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World Subclasses - Version 1.2 (30 Supporters)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ItsFreakinHarry, Jan 28, 2019.


Would you like to see subclasses in Wynncraft?

  1. Yes, and this is the perfect way to do it! (+1)

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes, and this is good but it needs tweaking. (+1)

    13 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but this is not how it should be implemented. (0)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Undecided (0)

    1 vote(s)
  5. No, just stop (0) :(

    2 vote(s)
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  1. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Guess what? I'm back, and it's time for super-long insane suggestion number 3. This time, a system for subclasses! I am sure most of you know what a subclass would be and how they work, but I still plan on explaining everything there is. Your attention span is probably short so let's just get to it!

    Quick note: There are a lot of pictures in this thread. All are mock-gui's, and are not necessary to look at (although they help a lot).

    Subclasses? Bro... please stop...
    NO! I will never quit, the suggestions will go on!

    Anyways, for real, what are subclasses? Well, subclasses are basically an extension of a regular class, typically to become more specialized in a certain area (D&D archetypes are a great example of this). The idea here is that every class will, upon reaching Level 30, have the option of selecting one of 3 different subclasses. Each of these subclasses will have a specific purpose in terms of what changes.

    For the sake of explanation we will look at Archer, as it is my main and most well understood class. Other classes will get subclasses of course, and you can see those at the end of the thread.

    Alright, where are the GUI's? I know you made them.
    Why in fact you would be right! In typical fashion, here are some mock GUI's to help explain what this would look like in game:

    Clicking this button would take you to the following menu:

    Beautiful, as per usual.

    Due to the 1.18 menu change, the previous placement may no longer be possible. I would have just used the new GUI, but I don't have the textures needed to recreate it yet, so here is an idea of where that would go using an arrow:


    As you can see there are many items that you can see. The very top is some basic class information, with your class icon.

    For this example we will begin with a Level 30 Archer, and then switch over to a Level 60 Archer.


    yes I know it goes to 103, but 100 is the where it pretty much stops. Irrelevant anyways.

    You can also see each of your spells in this menu. Ender Pearls are spells you have unlocked, while Snowballs are spells you are yet to unlock.


    The damages and stats are kept here, while the specific effects obtained would still require a visit to the website. I am thinking about adding a feature to remove this necessity but for now I don't think it's needed.

    You might notice at the bottom that Haste is green, while Triple Shot is red. A green name reflects how you have it unlocked. A red name means you are yet to unlock it. This applies to all green/red names you will see.

    Now, you might have noticed a Nether Brick on the bottom. That is where the suggestion really begins: Subclasses.


    By clicking on that you will be taken to this menu, where (as long as you are at least Level 30) you can select your subclass:


    Each brick is one of 3 subclasses. Here, we will focus on the first one.


    Let's break this down.

    Here we have the Sharpshooter, which is an Archer subclass that focuses on long-ranged basic attacks and lethal one-shot potential. It is weaker when faced with groups, but can really devastate a single strong enemy.

    I will go out of order for the sake of explanation here.
    The Base Stat changes basically change the stats of your entire character. For the Sharpshooter, all damage dealt by basic attacks (right click) deal 20% more damage. This is calculated last for you math people out there. The same goes for spell damage, but is instead only increased by 10%. For defense, what that means is you take 10% MORE damage, which helps illustrate the "glass cannon" type nature this subclass is designed for.

    Next you have Augments and Upgrades, which is probably the most important part.
    Upgrades are essentially your Grade IV upgrades. They grant an extra effect to an existing spell, such as Barbed Arrows for Arrow Storm in the case of the Sharpshooter.
    Augments are complete reworks to a single spell. This completely changes how the spell operates. In this case, Bomb Arrow is completely removed, and Spell 3 becomes Piercing Arrow. This augmentation comes with its own upgrades, stats, and mechanics.

    Once a subclass is selected, IT CANNOT BE CHANGED. This is designed to be a one-time choice, no going back. This is made clear at the very bottom. A confirmation menu would likely appear once clicked to confirm this is what the player wants.

    Ok, I selected my subclass. Now what?
    Great! Now, at the beginning the only thing you unlock is the Stat Changes. The Spell Upgrades and Augmentation comes at later levels. Here is what your Class Options menu would turn in to once you have selected your subclass:

    (Note: This character is now Level 60. A Level 30 character would only have the redstone, the glowstone and the fire charge + eye of ender come later.)


    As you can see, a lot has changed. At the very bottom, you can see a line of all your subclass stats and upgrades. The first one (the redstone) is unlocked immediately, and just contains the stat changes.


    Upon reaching Level 40, you gain your Augmentation. For the Sharpshooter, they gain Piercing Arrow:


    These are unlocked immediately upon leveling up, no need to manually click anything.
    Once you gain your spell augment, the icon of that spell changes to a fire charge, and the name goes from blue to red:


    Each augmented spell has 2 upgrades just like normal spells, and unlock them at Level 60 and 75.

    Next is a spell upgrade, at Level 50. For the Sharpshooter, Arrow Storm gains Barbed Arrows.


    Once this is unlocked, the spell icon changes to an eye of ender to reflect the upgrade, and here is what it would look like:


    Finally, at Level 60 and 75, the augmented spell gains its upgrades*. Here is a quick insight into Piercing Arrow's final upgrade:

    (*If the spell has not yet reached its highest level by this point (Spell 3 + Spell 4), instead the augmented spell will gain an upgrade, then will come back to the skipped one in the future.)

    Cool, what about the rest of the classes/subclasses?
    Right here is where they are!

    (Note, these are still a WIP. Archer's will be all done first, then I plan to create one for each remaining class until I have all of them. Feel free to let me know what you want to see in the comments!)

    The Sharpshooter is a long-ranged killer of single targets. While weaker in taking hits, the raw damage dealt by basic attacks and single target spells can annihilate any foe they need to.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Attack Damage: +20%
    - Base Spell Damage: +10%
    - Base Defense: -10%

    Spell Augment: Bomb Arrow -> Piercing Arrow [Lvl. 40]
    Fires an arrow that does massive damage on a direct hit.
    Mana Cost: 8
    - 375%
    - 15% Fire + 25% Earth

    Spell Upgrade: Arrow Storm: Barbed Arrows [Lvl. 50]
    Arrow hits deal bleeding damage over 3 seconds, dealing 15% damage and slowing by 20% for the bleeding duration (does not stack).

    Spell Upgrade: Piercing Arrow: Bone Shatter [Lvl. 60]
    Arrow hits cripple targets, making them take 25% more damage for 3 seconds and slowing them by 70% for 10 seconds.

    Spell Upgrade: Piercing Arrow: Deadly Combustion [Lvl. 75]
    Targets hit by Piercing Arrow explode, dealing 225% damage to nearby enemies.

    The Bounty Hunter focuses on area-of-effect damage, charging in and taking out their targets before they know what hit them. While weaker in the standard archer market, their ability to wipe out hordes and take more hits shows that they can hold their own and still hit their marks.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Spell Damage: +20%
    - Base Defense: +10%
    - Base Attack Damage: -10%

    Spell Augment: Escape -> Grand Entrance [Lvl. 40]
    Dash forward before dashing up into the air, knocking away all nearby enemies.
    Mana Cost: 3
    - 125%
    - 25% Air

    Spell Upgrade: Grand Entrance: Shield of War [Lvl. 50]*
    Upon cast, gain Resistance II and Speed II for 2 minutes.

    Spell Upgrade: Bomb Arrow: Mechanical Arrows [Lvl. 60]
    When an arrow bounces, it has a 20% chance to spawn a second arrow, flying away in a random direction. This arrow will bounce only once and cannot spawn new arrows.

    Spell Upgrade: Grand Entrance: Thundering Shockwave [Lvl. 75]
    Targets knocked away by Grand Entrance are stunned for 3 seconds upon being hit. Damaging a stunned target will deal 80% bonus Thunder damage and end this effect.

    *Grand Entrance upgrade comes first here due to Bomb Arrow not being fully upgraded yet.

    The Arrow Master is the ultimate survivalist and utility master. Due to their unique connection with the arrows they fire, they can manipulate them in ways that no others can accomplish.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Defense: +20%
    - Base Attack Damage: +10%
    - Base Spell Damage: -10%

    Spell Augment: Arrow Shield -> Living Arrows [Lvl. 40]
    Surround yourself with 3 Living Arrows, which can be manipulated in specific ways.
    Mana Cost: 9
    Damage (Firing):
    - 80% (+100% from normal attack)
    - 25% Water + 30% Air
    Damage (Protecting):
    - 200%
    - 30% Water

    [Info: Basically you gain 3 arrows, which can be used to either attack enemies for better damaging arrows, or shield yourself from 3 enemy attacks]

    Spell Upgrade: Arrow Storm: Swarming Arrows [Lvl. 50]
    If an enemy is hit by at least 12 Arrow Storm arrows, any extra arrow hits on the target will root the target in place for 3 seconds upon the end of the Arrow Storm.

    Spell Upgrade: Living Arrows: Protective Bond [Lvl. 60]
    Up to three protective arrows can be donated to allies nearby, granting them the same effects as a protective arrow.

    Spell Upgrade: Living Arrows: Rain of Protection[Lvl. 75]
    Arrows rain down from the sky upon expending all arrows, dealing 60% damage and rooting and blinding all enemies hit for 3.5 seconds.

    The Berserker is an offensive "lone wolf" style subclass. This is designed for those who want to destroy anything that gets in their way, no matter how reckless it may seem.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Attack Damage: +20%
    - Base Health Regen: +10%
    - Base Defense: -10%

    Spell Augment: Uppercut -> Reckless Swings [Lvl. 40]
    Slash through your foes in 3 separate attacks, trading higher damage for lower defense.
    Mana Cost: 6
    - 180% (per slash)
    - 15% Earth
    - 20% Thunder
    - 0.8 second delay between each slash, cannot use normal attacks while casting
    - Increases damage vulnerability by 30% for 3 seconds after casting

    Spell Upgrade: Charge: Ground Slam [Lvl. 50]
    At the end of your charge, slam the ground around you for 125% bonus damage.

    Spell Upgrade: Reckless Swings: Executing Strike [Lvl. 60]
    The final hit of Reckless Swings deals 250%* more damage if the target is below 60% health.

    *added, not multiplied

    Spell Upgrade: Reckless Swings: Bloodlust [Lvl. 75]
    If below 60% health, each swing recovers 20% of missing health if they hit an enemy.

    The Avenger focuses mostly on defensive abilities and keeping themselves alive. Using their Shield Guard spell, they can make themselves virtually invulnerable if played correctly.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Defense: +20%
    - Base Attack Damage: +10%
    - Base Health Regen: -10%

    Spell Augment: Bash -> Shield Guard [Lvl. 40]
    Deploy a protective shield to reduce damage and grant protective effects, but reduces movement speed while deployed.
    Toggle On:
    - Mana Cost: 3
    - Increases defense by 35%
    - Reduces movement speed by 25%
    - Basic Attacks deal 10% less damage
    Toggle Off:
    - Removes these effects at no cost

    [Info: This spell basically makes it so you have two stances: Fighting and Shielding. By casting this spell, you spend 3 mana to go from Fighting to Shielding, and the effects listed are obtained. By casting again, this is toggled off for free.]

    Spell Upgrade: Uppercut: Whirling Spear [Lvl. 50]
    Enemies nearby you also get knocked into the air upon casting.

    Spell Upgrade: Shield Guard: Friendly Reinforcement [Lvl. 60]
    Grants nearby allies 15% damage resistance while in Shielding stance.

    Spell Upgrade: Shield Guard: Bashing Strike [Lvl. 75]
    Upon toggling off Shield Guard, all players under its effect deals 50% damage* to all enemies directly in front of them.

    *This damage is calculated based on the caster's damage, not the person under the effect of it (unless the caster and the person under effect are the same person)

    The Paladin is a subclass focused on aiding allies (and themselves) via utility based spells and features. While less useful in solo situations compared to other subclasses, Paladins are extremely useful to have in a situation where you need more front line than a Mage could provide, while also supporting the party in their goals.

    Stat Changes: [Lvl. 30]
    - Base Health Regen: +20%
    - Base Defense: +10%
    - Base Attack Damage: -10%

    Spell Augment: War Scream -> Divine Cry [Lvl. 40]
    Evoke a sense of holy strength in yourself and your allies, providing utility perks to assist them in battle.
    Mana Cost: 6
    - Grants all nearby allies +10% Movement Speed and +15% Health Regen for 2 minutes

    Spell Upgrade: Bash: Strike of the Light [Lvl. 50]
    Deals 40% bonus Fire damage and reduces the target's damage resistance by 30% for 5 seconds.

    Spell Upgrade: Divine Cry: Words of Wisdom [Lvl. 60]
    Grants all allies +1 mana/2 seconds while under the effect of Divine Cry

    Spell Upgrade: Divine Cry: Aura of Redemption [Lvl. 75]
    If an ally were to die while under the effect of Divine Cry and they are within 6 meters of another player under the effect, they will be revived with 40% health and full mana. This revive cannot happen more than once on a player per day*

    *Minecraft day, resets every time SP is gained

    Thank you for reading my suggestion! As per usual, I am aware this will never be added into the game, I just enjoy creating these types of threads. Make sure to leave any feedback in the comments, have a wonderful day!

    V1.2 - 2/14/19
    -Added Warrior Subclasses
    -Minor rebalancing of Archer subclasses

    V1.1 - 1/28/19
    -Added remaining Archer subclasses
    -Added a fix for when a spell isn't fully upgraded yet

    V1.0 - 1/28/19
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
    PrimaNocta, SourMatt, Asthae and 5 others like this.
  2. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Huh... This is one of the more thought out threads. I think this would be really cool +1 from me
    ItsFreakinHarry likes this.
  3. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    This is crazy! How do you keep doing all these crazy detailed suggestions? I love it, don’t even know how it could be improved!
  4. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    I spend way too much time working on them pretty much. I started working on this when I was barely started updating Spell Research, and have gone through at least 3 different versions. To give you an idea of how much has changed, the original idea with subclasses was to have them selected at the very beginning, and pretty much was like "5 elements, pick 1 to be a main, pick 1 to be a secondary" and it was just too confusing.

    The time I spend making the mock-GUI's allows any sudden ideas to actually become a thing, I can say that at least 80% of the stuff you see here was just an "AHA" moment while making other stuff.
    A Human likes this.
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I feel like this is a bit harsh. it should reset along with skill points, or be resettable in SOME way; otherwise it gives an advantage to VIPs and other ranks since they can have multiple subclasses.
  6. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Definitely not with skill points, I don't want it to become a system where people will completely change their subclass just to fight a specific enemy or boss only to change back once they finish. I can see why it can be harsh tho, I was thinking maybe a really long cooldown (2-4 weeks or so) between changing, in order to discourage that type of behavior.

    For now I will keep it as is but I may change it in the future.
  7. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Also maybe you have to visit a trainer and pay them 5 le
  8. CyberNitra

    CyberNitra King of the Storm VIP+

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    I think "Spell Upgrade: Piercing Arrow: Deadly Combustion is way to strong

    Bounty Hunter:
    I dont see the point why you want to give an archer resistence. Speed might be better.

    Arrow Master:

    Spell Upgrade: Arrow Storm: Disarming Arrows is to op. completely disarming shouldnt be a thing. I think
    that slowing by a lot would be better.
    Pls add more subclasses{assassin: Samurai(raged skills) etc.}
  9. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Perhaps for warrior
    - Brawler Greater base attack damage
    - Shield bearer Greater defense, Spell increase in shielding and reflection
    - Javeliner Single target damge, slows attack speed
  10. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    The final sharpshooter upgrade only deals the damage if targets get hit, and the damage is actually lower than bomb arrow’s. The range is also shorter, and it doesn’t damage the initial target again (forgot to clarify that, my bad). May still change if this is OP but I think it’s balanced for now.

    Bounty Hunter might get changed to something like Resistance 1 and Speed 1, since it is somewhat designed to take more hits. Thx for input tho

    Probably going to change disarming though. Reduced speed seems too common so I might go with some other mechanic. Only reason I went with that is to give Arrow Master more utility features.
  11. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    I'd like to see a warrior subclass ;p
    Maybe I'm not so ready for the archer one since there r already broken builds for this class - dps insane.
    Apparently, 9th_ has a tanky archer build that can 2 shot and withstand 14k uppercuts - OOF.
    I'll think about it, but imo, archer class is already broken with the damage and dps in general.
  12. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    I really like this, it is probably the best approach to subclasses and additional spells I've seen so far! If you ask me, these things should definitely be a priority of the next update; and this concept could be implemented exactly this way. Although I would change to things:
    1) It could be more interesting if you unlock subclasses via quests, mini-dungeons, discoveries etc. thoughout the game instead of just unlocking them by a level-up.
    2) You shoud definitely be able to change the subclass (which would also a requirement for my first suggestion to work). Having to level up another character which is almost the same, just because you want to try out one different spell would be really painful.
    Besides that, I don't see what is wrong with this behavior. Trying to figure out weaknesses of your enemies and developing strategies to counter them is a core concept of class-building mechanics and shouldn't be discouraged. Although you shouldn't be able to change subclasses too easy, like between dungeon stages or LI bosses. Maybe it could be bound to a certain place (or even at the end of a certain dungeon?).
    Hesnilo likes this.
  13. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Isn't the next update on guilds?
  14. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think they said that they are working on both RtD and guilds and will release whatever is finished first as the next update, so if they aren't already secretly working on subclasses as a part of RtD. Although I would like to see them, I doubt that they will come as the next update. :/ Maybe later in the future.
  15. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Ye I guess we'll just have to see... It's probably not a priority for them right now though... Guilds probably need to be balanced more though compared to smoother and enjoyable gameplay of classes (except maybe warrior balances)
  16. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Paladin? xd
    Hesnilo likes this.
  17. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Wait which one are you thinking about for this?
  18. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    I knightly see da' future
  19. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Oh as the knight one? For donators?
  20. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Knight is the same as warrior =.= just da particles r different and look nicer. Sparklier* (edited)
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