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~spell Tree~ (new Spell System)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Icemperor, Feb 24, 2019.


Do you like this idea?

  1. Yes! I would love to see it added!

  2. I think it is a bad idea! (Let me know why)

  3. I think it’s cool but don’t know how it could be added!

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  1. Icemperor

    Icemperor Travelled Adventurer

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    Hello! This is my first Wynncraft suggestion, so hear me out!

    I’m pretty sure we all hear to usual “make new classes”, “update the old classes with new spells because the old ones are boring” in the forums. Well, I am going to (try to) address all (most) of these issues and try to fix them in a (relatively) new way and concept: the Spell Tree!

    What is the Spell Tree, you ask? Well, it is a new way of working with Spells with your class, and customizing and making your class as unique as it can be!

    How this Works:

    You start out the game as usual, but every combat level you get 1 Spell Point. This point can be saved up, or can be used right away, and there will be only a couple of reminders for this, not the nagging of “YOU HAVE 2 UNUSED SKILL POINTS!!!” whenever you level up. Every time you level up, in chat will say something along the lines of “You have gained one Spell Point” and for convenience i will be referring “Spell Point” as “SP, or “SPs” for plural.

    The Spell Tree is a UI, much like the skill points system, but to gain this it would have to be a new tab within your compass or book. It would probably have an “enchanted table” icon. Once you have clicked this, it will open a new page. First at the top, the first item it will display is a wand, spear, dagger, or bow, (depending on class) and will show a different set of “branches” (paths). If you would like to be a more healer mage, then your first point would be set into the branch that displays healing skills and buffs.

    every upgrade and ability would be available after you unlocked its predecessor, so if you first unlocked the skill “gain 5% to all spell damage” which cost 1 SP, the next upgrade would cost 2, which would mean you needed to wait until level 3 to unlock it, or if you wanted to explore another branch, you could use a point to open a new branch too.

    This makes the character a lot more customizable and unique to your play style, (regarding mages) whether you want to focus on being a healer, damage dealer, or an all-around balanced mage, like now how you can use all abilities.

    Destruction: (Currently inspired by meteor spell)

    1 SP- +New Spell Unlocked!+ *Mana Blast* (Shoot out a small burst of elemental energy in front of you, dealing damage and knocking back enemies slightly)

    5 SP- Increase spell damage by 5%

    10 SP- Increase melee damage by 5%

    (And so on...)

    Wondering about how this would work, considering we can only use R-R-R, R-R-L, R-L-R, and R-L-L to cast spells?

    This system would still be in use! You would be able to equip 4 Spells from any branch in your tree, so that means you could choose all 4 spells from the “Destruction” branch, or 2 from the “Support” branch and 2 from the “Destruction” branch. However, you may be asking “Doesn’t this allow players to have 4 spells at level 4? How is this fair?” Well, you would only be able to equip one spell at a time, depending on what combat level you are, and after that (around the same level you would be able to get your second spell) you would unlock the perk to equip two spells, and so on. This would work very much how the leveling system works now, you would get fireworks and a leveling notification in chat, and it would list all the things you unlocked, and how many levels until you can equip two spells at once. At any time, for the cost of one soul point per spell, you can change which spell(s) you have equipped. This would not change your branch/branch progression. The way that you progress in your branch is “Permanent” unless you use a “Spell Point Reset Scroll”, which would be harder to come by (More expensive and harder to find) than say a “Skill Reset Scroll” What a “Spell Point Reset Scroll” does is basically the same as a “Skill Reset Scroll”, it takes all of the points you have accumulated and allows you to spend them wherever you want. This also resets any spells you might have unlocked, which is dangerous if you are in the middle of fighting and accidentally click the scroll (So be careful!). If you hover your cursor over your “weapon” (the item where all do the branches start from, also displays class) it will show you how many Spell Points you have left to spend, your currently equipped spells, and all of the bonuses you have gained from unlocking things down the tree (such as a bonus to melee damage or spell damage etc..)

    There would be a branch based on all of the current spells for each class.

    For Example: Destruction is based off the "Meteor" spell for Mages, so it focuses on doing high damage and getting you buffs for your damage output.

    Hinder, however, is based off the "Ice Snake" spell for Mages, so it focuses on hindering the opponent. (Making them slower, possibly giving them poison, just little things that would annoy them and make them disadvantadged."

    ~All Branch Ideas:~

    (Names can be changed, these are just ideas)

    Destruction (Meteor)

    Mobility (Teleport)

    Support (Heal)

    Hinder (Ice Snake)

    Volley (Arrow Storm)

    Mobility (Escape)

    Blast (Bomb Arrow)

    Defense (Arrow Shield)

    Crowd Control (Spin Attack)

    Stealth (Vanish)

    Rapid-Attack (Multihit)

    Veil (Smoke Bomb)

    Brute (Bash)

    Bull (Charge)

    Boxer (Uppercut)

    Buff (War Scream)

    (More Depth Will Be Added For All Branches)

    ~Planned Features Of This Thread~
    - One lvl. 1 Spell and 2 buffs/perks for each Category and Class
    - A better visual representative/drawing to try to convey what the UI would look like.
    - Spoilers added where needed

    If you have any questions please let me know by responding to this thread! (also constructive criticism, if this is possible etc...)

    This is how the Interface (Kinda) would look like:
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
  2. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Oooh interesting.... +1
    tiny bit of change: SP could be confused with skill points becuz 'skill' and'spell' start with the same letter so u could change it to SPP or smt like that
    Icemperor likes this.
  3. Icemperor

    Icemperor Travelled Adventurer

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    okay! thanks!
  4. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Really great idea! If new spells could be chosen and swapped around, it would make classes more customisable and fun and sort out the issue that replaying classes can feel repetitive! +1
    Icemperor likes this.
  5. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    You should make all dmgs +%s not +raw, raw will be over/underpowered depending on the level. Especially the +1 you use would be pretty much useless.
  6. Icemperor

    Icemperor Travelled Adventurer

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    Okay! Thanks for the feedback! Done!
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