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Pets & Horses Powdered Horses

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Andkorn, May 23, 2018.


How are these specials balanced...

  1. Earth Passive OP

    2 vote(s)
  2. Earth Passive UP

    2 vote(s)
  3. Thunder Passive OP

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Andkorn

    Andkorn Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Ok so i had a large draft last time but accidentally lost it all soo...
    My idea was to powder horses to give them buffs.
    As of right now horses are useful for travel buuuut thats basically it. My idea was to add some flare to their system and albeit it'll be probably a bit complicated to add it, could be a really fun feature and would add some fun to end game horse riding.
    My idea would be to add a bit of fun to horse riding and their usefulness.
    First off would be slots on horses. Granted as these abilities could be seen as FAIRLY powerful (But not too overpowered) it'd make sense to make the abilities costly in the powder department. Thats why i'd have the system as follows: (Only works black horse and up)
    Black Horse: 5 powder slots.
    Chestnut Horse: 10 powder slots.
    White Horse: 15 powder slots.
    To gain the powder special you need at least 5 of a t6 to activate it. (At current market price only like 15 le to purchase 5 t6's)
    And at every powder added on afterwards would slightly increase the powder special.
    Now there was two possibilities that I thought of with these, passive specials and momentary boost specials so i'll list both of them and how they increase:
    Passive Specials: (Not writing Lore cause I suck at that)
    - Earth: Stampede;
    At 5 powder slots of Earth 6. The horse running over mobs deals 10% mob health
    For each t6 powder added afterward it deals an extra 1.5% mob health (Capping at 25%)
    NOTE: Does not work on "boss" level mob. Also has cooldown on repeatedly hitting the same mob (Cant hit the same mob until 8 seconds has passed, then can be used to attack the same mob)
    - Thunder: Static Shock;
    At 5 powder slots of Thunder 6. Horse interacting with mobs has a 25% chance of launching them away and dealing 5% health. Each tier 6 added on after that gains 1% more of health lost, and 2.5% more chance of occurring. Capping out at 50% chance of occurring and 15% total hp
    - Water: Jesus??;
    At 5 powder slots of Water 6. The horse basically gains the ability to walk over water, This one is a little more simple than the others as I am unoriginal. With 5 t6 water's it activates and the horse can walk over water at .5 the speed it travels over land. At 10 t6's it travels normal speed as if it was on land, and at 15 t6's it travels 1.5x speed.
    - Fire: Leach;
    At 5 powder slots of Fire 6. Horse gains life steal. Chance is the same as normal life steal to occur for say a normal weapon, and life steal is 1% of your total hp at 5 powders. And each tier 6 powder added afterwards is .2% of your total hp for life steal. Capping out at 3% of your current total hp life steal. (3% life steal is still really good for a horse passive so lmk if you think it should be less. As an example if you have 13.5k hp and you have a white horse with 15 t6 fire's, youd have 405 life steal.)
    - Air Special: Speeeeeed (How Original) ;
    Ok this one is self explanatory and pretty boring, at 5 t6 air powders this is unlocked. At the 5th powder 3 more slots are unlocked on the horses max speed/jump. So 20/20 can becomes 23/23 etc. At the 10th powder it turns to an extra 6 slots so max of 26/26, and finally at 15 powders it can become an extra 4 slots. So a white with 15 t6 airs becomes a 50/50.

    Charging Buffs: These ones much like powder specials on weapons will need to be charged.... by running.
    - Earth Charge: Stampede;
    This one im a little unsure of how powerful to make or how to scale but i imagined that it would be very similar to quake except it lasts for 3 seconds upon activation and deals much less dmg than quake.
    - Thunder: Flash;
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
  2. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    How does one put powder on a horse?
  3. Lucky_Creeper

    Lucky_Creeper faithful bovemist at your service

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    You tie him down and drop 15 bags filled with powder then make him run into the water. If he drowns then thats his fault just avoid the police for a few months.
  4. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Gotta stuff em up with candy and drugs!
    Reminiscent_ and Bramblesthatcat like this.
  5. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    I wouldn’t do it by mob health % but instead by set amount because otherwise 10 people can insta kill anything *cough* cybel
  6. Reminiscent_

    Reminiscent_ .:Dark Chocolate Enthusiast:.

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    powdery sugar cubes, thunder - lemony, earth - minty, fire - spicy, air - nothing/sugar, water - water/blue otter pops

    i'd probably try and consume those and die an agonizing death or mutate
    ThomAnn100, flip and Bramblesthatcat like this.
  7. Andkorn

    Andkorn Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Nah i said wouldn't effect boss mobs, or maybe have it cap at a certain amount of dmg
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