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Have some great ideas for Wynncraft? Join the official CT (content team) and help us make quests, builds, cinematics and much more!

Make Wynncraft Great Again

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Artemis Lance, Mar 6, 2019.



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  1. Artemis Lance

    Artemis Lance Reporting Kirov

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    To preface this: I’ve been playing Wynncraft for a whopping 6 years and have way more time on the server than I would like to admit (2000 hours). Wynncraft has changed my life and has helped me grow as a person. I’ve made so many friends here and I cannot thank this wonderful community enough for the joy it has given me. But as of late it’s lost its magic. The game seems to only be revamping and rebuilding things that were already fine. Granted, there are indeed things that need fixing but we aren’t fixing any of them. We just seem to be remaking cities and landscapes that have been remade already. What gives?

    And I know I’m not alone in my worry for the server, the server statistics are on a downward trend, barely surpassing 1000 players on weekends, and that’s also on a downward trend (source: https://minecraftservers.org/server/95558 )

    So, I have a few ideas to breathe new life into the server.

    1: Make new (higher level) quests and expand on the lore

    One of the things I have been particularly annoyed at in recent updates is the lack of story and outright neglect of missions for veterans. 90% of the last update was reworks. Just reworks. All that time for reworks. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t salty about this. We want something new. Remakes are all fine and dandy but I think most of the devs effort should go towards making new material and quests. I will give credit where it’s do though, and I want to say thanks for the new crafting system and higher level quests devs love ya <3

    2: diversify weapon systems and class customization

    This is one of the things that does in fact need a revamp. The weapons and class system is kinda bland and with new capabilities coming out with every Minecraft update, I feel that it’s not living up to its potential. Here’s some ideas:
    Different firing formations and patterns from bows
    Different levels of knockback from spears
    Varying ranges and combos for daggers/swords
    Side abilities for wands/staves
    And, although I’m sure this has been recommended before, class ability customization trees.

    3. Official public events

    One of my favorite things to do back in the day was hold little events with item bombs and random stupid activities. I think we should do something like that but official, like what Pretzule used to do. Be sure to mix in some in game prizes and items, whether it’s a limited edition goodie, free loot boxes, or a free item. It doesn’t even have to be an update in itself like the Craftsmas fair or hallowynn, it could just be a fun monthly get together or double XP weekend. Tons of games do this and it always brings players back into the fold, especially if they’re held frequently.

    Anyways. That’s just a little rant and list of suggestions from a Wynncraft veteran, keep being awesome, love you all, and please do add any other suggestions to this thread.
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    #1 is presumably being worked on with RtD.

    #2 sounds really interesting, although requires more programming.
  3. Kheya

    Kheya shoutbox has 100 pages!!!!!!! VIP+

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    I deffinately agree with you on all of this (especially the higher level quests and lore), although I dont know if the second one is possible.
    Artemis Lance likes this.
  4. Artemis Lance

    Artemis Lance Reporting Kirov

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    It’s possible, but it would take effort obviously.
  5. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    This is already a thing, the events being run by the Event Manager (Pepinho).
    The ‘The Factions’ event is currently running again, and there’s always the Events Thread.
    trex1611, Tsukiji and nicktree like this.
  6. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    By Salted:
    We have a gigantridrabillion millions ideas in how to improve the game, or the new content we want to add, or the new features we want to add, but we're limited to doing them one at a time (most of the time, we can indeed work on some content and features simultaneously). We think raids would be awesome (especially the way we wanna do them), we think a new class would be super fun and feel refreshing, we think MSL would be super rad and explain a lot of the lore things some have been wondering about, we think housing could be a chill experience for the more social people, we think the game needs more end-game content, we think PvP would be really cool if we manage to improve the game slightly to make it work, we think having more spells or a spell tree would be super fun and allow more customizations... and so on. And it's not because I mention something here that it's coming anytime soon, but just to show that we have a lot of ideas, we listen to a lot of suggestions, but holy fuck is it time consuming to make stuff.

    I just want to say that you don't need to worry, they are aware of these facts and wants to improve the game.
    Note: I'm not saying that your thread is useless, it's alright to suggest things that you feel that it will improve the game, just try to make them more details (it's always nice to see someone who cares about Wynncraft).

  7. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    the server is where it belongs
    artificially inflating its worth can harm it even more
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