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Red's Compendium Of General Wynncraft Improvements

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by RedstoneLogic, Apr 13, 2018.


Are these good suggestions?

  1. Yes, almost all of them should really be added.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, some of them could definitely see play in game.

    6 vote(s)
  3. No, some of them would ruin many existing features.

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, almost all of these are completely un-viable.

    7 vote(s)
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  1. RedstoneLogic

    RedstoneLogic Has a neato shop haha please buy my stuff HERO

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    Hello, and welcome to this thread. Today I'll give some things that both I and the community have been thinking about for a while, so here are my suggestions. Before we start I'll note that all of these are very open to critiquing and you're more than welcome to roast me for any of them, although as a game design major, I will do my best. I hope suggestions like this can help make Wynncraft a better place for everyone.

    1. Party Dungeons
    Wynncraft's dungeons aren't very difficult for the most part, some people might disagree with you, but many were meant to be played solo. What if there were dungeons that could only be entered if you had a certain number of people, and were geared in difficulty towards that number of players? This would cause more cooperation between players, and in general enhance the friendships made on the server.

    2. Enhanced Spells
    Currently in Wynncraft, each class has four spells of their own, while some might say this is all that's needed for some classes (Warrior for example) many spellcasting classes such as mage feel like they could've been so much more. The existing classes could use a spell list that they can choose from at certain points upon leveling up. This would let players customize their characters even more and would let different builds really stand out among the others.

    3. Redone Perk System
    People have mixed feelings about the Wynncraft perk system. It may be simple, but it also can feel quite dull at times. In general, it's not good to have 'put points here for more damage, or points here to take less damage' as a skill tree. The Wynncraft skill tree could be redone in a few ways. The player could get a 'perk point' every level that they can put into different skill trees(With a skill tree for each respective element.) This concept or other could be an acceptable replacement for the current skill system.

    4. More Diverse Classes
    Wynncraft has 4 classes. The mage, the assassin, the archer, and the warrior. These classes may work ok, but if we compare them to some different RPG classes and their strengths, then we'll quickly see the problem. 'Mage' as an RPG class is a very general term. Where does this mage get their magic? Through study or through bloodline? What type of magic does this mage study? Evocation? Abjuration? Transmutation? The mage class as a whole could use far more diversity than Wynncraft is giving it. What about the warrior? What type of weapon are they trained in? What is their fighting style? Are they a paladin? What about a barbarian? Differentiation of classes could be something that Wynncraft needs to massively increase immersion and playtime.

    So, these are my current suggestions. I'll probably add on to this list later, but if you have any suggestions let me know!
  2. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    While these ideas are good, they lack a ton of detail. Also the 4th idea you had there has been suggested a thousand times with a lot more detail than you've put into it.

    One of your ideas that I do agree with is your first one, basically making some raids for Wynncraft, as being an MMO Wynn lacks a bit of Co-operation outside of ??? and boss assistance. I believe the original Lost Sanctuary or Animal Dungeon had a similar method that you stated, but again it lacks detail.

    I usually reccommend not to fit over 4 -5 ideas in one thread unless you can properly elaborate on your ideas.
  3. HyperPanda

    HyperPanda Travelled Adventurer

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    I feel like this is basically saying 'DO MORE, ADD MORE, GIVE MORE' which is a sentiment I totally agree with, but I feel like the Admin already know that this is what people want, more play styles, detail, lore, knowledge, etc.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  4. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    A big thread of suggestions seems more like a vague way to get away with low quality suggestions.
    quality over quantity (unless a lot of detail was put into all of them)
    But in this case it isn't.
    As well, most of these, if not all, have been suggested with a lot more detail.

    Also, that's one biased poll if i've seen one

    Like come on, What if i want to say no to all of them
    Your not including all actual answer
    Which is another reason why i don't like this thread's set up
    you're getting away with something that really shouldn't be that hard to fix
    This one doesn't really make sense
    What if someone has no friends
    or no one else wants to do the dungeon
    I still need to do the Neck of 1k storms for the discovery
    but the problem is no one wants to do it with me
    and i think this is how the dungeon will turn out.
    It's a easier ???.
    As well, there are so many other ways to make the dungeons harder.
    Only making some dungeons require multiple people seems more of a quick fix to a problem that needs to be actually fixed.
    Now i would actually love to see this idea, but i think it belongs to it's own suggestion.
    It's just since your making 4 suggestions at once, you really aren't doing a quality check.
    Im confused on this one, mainly because i don't know what your refering to as perks. Is it the skill point system?
    Also your suggestion seems more of the same, because once again, your lacking important details.
    Your not giving people the impression,"Woah, this is lit" when you make a list of suggestions
    You just leave them wanting more. I don't know what your suggestion because there isn't enough detail.
    I don't know what your asking.
    Are you asking for some background lore? or new classes?

    So uh, i don't really like how you set up this thread.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
    coolname2034 likes this.
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    the problem I have with suggestions like this is how screwed new players are
    if they haven't decided what their build is by like level 11, then they are going off guesswork

    what I'm saying is apparently you can't change your build
    coolname2034 likes this.
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Skill systems are the bases of a player creation in an rpg, normally anyone worth their salt will build a perk system ON TOP of a skill point system.
    unless your Bethesda, but I think we can all agree the new leveling system in Fallout 4 vs the others is worse.

    2nd off, your "redone" version is quite literally the same thing as what we have now, you just called it a perk tree, from a skill tree.
    I mean you just restated yourself like wtf.

    3rd off, I don't think anyone thinks the current skill system is blind, currently, the armor system causes it to be extremely customizable at the endgame.
    to the point to where there are latteraly thounds of different possible viable builds.
  7. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Yay another suggestion that doesn't actually suggest anything new of interesting.
    coolname2034 and Bramblesthatcat like this.
  8. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    Not too much detail here, along with your other suggestions. Id suggest looking for other threads that have things youre suggesting if you dont want to come up with them yourself, as they are usually more thought out and have more details. Im currently working on a 2nd version of my skill points 2.0 system, since the 1st one was kinda a test run, which is why im replying to this section specifically.
  9. RedstoneLogic

    RedstoneLogic Has a neato shop haha please buy my stuff HERO

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    I don't think you know what a perk/skill tree is.
  10. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I do, but replacing skills with perks makes them skills.
    Look at any game with nothing but a perk tree, almost every perk is a statistical increase to something, like "you do 80% more damage with swords"
    They generally take place of skills in this case, instead of being an actual perk, which is normally something that changes how you play the game.
    Poiu429 and coolname2034 like this.
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