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Having More Agility Gives You A Longer Sprint Period

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by YellowTree, Feb 13, 2019.


How many of you would like this feature to be in Wynncraft?

  1. I would.

  2. Sprint is perfectly balanced as-is.

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  1. YellowTree

    YellowTree jacobiscancelled VIP+

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    I believe that the amount of agility you have could SLIGHTLY increase your sprint length. For example, for every 5 (That number is up to you, Wynncraft team, I just gave a suggestion) skill points invested into agility, you could maybe have 1/2 to 1 extra second of sprint. I know, that for me and fellow Wynn citizens, the sprint feature can be annoying, (especially before level 34) traversing the province of Wynn can be fairly annoying.
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Your poll options don't cover the range of opinions. There are plenty of people who think the sprint bar is slightly too short but would prefer not to link walk speed to Agility.
    H0Y, Mistrise Mystic, Tsukiji and 2 others like this.
  3. Rhythmically

    Rhythmically Well-Known Adventurer

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    From what I've heard, agility is already slightly more powerful than the other 4 skills, so this would only make that gap worse.

    also tfw the OP votes on their own poll
    H0Y, Mistrise Mystic, Tsukiji and 2 others like this.
  4. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Having high agility means you have better options to walk speed items that provides more distance using the sprint bar.
  5. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    yeah, way more powerful than INT
    Rhythmically likes this.
  6. RazorGuild


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    You can buy horses from the marketplace so you don’t really have to be level 34 to have easy acess to horses. Also having a longer sprint for agility like some have states will make the gap between agility and the other elements larger. Defense already is considered by many to be a worse agility. There is already walkspeed which means you don’t need extra sprint with agility, when you can make your builds more walkspeed focused.

    Suggestion is uneeded and unbalanced -1
  7. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    See, this doesnt work.
    Every skill does 2 things:
    1. Buffs a specific stat (Int decreaces spell cost, strenght improves damage, defence improves defence, agility gives you abigger chance to dodge, dexterity makes it possible to crit)
    2. Makes a specific element deal more damage (strength = earth, defence = fire, int = water, agility = air, dexterity = thunder)

    This would make agility do 3 things, not 2, making it objectively better.
    Furthermore, the sprint bar is meant to be that long so you can’t simply run past all the enemies.
    Therefore, no. Also, the poll has no ”no” option
    trex1611 likes this.
  8. trex1611

    trex1611 Well-Known Adventurer

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    As other people have already said, this would make Agility better than the other skills due to boosting a third attribute. This could work, but, only if the other skills also boosted a third stat. If I wanted a change like this, it would be based on the Skill Potions. By that I mean Int boosting spell damage percentage, Def boosting Health, Str boosting melee damage percentage and Dex boosting raw melee damage as well as Agi boosting walk speed.
    Druser likes this.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Something that already exists :P
    trex1611 likes this.
  10. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    Something I've observed in the Wynncraft community is this stubborness to change. People are constantly defending the way things are as if the devs have done an amazing job (the game is unbalanced). I mean I got a lot to say about Wynncraft myself, and I'm sure everyone does. I read a lot of these kinds of threads and it seems as though people like to keep things the way they are pretty much always. I don't really understand why people are saying this suggestion is unnecessary either.

    Horses, aren't good for combat. Walk speed items are only truly useful when stacked. There is nothing wrong with giving AGL a longer sprint, because that kind of factor is easily ignorable, but longer sprint doesn't even have to be tied to AGL anyway. Here's the issue people: Wynncraft's sprint bar is just an annoyance; in parkour, in combat, and in travels. I hate dealing with such a limited sprint bar with such slow regen. I don't want to play any other class, but archer, because I don't want to deal with the sprint bar. Most RPGs allow the increase of sprint, because sprint is a pain to deal with. So then we're left with two questions: Does increasing sprint bar length benefit the game play? and can that be abused? Yes, increasing the sprint bar benefits game play. Players can customize builds even further, and not have to get upset over the annoyance of sitting around for 10-20 seconds to regenerate a slowly regenerating bar. Yes, this mechanic can be abused, but that really goes for any mechanic, so it solely depends on how the devs implement it. Should it be tied to agl? Should it only increase stamina regen? Should it only increase a tiny bit per increase? Should it go up by level? How the devs deal with that is what's most important. But fact of the matter is, sprint, in its current state, is such a painful and annoying mechanic, and it would be so fantastic if there could be changes made to it.
    Asthae and SmileyAlec like this.
  11. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    Replying to both the thread, and a couple comments above:
    First off, I really don't think the majority of the community is completely against change. Yes, there are people who get upset when things change, but not the way they specifically wanted them to. A lot of people don't care for professions and don't care for the update because of it, but it doesn't mean they dislike change as a whole.

    Secondly, I do not personally think this would be a good idea for the game. Like said above, yes there's unbalances in the game. There's unbalances in every game. Nothing can ever be perfect in that regard. Also said above was that Agility is already stronger than other elements, and this would push it even further. I agree and disagree with this. I think that every element has a specific purpose, so comparing them to one another isn't accurate. Like Intel and Agility do not serve the same purpose at all, so comparing which is better is silly. However, the difference between Defense and Agility specifically, is what most people are concerned about. Warrior uses Defense in an amazing manner, but the other classes don't have much support for Defense. Whether it be items just not scaled to work well with it, or classes like Archer having such a low natural Defense stat to begin with. To push Agility even further in this direction would be poor design, and would lead this problem further away from being balanced in the future.

    Thirdly, Sure, things can be "abused." Life Steal can be "abused." Attack Speed can be "abused." So on and so forth. However, the reason for it being okay should not be "Everything can be abused, so if this is able to be abused too, that's fine" or something along those lines. It's just a lazy way of designing and caring for the overall experience of a game. In past threads, there's been talk about how Wynncraft doesn't follow the greatest logic all the time. But with limited design space, there's not much that can really be done. Wynncraft doesn't have to follow real life logic. Wynncraft is its own game with its own world and own features that make it unique. Yes, it would be logical to have sprint duration tied to Agility, but it's not needed, and perfectly fine without it, honestly. You could even argue that it could be tied with Strength too, since to be able to sprint longer means that you're overall more fit, in most cases. It's okay to prefer one class to another based on Speed, or whatever else it may be, even if it's just a single characteristic. Crafted items were just introduced to give more flexibility to other classes. You're able to create stronger Walk Speed items now, for every class, which I think is great in terms of flexibility and allowing players to explore more build options.

    Lastly, regarding the message directly above, I too feel as if calling suggestions unneeded is wrong too. It's never wrong to suggest, and even the simplest of suggestions can help spark ideas to possible solutions that we may not even be thinking of. Any view of any player about their gameplay experiences will always be helpful, whether or not it's decided to be implemented into the game. Thank's for reading :)
    trex1611, Druser, H0Y and 1 other person like this.
  12. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes, anything can be abused, but my point was that things can be abused depending on how well developers balance that mechanic.
  13. trex1611

    trex1611 Well-Known Adventurer

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    These were just ideas for if I wanted the original idea to come about, which I personally don't.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
    Druser likes this.
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