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World [wip]mastery And Spells

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Shiroe, Aug 24, 2018.

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  1. Shiroe

    Shiroe Read My Signature to Discover A New World

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    Hey there, I had been dead for a year. Don't know who I am? I am aware of that! WoW player since WLK and I know there are too many similarities in settings and gameplay. That was a tangent. Let's talk about the reason.

    Tl;Dr right here: basically nothing is important other than the second paragraph so far.

    WIP, working on it when ideas came to my mind :)

    Let's talk about mastery, I joined wynncraft at 2014, my conjecture proposed that a lot of veterans players like me thought about wynncraft will give us more spells to play since gavel update. The last spell we learn and upgraded to max level stops at 66... And the highest level in game is level 100 noe. We should to fill this gap.!

    (This is just an opinion, I will try to keep everything simple) I had the disclaimer bolded and underlined. Spells will be included soon™

    How do you change your mastery?
    You got me here.....

    How do we use new spells.?
    A generic method could be equip the weapon on left hand, and cast spells on the hotbar 1-6.

    (Need one more)

    Mage/Dark wizard

    why mages can be melee, well... Do you know byakuren hijiri¿


    r u sure about this one?


    I definitely need some help on naming the spells, going to require more work for that.
    I know the baseline... passives could be a different stories, yet most abilities will be aimed at utilities(already restricted by some item identifications) + some damages (yeah... Same thing I just mentioned on utilities.) hopefully this could work out...?

    I'm sorry to copy and paste the mastery names XD.
  2. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Get a semi tangible and readable thread before you publish it please and thanks. Also there is already a thread that suggests spells upgrades to fill the gap.

    Adding more spells would mean more click combos over 3 which no one wants to bother with... or at least I don’t
    ItsFreakinHarry likes this.
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    am i the only one that doesnt know what this is trying to say?
  4. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Not saying this is bad but maybe make it a bit more clear to us. Spell Upgrades are a neat idea that people have thought of (including myself) but making it difficult to understand for people won't really help make the suggestion a reality.

    Like what is the point of having the first 6 hotbar slots completely taken up by spells? If anything just keep the weapons as they are and add an extra combination for each (RLRL, RLRR, RRRL, RRRR, RLLL, RLLR, RRLL, RRLR) so we have 8 instead of 6, and we keep our hotbar slots.

    Even if you need help naming them, at least list some ideas you have. Making a blank thread and updating it when you want will most likely end with it ending up locked bc no replies in 30 days or so.

    I don't mean to come off as harsh, but if you want to make a good suggestion you might want to take a little bit of time to formulate the idea for it to make sense.
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