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World Quest: Under The Sea (+ Breathing Helmet T3 And T4 Ideas)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by NubPotato, Apr 22, 2018.


Good or Nah?

  1. I like the minor addition to From The Mountains.

    23 vote(s)
  2. I don't like the addition to From the Mountains but I like the quest.

    2 vote(s)
  3. I like the quest Under The Sea.

    24 vote(s)
  4. I don't like the quest but I like the addition to From the Mountains

    1 vote(s)
  5. This idea sucks... (Tell me why!)

    3 vote(s)
  6. I like the idea, but... (Explain!)

    2 vote(s)
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  1. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    It always kind of nagged at me as I got higher and higher level that breathing helmet always became more and more and more useless so here I go, a suggestion for better breathing helmets.

    THIS IS IN NO WAY AN ITEM SUGGESTION. My ideas here are strictly ideas and the item team can make them totally different, this is mainly a suggestion on the means of getting a Breathing helmet T3 and T4.

    The first item on our list is in the quest "From the Mountains". This quest currently requires you to use your breathing helmet T2 to go underwater to defeat a boss. Instead I propose that you should have to give Rynver your Breathing Helmet 2 first before going under.

    From The Mountains Stage 3 (Edited)
    Rynver: Thgsngs ag lhgt!
    Rynver slides the dentures back into his mouth.
    Rynver: Hello?
    Rynver: Ah! Thank you, much better! I dropped those down the hole a few weeks ago.
    Rynver: But since I live alone up here, I have no reason to speak!
    Rynver: Well, I suppose our meeting is not a coincidence. And I owe you one for getting my dentures back.
    Rynver: What is it you need?
    Rynver: Oh, that fool! He actually went through with it! I warned him! Splitting the soul is dangerous magic.
    Rynver: Although, his flower should not be dying... The root of ages is said to be immortal...
    Rynver: I used to be a holy man before I lost my religion... I can produce some holy water for his plant.
    Rynver: I will need you to get me something though...
    Rynver: I need [1 Water Spirit Tear] to make it. There are some living up here in a whirlpool. It's very dangerous of there though, so I need to check your [Breathing Helmet] to make sure it can survive th currhenthfs.

    Rynver's teeth fall out of his mouth as he talks.

    From the Mountains Stage 4 (New)
    Rynver: Hmf? Oth, iths yhouf. Whonth theconfd.
    Rynver quickly dunks the dentures in water before sliding them back in.
    Rynver: Ah yes, so what did I want to see again? Oh that's right, your helmet.
    Rynver: ...
    Rynver: No, no, no, this will never do, the current will surely kill you in this cheap excuse for a helmet.
    Rynver: No worries though, I have just the thing for it, give me a minute.
    Rynver carefully pours some of the water on the helmet while murmuring a quiet chant. The helmet starts to glow and sparkle like the water.

    Rynver: Alright, this will definitely help your survive the currents, be careful out there adventhurerth.
    Rynver's teeth fall out of his mouth as he talks.

    [+ 1 Breathing Helmet III]

    Here is sort of how I'd imagine the helmet being like:
    Breathing Helmet III.PNG

    Second Item on our list was the final breathing helmet, and this would be achieved through a final quest were you go underwater to explore the depths and report back what you see, but after reaching a trench to tight for your submarine, you and your team need to make a final breathing helmet capable of withstanding high amounts of pressure to succeed.

    Quest Name: Under the Sea
    Location of the Quest: Jofash Docks X: 1367 Y: 38 Z: -4091 (Note: this house should be redone as a sort of laboratory with metal tubes while maintaining a very rustic feel)
    Level Req: 88

    Before Quest Dialouge:
    Professor Otatop: Ah 'ello young lad, meet me when your lev'l 87, I got some work for ye.

    Start of the Quest:
    >Talk to Professor Otatop at 1367 38 -4091.
    Professor Otatop: Ah, 'ere you are lad, I was waitin' for ye.
    Professor Otatop: Me and my team have been scourin' the ocean floor fer weeks now, and we think we've finally found somethin' of interest.
    Professor Otatop: What we be needin' ye to do is to go down 'ere and look for anything interesting.
    Professor Otatop: I 'ave a submarine down in the basement, but I need to know if yer in first.
    Professor Otatop: Meet me in the back room when yer ready.

    Stage 2:
    >Enter the room behind Professor Otatop.
    (In this stage you enter Prof. Otatop's office, a rustic-looking office with a fishtank and globes and other stuff like that)
    Professor Otatop: Eh? Oh, sorry lad, I wasn' excepting you ta actually come!
    Professor Otatop: Most people turn me down after they ask about my... not-so-successful attempts...
    Professor Otatop: But nevermin' that, allow me ta explain this mission before ya go.
    Professor Otatop: First yer gonna have ta go to [1295, 43, -3920] and use the code 4-9-7-1 ta access the submersible.

    Professor Otatop: Next yer gonna go down to the ship and find my assistant engineer, Shapk, he should help ye with anythin' ya need on yer journey.
    Professor Otatop: After that ya got to go down about 674 leauges to find the trench.
    Professor Otatop: Af'er that should be mighty easy, the sub has little graspers to grab anythi' ya want down 'ere to bring back up here.
    Professor Otatop: Oh, and don' be afraid of forgettin' anythin', I'll be in touch with ye the whole time with a little invention Shapk made.
    Professor Otatop: Also don' forget to 'ave a [Breathing Helmet] on ye, just in case somethin' goes wrong.

    Professor Otatop: Tha' should be it, 'ave fun and good luck.

    Stage 3:
    >Find the submarine base at 1295 43 -3920 and talk to Shapk.
    (The submarine base is a moonpool, with a very rusty and Corkian vibe mixed with a magical vibe from Gavel.)
    Shapk: Hey there adventurer, what brings you down here?
    Shapk: Ah I see, you're here for the mission, eh?
    Shapk: Alright then, lets get started shall we, just hop on into the submarine and lets get going!
    Shapk: Hey there adventurer, what brings you down here?
    Shapk: Oh... sorry, but I think it's too dangerous to go without a [Breathing Helmet].

    Stage 4:
    >Enter the Submarine.
    (The submarine is pretty simple, the cabin size is about 7x7x17 blocks)

    Stage 5:
    >Talk to Shapk.
    Shapk: Alright, it looks like we're all set, take us away captian!
    Shapk: Wait, you thought I was driving? Oh dear...
    Shapk: Well, uh... It's not that hard, I'm sure you can figure it out...

    Stage 6:
    >Pilot the submarine.
    (This stage may sound weird, but trust me. What you do here is it teleports you out of the sub and into a 100x100 pool of water where you must swim down as far as possible. Similar to the boat part of Fantastic Voyage but underwater. This part ends when you enter a small black hole at the deepest part and it teleports you back to the sub.

    Stage 7:
    >Talk to Shapk about what to do next.
    Shapk: Dammit! It looks like the hole is too wide to fit the submarine in.
    Shapk: Ugh... do you still have that [Breathing Helmet] you showed me?
    Shapk: Excellent! Can I see it for a second?

    Shapk looks at the helmet hopefully, but his smile quickly falls.
    Shapk: This will never withstand the pressure in that trench.
    Shapk: In order to improve this I'm going to need some materials from outside, can you manage that?
    Shapk: Okay, first I'm going to need [15 Sunken Seaglass], you should be able to find that on the floor of the ocean.
    Shapk: Next item I need is [5 Sunken Metal Scrap], that should be near some of the Professor's... failed expiriments...
    Shapk: And the last item I need is [3 Lava Fish Scales] from killing [Lava Fish] near some of the underwater volcanos.
    Shapk: You got all that? Alright, good luck adventurer.
    (Note: The lava fish will be the only aggressive fish down there, but there should also be peaceful fish accompanying it. The fish will be done like @7Mile did it in this video here.

    Stage 8:
    >Leave the submarine.

    Stage 9:
    >Return to the submarine with [15 Sunken Seaglass], [5 Sunken Metal Scrap], and [3 Lava Fish Scales].
    Shapk: Nice job! I'll start making the helmet right away!
    *CUTSCENE: Shows Shapk laying all the items on the table and combines them together.*
    Shapk quietly hums to himself while he works.
    Shapk: Alright you should be good to go now, remember to bring back something interesting!
    At this point you get this item:
    Breathing Helmet III Prototype.PNG

    Stage 10:
    >Explore the Trench.
    (Note: this trench will be full of dark blocks and those lava cracking blocks to give this feel that you're really deep under. At the bottom will be a small cave where you trigger a tripwire when you enter.)

    Stage 11:
    >Explore the cave.
    (Note: The cave will be full of air with lava and fire all around. On a pedestal at the end will be a mob called Heart of the Ocean. This mob has an ender eye skin and dies in one hit. This mob drops an itcm called "Oceanic Shard"

    Stage 12:
    >Escape the trench.
    The walls of the trench shudder as you exit the cave, you need to escape!
    This part is timed, you have 30 seconds after you exit the cave to make it out safely.

    Stage 13:
    >Talk to Shapk.
    Shapk: Oh thank goodness you made it out safely! I was really worried when I heard the rumbling.
    Shapk: I see you're in no shape to pilot the submarine back in this shape...
    Shapk: Don't worry, I'll use what limited skills I have to get back up, you just go to the back and rest.

    Stage 14:
    >Go to the back of the submarine.
    After a short rest, you wake up back at the moonpool.

    Stage 15:
    >Report back to Professor Otatop in his office with [Oceanic Shard].
    Otatop: Wow lad, I must say I am impressed.
    Otatop: Most before ye couldn' even pilot the sub correctly.
    Otatop: Here is a little something for your troubles, plus I added the oceanic shard the yer helmet for ye.

    +3400000 XP
    +12288 Emelrads
    +1 Breathing Helmet IV

    Here's my idea of the helmet:
    Breathing Helmet IV.PNG

    Just to clarify Otatop is a Gavellian villager and Shapk is a Corkian.

    Shapk is an anagram for Khaps.

    Here is a rough sketch of how the quest would look by @7Mile

    Original Link: https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...ation-a-good-one-at-that.226413/#post-2756382
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
    Nukewarmachine, mouldy, 7Mile and 7 others like this.
  2. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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  3. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    Seems legit
    Crimson Corsair and NubPotato like this.
  4. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Cool! I like this idea because currently all the ocean stuff kind of stops after Underice.
    NubPotato likes this.
  5. Faded the weeb

    Faded the weeb your local weeb VIP+

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    hmmmmmmm that helmet IV tho

    I'd say cut back the health to about ~2000 maybe, mana's fine, maybe nerf the damage slightly and give it some negative IDs, seems a little op the way it is now.
    Otherwise dope stuff! ^-^
    Pokextreme and Craic like this.
  6. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    4quests which all contain breathing
    and whys there an NPC name potatO

  7. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    the addition to from the mountains is Rynver making your helmet resistant to current and in Under the Sea its making you resistant to crushing pressures

    also I bad at names :/

    yeah I will, but the helmet isn't really a part of the suggestion its just an example of what it could be like
    Faded the weeb likes this.
  8. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    That one line made me really happy, thanks. A definite thumbs up from me on the quest.
    NubPotato likes this.
  9. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    thanks man!
  10. Ear Infection

    Ear Infection Back Again HERO

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    Ok I like it but
    how the hell did you make the item? Please tell me lol [I want to use this item method in my suggestions]
  11. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    use inspect element on the items in wynndata
    make sure to use correct id ranges! :D
  12. Ear Infection

    Ear Infection Back Again HERO

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    ok, cool! [10char lololol]
  13. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Quest Name: Under the Sea
    Location of the Quest: Jofash Docks X: 1367 Y: 38 Z: -4091 (Note: this house should be redone as a sort of laboratory with metal tubes while maintaining a very rustic feel)
    Level Req: 88

    Before Quest Dialouge:

    Professor Otatop: Ah 'ello young lad, meet me when your lev'l 87, I got some work for ye.

    Hmm, ok. My only question is why does this professor have a coastal sailor accent. Was he a sailor once? [NOTE: IM WRITING THESE THINGS AS I READ SO THEY PROBS ARE WRONG] This probably develops character, in a nice way! [although it is obvious since he's on the docks but still nice]

    Start of the Quest:
    >Talk to Professor Otatop at 1367 38 -4091.

    Professor Otatop: Ah, 'ere you are lad, I was waitin' for ye.
    Professor Otatop: Me and my team have been scourin' the ocean floor fer weeks now, and we think we've finally found somethin' of interest.
    Professor Otatop: What we be needin' ye to do is to go down 'ere and look for anything interesting.
    Professor Otatop: I 'ave a submarine down in the basement, but I need to know if yer in first.
    Professor Otatop: Meet me in the back room when yer ready.

    Wait... What? I've been waiting for you? Where from? Im sorry if I don't know something but... hrmmm. Also this is really sudden, develop "what" they saw, perhaps say like I can't tell ya know but it's important! This is a super sudden intro, and could be transitioned easier.

    Stage 2:
    >Enter the room behind Professor Otatop.
    (In this stage you enter Prof. Otatop's office, a rustic-looking office with a fishtank and globes and other stuff like that)

    Professor Otatop: Eh? Oh, sorry lad, I wasn' excepting you ta actually come!
    Professor Otatop: Most people turn me down after they ask about my... not-so-successful attempts...
    Professor Otatop: But nevermin' that, allow me ta explain this mission before ya go.
    Professor Otatop: First yer gonna have ta go to [1295, 43, -3920] and use the code 4-9-7-1 ta access the submersible.

    Professor Otatop: Next yer gonna go down to the ship and find my assistant engineer, Shapk, he should help ye with anythin' ya need on yer journey.
    Professor Otatop: After that ya got to go down about 674 leauges to find the trench.
    Professor Otatop: Af'er that should be mighty easy, the sub has little graspers to grab anythi' ya want down 'ere to bring back up here.
    Professor Otatop: Oh, and don' be afraid of forgettin' anythin', I'll be in touch with ye the whole time with a little invention Shapk made.
    Professor Otatop: Also don' forget to 'ave a [Breathing Helmet] on ye, just in case somethin' goes wrong.

    Professor Otatop: Tha' should be it, 'ave fun and good luck.

    Ahhh! I see! So the intro was a sort of "ploy" to get the player to get inside, Nice! Although do transition it a bit better still, like he doesn't even tell you what your going for, how dangerous it is, etc.

    Stage 3:
    >Find the submarine base at 1295 43 -3920 and talk to Shapk.
    (The submarine base is a moonpool, with a very rusty and Corkian vibe mixed with a magical vibe from Gavel.)

    Shapk: Hey there adventurer, what brings you down here?
    Shapk: Ah I see, you're here for the mission, eh?
    Shapk: Alright then, lets get started shall we, just hop on into the submarine and lets get going!

    Shapk: Hey there adventurer, what brings you down here?
    Shapk: Oh... sorry, but I think it's too dangerous to go without a [Breathing Helmet].

    Yeahp, nice. Standard.

    Stage 4:
    >Enter the Submarine.
    (The submarine is pretty simple, the cabin size is about 7x7x17 blocks)

    Stage 5:
    >Talk to Shapk.

    Shapk: Alright, it looks like we're all set, take us away captian!
    Shapk: Wait, you thought I was driving? Oh dear...
    Shapk: Well, uh... It's not that hard, I'm sure you can figure it out..

    Oof, ok. Lol sure, nothing too bad about this just a bit.. random but hey thats wynn for ya.
    Stage 6:
    >Pilot the submarine.
    (This stage may sound weird, but trust me. What you do here is it teleports you out of the sub and into a 100x100 pool of water where you must swim down as far as possible. Similar to the boat part of Fantastic Voyage but underwater. This part ends when you enter a small black hole at the deepest part and it teleports you back to the sub.

    Hmm.. How is this a challenge? Maybe obstacles?
    Stage 7:
    >Talk to Shapk about what to do next.

    Shapk: Dammit! It looks like the hole is too wide to fit the submarine in.
    Shapk: Ugh... do you still have that [Breathing Helmet] you showed me?
    Shapk: Excellent! Can I see it for a second?

    Shapk looks at the helmet hopefully, but his smile quickly falls.
    Shapk: This will never withstand the pressure in that trench.
    Shapk: In order to improve this I'm going to need some materials from outside, can you manage that?
    Shapk: Okay, first I'm going to need [15 Sunken Seaglass], you should be able to find that on the floor of the ocean.
    Shapk: Next item I need is [5 Sunken Metal Scrap], that should be near some of the Professor's... failed expiriments...
    Shapk: And the last item I need is [3 Lava Fish Scales] from killing [Lava Fish] near some of the underwater volcanos.
    Shapk: You got all that? Alright, good luck adventurer.

    (Note: The lava fish will be the only aggressive fish down there, but there should also be peaceful fish accompanying it. The fish will be done like @7Mile did it in this video here.

    Hmm.... If the pressure down here is so intense, wouldn't going outside... be damaging? idk if this is possible but maybe a passive DOT is given to the player in the area.
    Stage 8:
    >Leave the submarine.

    Stage 9:
    >Return to the submarine with [15 Sunken Seaglass], [5 Sunken Metal Scrap], and [3 Lava Fish Scales].

    Shapk: Nice job! I'll start making the helmet right away!
    *CUTSCENE: Shows Shapk laying all the items on the table and combines them together.*
    Shapk quietly hums to himself while he works.
    Shapk: Alright you should be good to go now, remember to bring back something interesting!

    At this point you get this item:
    View attachment 130412

    Stage 10:
    >Explore the Trench.
    (Note: this trench will be full of dark blocks and those lava cracking blocks to give this feel that you're really deep under. At the bottom will be a small cave where you trigger a tripwire when you enter.)

    Stage 11:
    >Explore the cave.
    (Note: The cave will be full of air with lava and fire all around. On a pedestal at the end will be a mob called Heart of the Ocean. This mob has an ender eye skin and dies in one hit. This mob drops an itcm called "Oceanic Shard"

    Stage 12:
    >Escape the trench.

    The walls of the trench shudder as you exit the cave, you need to escape!

    This part is timed, you have 30 seconds after you exit the cave to make it out safely.

    WOAH WOAH WOAH! SUDDEN! Why does grabbing this shard collapse teh cave? perhaps say something like "you feel a evil aura" or something.
    Stage 13:
    >Talk to Shapk.

    Shapk: Oh thank goodness you made it out safely! I was really worried when I heard the rumbling.
    Shapk: I see you're in no shape to pilot the submarine back in this shape...
    Shapk: Don't worry, I'll use what limited skills I have to get back up, you just go to the back and rest.

    Stage 14:
    >Go to the back of the submarine.

    After a short rest, you wake up back at the moonpool.

    Stage 15:
    >Report back to Professor Otatop in his office with [Oceanic Shard].

    Otatop: Wow lad, I must say I am impressed.
    Otatop: Most before ye couldn' even pilot the sub correctly.
    Otatop: Here is a little something for your troubles, plus I added the oceanic shard the yer helmet for ye.

    Hmm ok. You never, or rather Otatop never explains what the shard is, why it causes lava, etc. Perhaps develop that?

    +3400000 XP
    +12288 Emelrads
    +1 Breathing Helmet IV

    Here's my idea of the helmet:
    View attachment 130414

    Just to clarify Otatop is a Gavellian villager and Shapk is a Corkian.

    Shapk is an anagram for Khaps.[/QUOTE]
  14. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    the point is that hes a hackjob sub captain who pretends to be a scientist, I need to make that more clear in the dialogue
    good point, adding that soon
    no I see, I need to make him sound more like the hack he's supposed to be
    the idea is that its sort of hard to find the hole to go farther and farther down
    the point was that the pressure in the trench is too much, not the surrounding area, and the sub is outside of the trench
    oh yeah, actually good point, I think I'll change it so you have to enter a portal and then the collapse happens
    he doesn't know what it is, I should make that more clear

    overall, thanks man for the critisisms, helps alot
    Crimson Corsair likes this.
  15. Triplez_Suplex

    Triplez_Suplex Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Maybe after 1.13, oceans will be interesting enough to make quests within it. with all the corals and sea grass stuff
  16. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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  17. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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  18. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I did my best to bring this quest to life (with some changes of course), if you want to see it, check it out here. (It's in the "Your Work" section of the forums so don't be scared of clicking the link.)
    NubPotato likes this.
  19. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    Added it to the suggestion
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