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Dungeons Dungeons Are Too Tedious

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by poolcool2, Sep 1, 2018.


What do you think of my idea?

  1. Dungeons should be like this

  2. Dungeons should stay as they are

  3. I don't care

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  1. poolcool2

    poolcool2 The Ender Archer

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    So recently I saw an item I wanted from the sand swept tomb and so I decided to try the dungeon only to find it is extremely short yet time-consuming at the same time and soon after I also found out I have to do it 5 more times to get what I wanted, and then when I had enough I accidentally lost the items and found out that there is a strict no-refund policy
    Dungeons are too tedious, they are too simple and uninteresting to do even just once, the items are not that good and when they just so happen to be exactly what you need, you have to do the dungeon over and over again.
    My suggestions
    • Have better or more interesting rewards for clearing the dungeons
    • Make it so the player does not have to complete it many times over (as much)
    • Maybe instead have the item needed for the rewards be something that you can get more than 1 each run, you can have the item be found in loot chests (which leads to my next idea)
    • Have the dungeons a bit more explorative, have loot chests scattered around
    • Maybe have branching pathways to make the dungeon different between different runs
    Asthae and mantidmania like this.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I feel like several of these suggestions would end up making them too easy. After all, a lot of the rewards are already intended to be good, you just have to beat the dungeon enough times to get them. I wouldn't mind stuff like branching pathways and more variation, not to mention that I do thing there are some grinding segments that are overly tedious. But I don't think the rewards should be better or easier to get.
    ThomAnn100, mantidmania, H0Y and 5 others like this.
  3. SUPER M


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    your last two suggestions are pretty good, everything else comes from uneducated perspective.
    dungeons used to be much different and you used to had to do them even more than now.
    as for the rewards you also get some emeralds and items after you complete a dungeon so you already kind of have your idea for more loot
  4. poolcool2

    poolcool2 The Ender Archer

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    I am not saying it should be easier, just less tedious
    Just because they already made it less tedious does not mean that it is no longer too tedious, and the normal rewards are much less than what you can get from normal mobs.
    I now see that the first few ideas give off the wrong impression
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2018
  5. SUPER M


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    it's not tedious. If it were made more easy than it would take away all the fun and challange
    Shots likes this.
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Some of the dungeon items are irrelevant I agree with you on that. What I don't agree with you on is making them better. There are plenty of good dungeon items to grind for, such as hashr claw, blasphemy, gigabyte, the list goes on.
    The point of a dungeon imo is an alternative to just plain grinding. Doing a dungeon is never required, it's an option. If you don't want to do a dungeon, that is your choice. However, as I said before, there are plenty of good items to grind for from dungeons. If you're unwilling to put the work into getting something, then you probably shouldn't get it at all.
    That literally takes away the entire purpose of grinding for the loot. It also doesn't make much sense either, as the items needed to buy gear from dungeons are from the boss themself (for example you need the witherhead's ribs to buy things from decrepit sewers). It wouldn't make much sense for it to somehow drop differently.
    These two aren't actually that bad like Anthony and Fish said.

    I see where you're coming from, but honestly
    H0Y and SUPER M like this.
  7. poolcool2

    poolcool2 The Ender Archer

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    You are completely misunderstanding my point, I don't want the dungeons to be easier, I don't want the rewards to be better, I just want it to be less tedious and actually give you a reason to do them, out of all I have seen there is only one item I want from a dungeon, but even then its not worth the work I would have to put in and there is nothing to distract me from how much work I have to put into it.

    I just want the dungeons to be an enjoyable and fun experience instead of an optional chore.
  8. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Uh ok

    While this doesn't make the actual dungeon easier, it makes getting the rewards easier, in turn making it overall easier to grind for loot rather than making the actual dungeon easier.
    I already gave you the reasons why you would do them. 1. for loot 2. an alternative to grinding
    This just seems like more of a you problem. If you don't find dungeons enjoyable, then just don't do them. Grinding is also an optional chore. You could honestly regard everything as an optional chore in wynn. You don't have to do quests (outside of King's Recruit), you don't have to use a build for your character, it's literally up to you. Speaking on that matter of grinding however, it's very difficult to have an mmorpg game where you don't have to grind in some way shape or form at some point. In the case of wynn, it gives you two basic options for grinding. One of them being finding some random spot with a lot of mobs to grind, another being doing dungeons.
    SUPER M likes this.
  9. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    They are too easy
  10. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I'm pretty sure the main design philosophy right now is that dungeons are these quick challenges that can be finished multiple times and they reserve the non-liniarity and puzzles for quest areas.
  11. Ceciliya

    Ceciliya Fallen Factory Addict CHAMPION

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    let me go over this post real quick, as I very strongly disagree

    First of all losing the item that you get is completely your fault and its not something that you should complain about to have dungeons changed, in fact SST gives some of the best rewards in the game, and imo dungeons like Fallen Factory, should requires MORE runs for some of the rewards they gave as things such as gigabyte can be used in a wide-range of builds. Dungeons aren't even that long, it'll take you 30mins at most to get anything in Sand-Swept Tomb, in fact you can probably get everything there in an hour (probably less). (ps please find a mob drop that even comes close to hashr claw at level 39)

    The first point is so insanely subjective, that you may as well not even bother putting it into your post, you can't change dungeons because of a subjective opinion, I in fact enjoy dungeons a lot and can run them more than once. Maybe even 100.These 2 ideas also contradict each other, dungeons can have diversity, trying out new strategies, builds, classes, etc to see what can get it done the fastest and most efficiently, loot runs on the other hand are immensely repetitive, boring and in fact tedious. Don't recommend making things less tedious, then recommend something more tedious

    Like I've already stated previously, some of the rewards are actually insanely good from dungeons and definitely don't need to be improved, the branching idea, I can kind of understand this idea, but not really, this leads to just making unnecessary additions, dungeons being the same is fine, its like any other MMO dungeon/raid boss, they don't just change randomly, it's just set to how it is.

    I dont even wanna argue with this post, its very silly, you are at a dungeon to complete the dungeon not loot run or explore

    Just some side notes, if you cant make your point clear: example:

    Don't try to make said point

    Your post pretty much just contradicts itself the entire time, maybe edit it and try again with more valid points (although imo I think dungeons are pretty fine besides fallen factory conveyor belt but thats another topic)

    There's more I could've spoken about but majority of it is already covered
  12. Dogium

    Dogium Daemon

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    I like how the dungeons are currently.
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