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My Crappy Housing Idea That I've Had For Years

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Darkolythe, Jan 26, 2019.



  1. Yeah

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, but cooler

    12 vote(s)
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  1. Darkolythe

    Darkolythe Suspicious HERO

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    Yeah, yeah. A housing idea. I know. Like everybody says, it's the biggest joke on the forums.
    I am not posting this in any way believing that it will become a reality, I'm posting it because it's the most realistic housing idea that I have ever seen (I've only seen a few). I also enjoy sharing my ideas, and there's no better place than here.

    Main Points (I will explain why I chose them):
    - Every house is the same (with exceptions)
    - You only see the inside of the house
    - Includes an actually somewhat efficient way to store house-data! No more having a huge housing world (like other threads)!
    - Invite friends over!

    Every house is the same:
    The reason every house is the same is A. to save space storing the house data. B. this isn't a building server. C. We want to avoid inappropriate builds, and C. it's still customizable (Ill continue on that later)

    You only see the inside of the house:
    You don't need an exterior. Sure, I guess adding one wouldn't cause too many issues, but my idea never had one. It keeps the house cozy and lets you focus on the interior.

    Somewhat efficient storing of house data:
    As somebody who is in computer scientist, I probably know a little more than your every day, Steve head, housing suggester. I've tried my best to make this optimized for memory usage.
    I say that all the houses are the same but to a degree.
    Your house is upgradable for a price (let's just say X amount of LE per upgrade, increasing every time).
    The upgrades go like this:


    (no, the interior won't look that boring. It would be pre-decorated by build people. Flower pots, shelves, etc)

    Imagine the same for a basement too maybe? It really depends how much space you want to give to the player.
    So. Now that all the houses are the same, and there are say... 8 total upgrades you can do to your house, Wynncraft only needs to store 8 houses in their database. Bam! Look at all that data being saved.
    But now you may ask... Why even have a house? Where's the utility? Where's the customization? Or even, how can multiple players be in their own house at once if Wynn only has 8 houses?

    Glad you asked.

    Utility: Each time you upgrade your house, you gain a) a different type of crafting station (preset by admins). and b) 1 chest worth of space. (this will, of course, be balanced by a crazy purchase price of the next room upgrade)

    Customizability: I said above somewhere that there's still an amount of customizability. By this I mean, you can purchase (for emeralds) armour stands and item frames that you can put on the wall or around your house anywhere you want. You can then display your armour on it, and when you look at each piece of armour, it will tell you what it is. Same goes for the item frame. You can hang up a cool weapon or something. (I also don't just mean item frame, I mean a cool, sword hanging thing like this:

    How multiple players can be in their own houses at one given time: Thank you API. Since wonderful plugin options exist, you can make other players invisible to other players! Problem solved.
    But wait a second there, Dark... How can people have armour stands and item hangers? Sure you can hide players, but is that possible for those too? Yes. Have you ever noticed how wonderful the new Wynncraft questing system is? Take, for example, The Envoy Part I. Maxie can move for you on your screen, but he won't move for anybody else looking. We can do the exact same for armour stands and item hangers that use armour stands.

    Also, all that data is easily stored, because all you're storing is some armour stands and item hangers. (there's a maximum per house upgrade for both ideally)

    Inviting friends over:
    So, this works the exact same way hiding players does, except you just have the people you invited over not invisible. You can chat (only visible to the players you invited over), you can kick them out of your house, whatever.

    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, mildly relative anecdotes... tell me.
    I'll take constructive criticism, but please don't fill this thread with unnecessary remarks.

    Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

    EXTRA: Since I've been getting a bit of positive feedback already, and not being shut down off the bat, tell me if you think I should seriously go more in depth with my idea, and give me suggestions to improve it. If it gets detailed enough, and enough support, I'll even code the plugin myself for fun :p (doesn't mean itll get into wynn though haha)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019
    trex1611, Jbip, Druser and 2 others like this.
  2. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    This one gets points for pretty pictures and labels, but in my housing-thread-score-o-meter you only get a 7/10. Reasoning behind it is because you actually explained it and didn’t just say you wanted housing, which is a very important part of every housing thread
    trex1611 likes this.
  3. Darkolythe

    Darkolythe Suspicious HERO

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    And how would you say I could improve the idea? Or perhaps the delivery of ideas?
  4. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    Hm, remove everything except the words “I want housing because I think it’s cool.” Then it will fit in with the other housing suggestions
    trex1611 likes this.
  5. Darkolythe

    Darkolythe Suspicious HERO

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    hahaha, great idea. I'll do that right now
  6. Thilyzh_

    Thilyzh_ Adventurous ghillie soldier VIP+

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    Honestly, if this idea was cool enough for the Wynncraft world, it honestly could be, I would like the upgrade thing to maybe be on par with unmodded Skyrim's system of housing.
    In Skyrim you purchase a house that completely empty, but you can buy decorations for the different rooms in the house, exactly like your idea.
    The difference is that you, the player, can choose which rooms you want and don't want to decorate, and in any order of your choice.

    I don't really mind not having housing in Wynncraft as the idea is that we should run around and explore, meet people, and not hide inside a house that nobody else can enter for social interaction. But this idea isn't all half bad anyway.
    Also nice execution of thread. Not bad.
    Darkolythe likes this.
  7. Darkolythe

    Darkolythe Suspicious HERO

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    I like your suggestions. making the decorations customizable. I'm just not sure how it'd work with multiple players, as I am no plugin god. But Wynncraft has surprised me a lot already. I'm sure it'd be possible.
    A big reason why we're a little limited in customization is that I'm trying to make this suggestion as light as I can memory-wise.
    But even then, we still have lots of potential with my idea.
  8. Darkolythe

    Darkolythe Suspicious HERO

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    bump? is it worth it? its a damn housing thread, Idk
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