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World Random Bandit Attacks

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by xXHappywheelsXx, Mar 17, 2018.


What do you think of the idea?

  1. I like it

    31 vote(s)
  2. i don't like it

    2 vote(s)
  3. needs work

    6 vote(s)
  4. don't know didn't read it

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Legacy1999

    Legacy1999 cookies = <3

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    additional idea:
    after you got attacked by bandits (which were only part of the whole group, because would the big big boss bandit really come to raid a singe person?) you will get just a small amount of emeralds and you will get a "Bandits Hideout Key". Then you can find a bounty hunter in/near the next town. if you talk to him he´s saying something about bandits in the region and something like "oh, you have seen them?". Then he is giving you a hint like "i heard they are hiding in a cave (or small forest or something like that, you know what i mean) in the south". If you managa to find the location (which are maybe normal bandit camps which get added to the map with this update [if it comes]) you can find a hopper there. Throw the key in it, get teleported into the real bandit hideout which is like a little dungeon. After killing the Bandit Boss you will get his head, go back to the bounty hunter get your reward.

    sorry for my bad english
  2. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    I think this is what it will look like if it is done right, it should be hard and maybe you could die if you travel alone, this could also make place for bodyguards or mercenaries that could protect you. But like mentioned before, not everywhere on the map.

    I know that you shouldn't tag admins but @Salted you asked for this yourself.
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