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The Pit (quest And Area)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by blank1234567890, Jan 7, 2019.


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  1. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Thought this would be a fun quest too go and let you explore and fight bosses, while at the same time exploring new places on the map, and a entirely new area in itself. This area will be accessible after doing the quest and will act as a higher level seavale reefs with more loot the farther down you go. (Also this is one of the only quests if not the only where you speak and are not a helpless mute) (also sorry for any spelling errors) (And as a final this is a new endgame area)

    Black = Quest Help
    Green = NPC text
    Red = Items
    Purple = Discoveries
    Blue = Mobs
    Light Gray = Relics

    Into the Pit

    Rewards: Pit acsess

    Go to the Selchar bank and talk too the Worried explorer.

    Worried Explorer: Hey you, yes you, ive heard of you (PlayerName)!, I need some help
    You: Huh, oh hello, yeah ill help you.
    Worried Explorer: Thank you so much!, my friend went into "The Tenebris Abyss", Its a hole just North of Worried Explorer: Selchar. Hes a explorer, you see, it's one of the last unexplored places in Wynn, Gavel, and Worried Explorer: Furma. People claim it's even more mysterious then the myth "GateWay Island" and the Worried Explorer: abandoned Dern province combined!
    Worried Explorer: People go there too find relics too, it's apparently where most of the Seavale Reefs treasures Worried Explorer: come from. I went and wrote the quordinates in your quest book, Go quickly, now, Not too Worried Explorer: the actual abyss, too the outpost outside it! If my brother could reach the bottom you can too!

    Quest Book updated: Go too the descent base outside the Abyss/Pit

    Before the oceans were calm the same worms that dug up the Ollux swamp were seaborn, feeding on aquatic creatures. Most of the holes filled in but at a unknown time around 25000 BC (Before corruption) a large one of the "sea worms" dug a massive hole straight up, because of it not being at an angel it did not collapse, instead it began too drain the ocean and spit it back out in a diffrent area (unknown area). Over thousands of years it grew its own ecosystem, many expeditions have been sent into the pit, but with very little of them returning after going down 3 kilometres deep, the people who do come up either are corrupted or have lost their sanity due too something they saw... However due too this most people can only speculate what happens at the bottom or what the bottom even looks like...

    Go to the pit south of selchar (Note: The pits entrance will be replacing that small island with a hole, with
    waterfalls flowing all around it representing the ocean draining inside. Now right before)
    Before Quest Trying too get into the hole

    This pit seems unexplored and dangerous, Its best you don't explore it.

    When on Quest it teleports you into the base right away, its just a small cabin on a dock like the ice fishing cabins in nessak, but a big bigger.

    Lizardman Explorer: Ah, fresh meat eh? Whats your name?You: (PlayerName)
    Lizardman Explorer: Ok, (PlayerName) go and talk too Ogo and Loc in the back.
    Lizardman Explorer: Go too the back of the room
    Ogo-pogo: Ah, hell there, interested in running an expedition.
    Ogo-pogo: Ill take that nod as a yes, Ok, now you-
    Ogo is cut off by Ness whos sitting next too him
    Loc-hness: Listen kid, you look nice, but the bottom of the Abyss or pit, whatever you call it is unexplored. You Loc-hness: sure you want too try to go to chase that explores brother.
    Ogo-pogo: Thats right, a friend saw you in Selchar talking too him, He claims people have come back from the Ogo-pogo: bottom, however no one has, no one has even been to the bottom, the monesters would kill ya before Ogo-pogo: you even reached it.
    Loc-hness: Ok, kid, you can go in, you look well enough!

    Loc-hness gives you [+5 Climbing rope] [+1 Teddy Bear] [+32 Emeralds] [+5 Selchar Teleportation Scrolls]

    Quest Book Updated:
    Enter the pits first layer (Meters 0-512)

    Now the majourity of this quest is climbing now a pit, you choose the way you want too go, however you will be brought into specific areas for side quests in a quest. Now how each layer works is that its 256m high, once you reach the end of a layer it teleports you too the next area, kinda like dropper maps.

    Discovery: The First Layer (Sanctuary): This layer of the pit is the home of the Vinebug, these tame animals make good housepets like most of the animals on the sanctuary layer, This is the least hospitable layer of the pit.

    Mobs of the first layer:
    Pit Sheep(lv.100) (Friendly)

    Vinebug, (Lv.100) (Friendly)

    Sky manta (Lv.100) (Neutral)
    First layer description: The first layer has large earth coverd spikes jetting out of it (roughly 25m) the spikes have trees and vines on them and are reasonable close togethure. (10m between them in all directions) While the actual pit once you enter is 250m in diameter as a circle. Now the spikes go and push you towards a cave as you go down the 512m, at meter 490 theres a cave, inside is who you have too talk to in order too finish the first part and get access too the rest of the pit, now your not expected too finish this quest in a day, since theres so much, its expected too be finished over a corse of days.

    Hurt Explorer: Help, Help, Help please... Kill me, Just kill me.... Kill me please....
    The Mutalated Explorer looks at you
    Hurt Explorer: Please, Kill me, and take this too my brother...
    Hurt Explorer: And kill the monk who did this...

    Hurt Explorer (Lv.10) (Friendly)

    You kill the explore and it drops

    [1x Goodbye note]

    Quest Book Updated
    Go further down the cave and investigate.

    You head down the cave into the 2nd layer. 512m-1024m

    The Second Layer Description: The second layer is simular too the first with spikes a bit smaller (15-20m) covered in vegetation still around the round stone wall. The pits length is now 255m and the spikes have a 20m distance between each other. On the eastern side of the pit theres a small monastery sticking out of the wall, half fallen apart, You will find Friendly Explorer Zombies And Pit Monks in this building, its the only place you can find either of them. The spikes distances apart force you into the monastery for the next part of the main quest. Inside you will talk too the rouge monk

    Friendly Explorer Zombie (Lv.95) (Friendly)

    Sky Manta (Lv.100) (Neutral)

    Pit Monk (Lv.110) (Neutral)

    Baby Sky Manta (Lv.85) (Neutral)

    Giant Tree Worm (Lv.100) (Neutral)

    Discovery: The Second Layer (Calm Before The Drop) : The Second layer is where explorers begin too loose their minds slowly, Less is known about this layer and artifacts start too appear here. Some of these relics are ainchent weapons such as
    [Discovers Pickaxe] and [Corkian Expedition Control Backpack] Become rare finds that can be sold too the treasure merchant in Selchar.

    Discovers Pickaxe
    Classes: All
    Damage 550-750 Neutral
    "These are old pickaxes carried by the
    first explorers 200 years ago"

    Sell Price: 2 LE

    Find chance 2/100

    Corkian Expedition Control Backpack (Command Block)

    Sell Price: 25 EB

    Find chance 1/20

    Rouge Monk: Ahh, Do you need some help adventurer. Prehaps some Sky manta wing tea?
    Rouge Monk: You have seen something havent you, Tell you what!
    Rouge Monk: If you give me
    [32x Emerald] ill let you by without harm.
    Rouge Monk: If you put the emeralds in that hopper too your left ill keep my promise.

    Now if you choose too fight, the fight is not meant too win, you can pass by this if you give the emeralds if you die and have too come back down. Now incase you want too fight him, heres the stats

    Rouge Monk

    1000000 hp (im not joking here)
    all elemental defence
    2000 damage per hit

    If you do manage too kill him (If you with video evidence do I owe you 1le)

    Rouge Monk: God dammit, Wybel Balls.
    Rouge Monk: Ill tell you the information on the lower levels...

    Either way it leads too the next quest part.

    Rouge Monk: Ok, the 3rd floor is apparently a steady decent with low angle.
    Rouge Monk: And that idiot explorer, well, he was effected by the corruption of wynn
    Rouge Monk: AND the decay of gavel at the same time! Honestly, he was not going too make it...
    Rouge Monk: Head through that hole in the floor too your left, it leads onto a overgrown corruption
    Rouge Monk: spike, and yes, those spikes you've been going on have been corruption, but it has been healed.
    Rouge Monk: I wish you luck on your descent into the corruption and decay!
    Rouge Monk: wybel balls, I can't even say that... Whats down there is only speculated, I mean who knows, it
    Rouge Monk: may be bottomless!, Anyways head down, Theres a rumoured village on the 4th Rouge Monk: layer, go and bring your climbing rope too it.
    Rouge Monk: Theres no more spikes under the one in the hole, so go through the cave.
    Rouge Monk: Goodbye Descender

    Quest Book Updated:
    Find the village

    Behind the spike is your first puzzle for descending, You have too blow up a blockage before the cave, heres how you do it. Once your done the puzzle

    Now you have too connect the dots, its a reasonable simple puzzle too figure out



    UPDATE 7/12/19: Changed formate and made it less eye killing with bright colours!
    (also added wynn swear words because why not, WybelBalls,)

    UPDATE 8/12/19: Added in the first puzzle

    My own experiance repelling into a sinkhole
    Made in Abyss (anime)
    Pacific Rim (movie)
    Mariana Trench (IRL)

    Feel free too give feedback since this is my first major general suggestion!

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  2. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    saying nothing about the actual suggestion yet, but why are you keeping certain parts of the suggestion out until you reach a certain amount of supporters? just write up the whole thing at once, or just add stuff over time. theres no reason to lock parts of your suggestion behind supporter limits
    Aya, faragoo, trex1611 and 4 others like this.
  3. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    Try to set the text color to none
    this hurts my eyes
    ItsFreakinHarry and mouldy like this.
  4. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    I would love to try and read this but the changing text color just hurts to read. For the black/white just set it to none. For the quests + rewards I would stick them into spoilers and color code them appropriately and consistently. Avoid switching colors too often as it just makes it harder to read.

    The suggestion itself seems interesting but it just looks too messy and unorganized, some kind of structure would help dramatically.
  5. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    This seems okay, but you need to organize it better. Describe stuff in stages - first location, then basic plot, then dialogue, repeat.

    As for the idea itself, it sounds okay, but it’s contradicting some of the lore and some parts just son’t make sense.
    For example - Wybels come from Wybel Island, which is already a place.
    Also, how is there a massive hole in the ocean?

    Next, some of the quest sounds like a basic ‘hey person bring me some items’ fetch quest. Add some unique mechanics, something more interesting then ‘bring this person a thing’.
    Also, some of the loot drops and stuff is very OP. Selling an item with a 2% drop rate for 2 LE is insane - especially if this place has a high spawnrate. That means that out of every 50 mobs killed, one of those drops. You should lower the drop rate or the LE reward.

    Good luck!
  6. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    I would go and put them into spoilers if i knew how-to, honestly i should have done more research before doing this.
  7. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Oh that's not that hard.

    Click on the "Insert" button when editing a thread

    Click "Spoiler"

    Type in the name for your spoiler

    Insert any text/images you want in between the words [SPOILER} and {/SPOILER] (note that I used curly braces to avoid creating a spoiler, these are normally square braces.)
  8. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Ok thanks ;D
  9. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Np, its a useful feature for both preventing spoilers (as the name suggests) or, at least in general suggestions, great for formatting and containing lengthy and less vital information.

    Ex. exact quest logs are not necessary to keep in a full thread unless the purpose of the thread is the quest itself. In this case its more about the area you are suggesting rather than about the quest(s), at least as far as the main quest is concerned. In this case, a simple TL;DR outside of a spoiler + the details in a spoiler would help with clarity and organization, as it directs focus towards the main part of the thread (that being the general area you are describing) rather than less vital and more lengthy information.
  10. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Bump because i updated it? just keeping this thread alive.
  11. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    It's mutilated, not whatever you put.

    About the quest, it seems pretty good tbh. Maybe a bit similar to the Hive and it being too easy, as you only have to walk and do a simple puzzle, but good job nonetheless. Also why the teddy bear and rope XD

    Thanks for sharing!
  12. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    The quest seems decent, not going to repeat what other people have said (this time), but one thing I do have to say is I don't really like how you, the player, speaks. I feel that you don't speak in any of the quests for a reason that makes the game feel more immersive.
  13. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Feedback taken
  14. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    So basically legendary island robob's reinvention with twice the hp but half the damage (or matrojan with twice the defenses but half the health) and no spells

    Also, elemental defense is a set value: how much elemental defense does he have in each stat?

    Additionally, if it intends to be mostly unwinnable, buff the damage by a lot (at least 3000 more, assuming a hitrate of 1/sec) because defense warrior can easily tank a sum of 2000 neutral damage and/or elemental damage while dealing just enough damage to kill the boss
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  15. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Yeah, its a fight your not meant too win.
  16. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    Sorry, was trying to imply it's easier than you think to win
  17. blank1234567890

    blank1234567890 Lorekeeper

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    Its ok, honestly i should have made it more clear.
  18. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    And mine wasn't? Thanks for that.

  19. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Ok let's look at your feedback...

    It's similar to the Hive, I'm sure the OP knows that. It's the essence of the quest, so you shouldn't expect it to change. If I make a super long and epic quest about the talking mushroom and somebody says there's no point in having a quest about the talking mushroom I'm not going to change the quest, since it being about the talking mushroom is fundamentally a part of the quest.

    There was no feedback to be taken as the feedback goes against the basic design of the suggestion, rather than trying to improve its design. That's not to say it's not true, that's just why it wasn't "taken".
  20. Eterlore

    Eterlore Yeeet HERO

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    Let me edit my poll answer.
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