatile. As well, doing Slayer gives you credit, named 'slayer points', that can be handed in with the appropriate NPC's for handy consumables that are otherwise hard to get by consistently.

    How do you train Slayer?
    Slayer XP is being handed out in the same sense as Combat xp goes; you get the xp every time you kill a monster. However, you cannot gain Slayer XP for just killing any monster like that. First, you need to get an assignment.

    Within each settlement, or in other sensible locations, there are Slayer Masters. These Slayer Masters give you a contract to fulfill, and also a hint of where that monster can be found. This contract could either be a category of monster (appropriate to fill a wider array of combat levels), a specific monster to hunt, or could even a special challenge; a boss from a dungeon. Whenever you kill a monster that's on your task, you gain Slayer XP. When your entire task is done, you're awared an appropriate amount of Slayer points for your task, and then you can get a new task.

    Each Slayer Master has a different difficulty, which can be clearly identified by the tag above the NPC. The more difficult a slayer master his, the higher combat the monsters will be that they assign you to kill. Though, also the more Slayer Points (and XP) you will be awarded.

    Example time:
    Bob wants to train Slayer because he needs his combat up. He's still a rather low level in both combat and slayer, so the slayer master in Detla is not appropriate for him yet. He gets assigned to kill 20 rats, but doesn't know where to find them. The Slayer Master tells him that there is a nest of rats at the river around Nagri, and so he goes. For his effort, he gets a small portion of Slayer Points, which he could spend for some Health Potions that are best and appropriate for his level.

    James has already been doing some assignments and goes for an assignment at Detla. His combat level is above 18. The Slayer Master offers him a special challenge, which he accepts, turning out to slay the monster in the Infested Pit 1 time. Committing to clearing out the dungeon multiple times has now been more rewarding for him, and off he goes.
    Naraka00, SUPER M and Arreme like this.
  2. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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    It's an interesting idea, and I think you did a great job adapting it to wynncraft, altho maybe there would be some problems with all the mob killing mechanics. How could you implement crafting dynamics to a game that is more dropping oriented, despite the recent economy update.
    Uri likes this.
  3. Uri

    Uri Travelled Adventurer

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    What exactly do you mean?
  4. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Some feedback:

    1: add a poll

    2: yes mobs you can't harm doesn't seem like it could cause any issues, having no drops would be better

    3: Detlas* and Ragni* (misspelt, see text underlined in quote)

    4: Slayer points seem like emeralds but less useful

    5: This sounds kind of like combat posts with a few extra steps and rewards but with even more grinding

    6: Adding gear that's more powerful/versatile at that level as a reward for killing stuff is a bit vague. More powerful then what rarity items? Better then normal&unique would make them not too good, better then rare would still make them worse then legendaries, better then legendaries would make them mythics and better then mythics is just no.

    7: Needing to carry an item around to kill a mob seems needlessly complicated/hard to implement. First of all having to carry an item around to kill something would be annoying. But as a more important second there aren't any splash pots etc. in wynncraft atm. First of all do like 5dmg maybe anyways (splash pots of dmg) which is nothing at like level 10 already, let alone level 50. Then if you say 'how about we make them do more dmg!' you have to remember that splash pots can also hit players so I could run around Detlas/Troms/Ragni oneshotting people with my level 100 splash dmg pots. Which yes would need to be a thing unless you can think of a system allowing a level 1 to be able to get them without making it trivial for a level 103 to get a hundred of them the same way.

    Your suggestion has good potential though! Don't let people like me attacking parts of it dissuade you from working on it. We're just showing you it's weak points (and it's nothing personal of course).
    kingslayer296 likes this.
  5. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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    In other words, wynncraft is not that crafting oriented, and works more by upgrading or specializing the weapon drops you get from mobs. Thats the little dynamic (By dynamic i'm referring to the MDA framework) modification you should apply to that suggestion. For example adding special weapons or components.
  6. Uri

    Uri Travelled Adventurer

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    1 - Why add a poll? It's not written down in the requirements to do so.

    2 - That would defeat the whole purpose of Slayer, though. Logically, Slayer-unique monsters won't be monsters that are encounterable on the walkway. They're either in specially assigned locations ("Slayer" dungeons), or miscelaneous places of the world.

    3 - Nitpicky... :P

    4 - Emeralds is more like an official global currency, where Slayer Points are a more dedicated system. Slayer Points is just an additional/alternative means to get some extra goodies.

    5 - In essence, yeah it's a grinding skill. But in contrast to regular combat, it actually lets you strategise and learn about different weapon aspects/qualities, and utilize your gear more properly.

    6 - Slayer-unique monsters drop equipment that stronger than weapons/armor that you can get off any other monster (not bosses/dungeons included) of the same level. Since they have more requirements and require a specific approach, it can be justified for them deserving so.

    7 - I don't know how hard it is to implement, but the idea is that 'you need a special means to kill it'. In whichever means that can be implemented, as long the concept itself can be followed. Perhaps that monsters can be only harmed while suffering from a certain debuff? They are just ideas to approach the subject.
    SUPER M likes this.
  7. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Because it's an easy way to show support for people, all of the popular suggestions have one.
    Like what extra stuff? Please do expand on that, only health pots as in your example would make them basically useless.
    Why? Their a.i. will just like a normal mob's so it won't be that, if they have more hp then they're basically a boss and if they need to killed with an item get them down to 1hp and punch them with it.
    I believe that is called identifying the item and looking at the ids or a boss fight if you're talking about combat experience.
    Mobs drop mythics, NO.
    I really don't see a nice way to do this that isn't a pain for the player....
  8. Uri

    Uri Travelled Adventurer

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    Pretty sure there's a 'like' button? Though it's kinda petty to bicker about this, tbh. Same with pointing out the typo's earlier...

    There can be a wide variety of things to purchase. Health Potions (Even though, they can be grindy to get consistently, and many times you end up with low-quality ones for your needs.) The numbers etc is for the staff to be decided, since ultimately they decide how balanced something will be.

    I have tried twice already to explain that slayer is about 'the art of knowing HOW to kill enemies'. The whole point of this skill is to be eligible and commit to kill tougher-than-usual monsters for a little extra reward (And not tougher in terms of 'just having higher stats'). I honestly don't know anymore what else to tell to get this through you.

    I'm not talking about reading. I'm talking about UTILIZATION.

    Read quote 3........
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  9. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Although this seems like a decently well-thought suggestion, I feel like this wouldn't translate well from Runescape into Wynn. If I read your suggestion correctly, you want:
    - quests or npc that ask you to defeat a certain foe
    -this foe being outside of main areas
    -the player getting access to special weapons, accesories, armour and more
    -the player also getting xp upon defeat the foe
    -this foe sometimes only being able to be killed through means different from combat
    -these foes leveling up while you further in levels as well

    Hm. Sounds to me you've just described dungeons to me. I get that you're still pretty new, but I'm serious:
    -every non-corrupted dungeon has a quest introducing it (fallen factory even has two)
    -you need to go into a specific opening in somewhere to enter dungeons
    -armour, weapons, accesories, horse upgrades, tp scrolls, potions, tools..
    -seems selfexplanatory.
    -galleon's graveyard, (corrupted) lost sanctuary, underworld crypt, corrupted underworld crypt, fallen factory is pretty unique
    -dungeons get harder and higher level.

    Well, maybe try a similar idea on slaying posts, as those are very bare-bones, uninteresting and unrewarding right now.

    Oh, and:
    There's no dislike button. Ya can't just say you have 100% support if the only option is yes, now can you?
    tig likes this.
  10. Czornyy

    Czornyy Newbie Adventurer

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    good i want this...
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