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Pets & Horses On-the-spot Ideas #1 - Reliable Pets

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Avatapaxn, Nov 20, 2018.


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  1. Yes, I like it! Great Idea!

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  2. I like it, but perhaps a few things should be changed.

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  3. I'm not too sure / I'm neutral with it

    3 vote(s)
  4. It's not the greatest idea. I feel a lot could be changed to make it better.

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  5. No. It's terrible.

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  1. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    My idea for an addition to Wynncraft is: Capturable, useful pets! I think that it’d be very interesting to have a pet alongside you once you hit a certain level, gearing it up as the both of you adventure and adding another part to empowering yourself at the higher levels. I feel, with all the ideas I have for this addition, that it would pair very well with the new economy update. I’d suggest a level requirement of 40-60 to utilize this addition.

    Part I - Tamable Creature Spawns, Zones & Tiers

    Starting off, I think that, as for the potential tamable creatures, it should be up to 2 different creatures in a specific area. Let’s take the Nesaak Forest as an example..

    • Ideally, since I don’t know of what sorts of creatures will be added in the next update, the tamable pet in this region would be the wolves.

    Tamable creatures, though a bit uncommon, will have a GREEN name tag to show that they are peaceful, and will have “Ravenous” in their name. Additionally, instead of showing their level, they will have *’s between the square brackets, one for each level tier the creature is.

    Tier ideas are as follows..

    • Common, the obvious starting tier. Pets that spawn in this tier will have no sort of specialty, just stats of their own (which I’ll get into later). This tier will be the easiest to tame.

    • [**] Uncommon, the follow-up tier. These will be a bit rare than the previous tier and more difficult to capture. This is where the specialty of pets begin, as from this point, they will give a random stat buff to the owner (I’ll explain this later, too) when active.

    • [***] Rare/Exceptional, the middle-tier. These are significantly rare and will offer two random stat buffs.

    • [****] Epic. This is where things get very difficult. I will explain taming further in this post, but as you could infer, these pets will give three random stat buffs.

    • [*****] Legendary, the final recommended tier to implement. Extremely difficult to find, difficult to subdue, difficult to tame. These will grant four random stat buffs.

    • (Potential bonus) [******] Mythical, an almost impossible tier creature to find. Offering an extremely brutal challenge in order to subdue and tame it, instead of an additional stat buff to the player, these creatures will have a 50% increase to their own stats (and stats that pet gear may offer).
    As a tiny bonus, perhaps have the display of the tier in their name color-coded.

    Tiers have a significant effect on taming overall, as I will now get into in this section.

    Part II - Taming, Taming Items, And Tier Difficulties

    Coming up next is the explanation of how all this taming will work. I’ve already mentioned that tiers have a big effect on the difficulty, so..

    STARTING OFF: Taming Items.

    Ideas for taming items would be “treats” (to subdue the creature), snares (leads/leashes, used to capture the pet), EXP Catalysts (used as an ‘alternative method’ to level up pets) and whistles (used to summon a pet to your side).

    There would be a new “shop” open in most major towns/cities in the provinces, each supplying pet-related items. I’m thinking that being able to create some of these items with the new update would also be a good addition.

    • Treats are an item obtained from these shops that I mentioned. All tamable creatures will require a certain amount of treats given to them before you are able to try and capture them with a snare. I’d say that at these shops, they should cost 1 Emerald Block per treat, 2 Emerald Blocks at most.

    • Snares are an item that can be bought at the shops. I’d also think crafting them would be a valid alternative. These have a certain % chance to capture a subdued pet based on the pet’s rarity.

    • (Potential addition to snares; Rarities. Increased rarity offers a higher chance to capture higher rarity pets. Obviously higher tier snares either will be more expensive or unobtainable from shops and more difficult to create.)

    • EXP Catalysts will be used to grant instant experience to a pet of choice. I can see fit in them being a very rare drop (Like, somewhere between the chance of obtaining a Rare and Legendary item).

    • Whistles are sort of like saddles. Saddles summon your steed near you, and whistles will summon your captured pet near you.

    Whistles have to be manually assigned at one of the shops I mentioned. I’d say they should be purchasable for 32 Emerald Blocks, or up to 2 Liquid Emeralds at absolute maximum. When you capture a pet, it’ll be sent to a certain NPC that will be in all shops, and you can assign a whistle to a pet through that NPC. You’re only allowed to have one pet active.

    To capture a creature, we first need to look at its rarity..

    • Common creatures are passive. They require being fed 5 treats in order to be capturable.

    • Uncommon creatures are passive. They require being fed 10 treats.

    • Rare creatures are passive as well. They require being fed 20 treats.

    • Epic creatures are where things start to get interesting. From this tier forward, creatures will be hostile, sort of “bosses”. Once defeated, a new form of the creature appears. It will be passive but Ravenous, and just like Rare creatures, require 20 treats.

    • Legendary creatures are more difficult to fight, and once defeated will require 20 treats.

    • If they are considered, Mythical creatures are truly difficult, estimating about 4x as difficult as Rare creatures to defeat and requiring 32 treats to subdue once defeated.
    Common, Uncommon and Rare creatures, I’d say it’s safe for them to spawn in at 2000 HP in any given area they spawn. Level doesn’t matter with these tiers. However, as for the next ones…

    Let’s assume I’m going to base these off of a level 50 creature. Epics would have around 5000 health. Legendaries would have around 10000, and Mythical would have around 20000. It’s pretty much doubling as the tier rises.

    Part III - Pet Stats, Gear, Player Stat Buffs, Combat & Experience

    Beginning this section with pet stats, HP will be similar to a player as they level up, while for others..

    • Base of 5 HP at level 1, increasing by 5 up to 500 at maximum level (100).

    • Base of 2-6 at level 1, minimum increasing by 2-4 up to 250 at max level, and maximum increasing by 5-8 up to 600 at max level.

    • 40% less incoming damage

    This seemed like the best way to go for a pet’s base stats to me, but by all means if this is unbalanced, it’s only a suggestion. I welcome any other thoughts on this.

    As far as I’m concerned, pet gear will increase a pet’s HP, and I didn’t think of any other sort of buff, if buff would be needed. Perhaps through something in the economy update, pet gear can be improved up to like, 5 times, and bringing a pet up to a maximum HP of 6000, or somewhere around there.

    Potential stat increases to the owner from the pet, I’d say should include..

    • A % buff to Spell, Melee and Elemental damages. I’d say 2-16 is a solid random number to generate.

    • Raw and percentage Health Regen. I couldn’t think of any ideas for numbers on this one.

    • Mana Regen and Mana Steal. 1/4s and 2/4s seem like the only numbers that would be balanced to me.

    • Lifesteal. I’d say 10-120 for a random number.

    • Skill points. I would say that, for individual point increments, 2-8, and if a rainbow skill point boost is considered, 1-4. I won’t speak for whether this will count towards being able to use items or not.

    • Walk Speed percentage. I’d say 3-15.

    • XP and Loot Bonus, I’d say 3-15 for this as well.

    • (Extra) I’m not sure if stats towards economical activities will even be implemented, but perhaps some sort of buff towards them if they will.

    For acquiring these stats, I thought of two ways…

    • The stat being implemented once the pet hits a specific level

    • The stat being granted since level 1, and increasing how much is granted as the pet progresses.
    As for the pet actually combating, I considered a way to switch it between 4 modes..
    • Passive: Does not attack any mob and stays near its owner.
    • Directed: Attacks mobs that are struck by the owner.
    • Protective: Attacks mobs that come close or hurt the owner.
    • Aggressive: Attacks any mobs in range.
    And unfortunately, for Experience, I wasn't able to come up with a good idea for progressing Experience Bars for pets, nor how much experience they obtain from kills or catalysts. I've let you down here.

    But that about sums up THIS on-the-spot idea.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
    trex1611, ThomAnn100, Druser and 9 others like this.
  2. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Very well done, for sure among the most detailed and "complete" concepts for functional pets I've seen. I love the organization of sections and the details in each; really shows you put in hours of effort. The trickiest part to implement would be the 4 behavior modes, given the limitations of current mob AI, but it's believable and would fit the standards of the server. One suggestion would be that tamables of Epic tier or higher should probably have a yellow or red name to signify that they're hostile, as a green tag would be misleading.

    Overall; really nice work! I'd love to see a feature like this
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Excellent suggestion! I'd just recommend that you use "thread tools" to add a poll where we can say if we want it in the game or not.
    A Human likes this.
  4. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    you are the first person i know who’s been on the forums for less than 3 months that knows how to suggest
    and some people have been around for nearly a year now and still don’t know how to suggest
    (*cough cough* @Gabe Crocoduck)
    but seriously, this is a really good, well-written suggestion that deserves recognition.
    add a poll btw
  5. pumpkinpuncher

    pumpkinpuncher Well-Known Adventurer

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    Very well done, though please make a poll for it.
  6. Celestial

    Celestial (un)official member of the kkk (Kool Kids Klub)

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    This will kind of break the wynncraft store though, maybe name them something else, like companion
  7. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    Hi! I've added a poll like you guys suggested. You're welcome!
  8. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Someone that actually knows how to suggest? What is this nonsence???
    Everything is good but the tiers should be
    like items imo (without set obv)
    Druser likes this.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    But set pets... would be so cool :P
  10. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    Though I wouldn't say tiered pet gear would be the most balanced, if this idea was considered for whatever reason, maybe a Set Tier could work. But I don't think the pets themselves with a "Set" rarity would work, much less make any sense.
  11. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    its pokemon
  12. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Bump because I really don't want this amazing suggestion to be lost in the void.

    Also I thought of Celestial's concern about having two different kinds of "pets" and that there should be a rename. Maybe they could be called familiars, yknow like they're called in some other MMORPG's that help fight beside/power up their master.

    I also think adding "tiers" of pet gear ontop of the already multiple tiers of pets would be a little overboard in specificity.
    A Human likes this.
  13. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Collecting body parts to make your own pet.

    Set bonus if you use parts for the same species.
  14. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Very cool, thank you
  15. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    This isnt't pokemon XD
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