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(hero) Rank Is So Underwhelming

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Dead_LOL, Apr 27, 2018.

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  1. Dead_LOL

    Dead_LOL Travelled Adventurer

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    $80.00 for a rank and what do you get, 4 more mob totoms then you would get from vip+,I never use them and even if i did oh wow 4 totems totally worth paying $40.00 more, not.... beta access, big whoop not like you come out with content every week, and one tier two chest pfft... this rank is a such a waste of money its a joke we don't even get a daily shout. legit worst $80.00 I've spent.... Wynncraft you need to update this bull crap rank, give it something worth paying for because at the moment its quite pathetic.
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Don't pay for it if you don't think it's worth it
  3. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    The HERO rank isn't meant to be bought only for it's perks, but to show your support towards the server by helping it stay up. The store website clearly states everything you'll get for buying the rank, so you can only blame yourself for spending the money on it. Nothing has stated you'd receive free shouts or such from it.

    As a sidenote, you might call the daily crates bullshit, but take into consideration the fact, that the purchase starts paying itself back to you after around 4 months of active claiming; With crates alone!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
  4. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    First of all, let me tell you I am sorry that you aren't pleased with how you spent your money in our store. However like stated above, Wynncraft clearly says what you are going to get if you buy the rank. Most people buy the Hero rank just to support the server, and not for the perks. (even though, if you like crates, in the long run, the extra tier is really worth it)
    Beta access isn't meant to be a major perk, but since the Hero rank is mainly a support-only based rank, only people that really like wynncraft will buy it, thus people that are likely to report bugs and such in beta.
    Like I said above, in the long run, an extra tier in the loot crate is worth it.
    Yes and no, you are mainly just showing support to the server.
    This would be quite overpowered in terms of worth for the Hero rank though
    I mean, why would you buy that and then insta-regret it? You had the perks listed to you...
    Not in my opinion.
    Its not MEANT to be worth paying, its just supposed to be for people who want to support the server, wich apparently isn't your case.
    Not in my opinion.
    IreczeQ, mouldy, coolname2034 and 6 others like this.
  5. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    You know you could've just not bought it. No need to shit on the server because you think you are entitled to more because you paid for something.
  6. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    Most people that buy the hero rank don't buy it for the perks. Most of them buy it for their support for Wynncraft. Hero was never intended to be an"Ultra-Buff Insanity" rank.

    Plus, we don't want ranks to turn into Hypixel ranks. Never ever Hypixel ranks.
  7. ImCold

    ImCold Mmmmm

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    Can vip get like a 0.5 tier crate? Like literally we only get mob totems which become practically useless further on and that's pretty much it ;-;
    Lex! and coolname2034 like this.
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