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New Classes, Province, And Weapons

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Exalted_, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    @tecnojet tell me what are the good points so I can make improvements to my idea. Also Zerachia I am going to build the province myself lol... I already planned most of the design XDD
  2. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Bump . . . .
  3. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    This is such a bad suggestion idk where to start.

    Firstly suggesting classes have more than one type of weapon. Now from a cosmetic standpoint this is totally fine and might be kinda cool, BUT it's not just a cosmetic upgrade your suggesting that depending on what type of weapon you use you get different spells which would require more balancing. You also gave a somewhat decent idea on some new features such as being able to find parts and upgrade your weapon yet you gave 0 detail on what that would be. Now onto warrior, warriors shouldn't have access to swords why? Because even though it says assassins use DAGGERS the models are definitely SWORDS which would then give warrior access to all the assassin weapons which could lead to some pretty OP builds. Onto the province, the lore to it is OK at best kinda boring feels like a repeat of everything else more "oh no corruption uh lets use this magic as a temporary solution until it comes back" Besides that Dern/Fruma are the next expansions set to be released. The quests you gave i can't rank and say OH that's pretty good! becuase YOU GAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DETAIL. your basically just throwing names and saying make the quest! Finally add a poll
  4. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    .... bluepenguin i didnt add the province thing because Im still writing it
    And also when I say warriors use swords I mean they get different weapons and daggers are 100% different... If you cant tell
    And also you misread the lore, I meant that the magic prevented corruption for awhile until the corruption over powered it
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