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Epic Or Nah, Suggestion!!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dead_LOL, Apr 2, 2018.


Do you think armor 1 click presets for armor set switching would be a good idea for the game.

  1. Yes 1 click presets would be a good idea Woo-hoo HURRAH!

    4 vote(s)
  2. No 1 click presets is a bad idea Boo HUMBUG!

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Dead_LOL

    Dead_LOL Travelled Adventurer

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    Wynncraft is an amazing game that I've had the pleasure of playing for quite some time now and am considered a VET in game. I've never really been a PVP kind of guy in Wynncraft mainly because I'm not so good at it, I pretty much just stick to PVM grinding for loots working toward completing my armor set's. But doing this made me think, armor sets are a pretty large part of the game, there are so many types, like armor for speed, loot, strength, mana, health, and so on. So why Isn't their an option to quick toggle armor sets, to like have preset designated armor that switches over with one click. Preset armor sets would be an amazing add on that could be limited to PVP or PVM or implemented to both PVP and PVM, Knowing with just one click of a button I could be running with the wind in my speed armor set, blazing past mobs and if I happen to come across some mobs I feel like looting "Click" Loot armor set "BOOM" how great would that be? ^_^ or for PVP when I strategically retreat "Click" Speed set now engaged, then run to a better vantage point, "Click" Increased DMG, oh no he seen me now I only have half a heart left and no more potions "Click" Health Regen set this would give more ways to strategize your plan of attack or in my case retreat!

    You might be thinking this would be to over powered, like if someone switches from a tank build into a damaged based build, keep in mind that you would still need to have the right level requirement to use the armor set, but if they did switch to a strength build you would have to combat it with a defense build or reflection, there are many options also if they switched armor sets there would have to be a way to see what your opponents stats changed to, or heck this could even be left just for PVM and not PVP but I'm just pointing out the potential of this idea. A cool down timer could also be implemented meaning you would have a short wait time in between switches, of course you would also need to limit the number of different sets of armor you could switch to as well.

    I hope you all find this idea as interesting as I did and will support this post, also please don't discard the idea completely if you don't agree with how I suggested I would be very interested in hearing your opinions and suggestions so let me know how you feel about preset armor with constructive criticism. Thanks to everyone for reading this post, don't forget to tell your friends lets make wynncraft know about this idea because how awesome would it be to click a button to switch to a different set of armor am I right? let me know!!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    While it's a intresting concept, the game really isn't designed to change gear that much. That's why things like resetting sp has a cost, even though it's minor. Don't think it would hurt but it also isn't really needed.
    Dead_LOL likes this.
  3. Muchwrath

    Muchwrath Wynncraft Music Enthusiast VIP+

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    Anyway, the idea itself is too OP. The point of a glass cannon is that it does a lot of damage, but takes damage. Being able to switch to a tank in 1 click would be broken.
    Example: Low on health?
    Switch to this and regen instantly https://wynndata.tk/s/brwxp6
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
    Dead_LOL likes this.
  4. Dead_LOL

    Dead_LOL Travelled Adventurer

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    I was thinking that it might not even be an option, to be able to add this in but yeah you're right its not really needed I just thought it would be something cool to be able to do armor switching with a single click because I sometimes carry 2 sets of armor with me and switch between them both, one for looting and one for running. In mid combat it would be nice so I wouldn't have to go to each individual peace. but yeah idk might be a little o.p.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  5. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    He is literally a Veteran, it says on his profile.
    Muchwrath, Dead_LOL and Trash like this.
  6. Dead_LOL

    Dead_LOL Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah I did take a break for a while before the gavel update my archer is the level 76 which he just recently got to level 76 previously i was maxed at 75 on my warrior back before the update and I don't really focus much on leveling but rather more on the community part of the game I like to trade most often and talk with people but I will soon be doing more quests for experience.
  7. Muchwrath

    Muchwrath Wynncraft Music Enthusiast VIP+

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    Yeah, that's cool actually. Glad you came back and I love talking and trading too! Sorry if I sounded a bit mean before :p
    Dead_LOL likes this.
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