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World Quest Suggestion - The Prince Of The Wind Fortress

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by one_ood, Mar 6, 2018.



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  1. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    This quest is meant to be part the character being evil, part puzzle/mystery, part PvP, and part extremely all extremely sketchy stuff. (This will have a sequel where the character can choose whether or not they want to go fully evil. Don't worry)

    Quest Name - The Prince of the Wind Fortress [Credit @Exalted_ ]
    Level - 94
    Length - Long
    Location (Starting) - Have a room made behind the Kandon-Beda Statue's feet.

    Stage 1:
    If before 94: Zzyx: I'm dying over here, I need someone actually capable to help me. Return here when you are level 94.
    Talk to Zzyx
    Zzyx: You do realize that this is actually difficult, right? If you're so determined to di--, help us, I guess you can.
    Zzyx: You came. I didn't expe-- *wheezes and coughs*
    Zzyx: Look, we need you. We are at risk, much greater tha-- *bends over, wheezing and breathing heavily*
    Zzyx: There is a dangerous artifact that got los--, stolen.
    Zzyx: This artifact has power of dimensions, though any who use it become abnormally aggres--. *He stands back up, but his eyes are red and blood-type particles are
    around his hands.*
    In a low growl, he continues.
    Zzyx: There may be a cure; my best chance is somet--, an accomplice. Send this to them.
    Zzyx hands you a note, with a message in an unreadable language.

    Stage 2: Get the message to the recipient. (If you couldn't tell, the words that he only partially finished had starting letters spelling out d-e-t-l-a-s)
    The recipient scans the message, and looks at you sharply.
    ???: You fool! Do you not understand what you have begun?
    ???: Zzyx is a demon from the realm of some of the most feared creatures of all time. Even now, Naragath sends forces to aid this monstrosity.
    ???: You must gain the artifact before the demons, or all is lost.
    ???: The artifact is in the Wind Fortress of the Sky Islands. I wish you luck, and with luck we will meet again. Lots of luck.

    Stage 2: Journey to the Wind Fortress
    Zzyx: I really appreciate what you did.
    Zzyx: See, I couldn't have done it without you. The last necessary item to break the shield around this artifact was the Essence of a Protector. The protectors of the Wind Fortress will normally only give part of their essence to those they feel could stop a threat to the Fortress.
    Zzyx: I really am quite genius, aren't I? I created a threat, so they would have to trust you, because their wasn't enough time.
    Zzyx: You've lost, human. I have the artifact. With this toy, I have the power to send you into an inescapable dimension.
    Zzyx: Good luck, and thank you for your service.

    A thunderclap booms, and your vision fades out.
    When it returns, you are in a new place.

    Stage 3: Fight through the Colosseum .

    This stage will send you into an empty arena, which no spectators in the stands. It will be gray, like Death's Realm.

    You must fight waves of monsters, all colored purely gray, called "Specters." They will get consistently more difficult.

    Stage 4: Talk to the stranger
    This stage happens while you're fighting.

    Hooded Stranger: What did you do to annoy Zzyx?
    Hooded Stranger: Wow, no wonder he hates you. I mean, you tried to save the known world. What a horrible crime.
    Hooded Stranger: There's no time to waste. Leave. Don't know how? You gotta break the system. This Colosseum was originally for the demons' entertainment. They always ended the fight right before the human died, so they could put them in the arena the next day.
    Hooded Stranger: You have to die. It's the only escape.

    Stage 5: Escape the dimension
    Here you try and die to the Specters

    The stranger throws back their hood.
    Zzyx: Too bad I'll have to stop you.
    Zzyx: What? You thought you could escape? For such a determined "hero," as they call them nowadays, I'd have to have the honor of killing you myself.

    Stage 6: Fight Zzyx

    Boss: Zzyx, Demon Prince
    Health: 325,000 (EXTREMELY fast regen, MUST be unkillable)
    AI: Normal melee
    Spell: Charge III
    Defenses: 1000 in every element
    Damages: Fire, Thunder, Water, Neutral

    Stage 7: Leave the dimension
    Zzyx: Humans never were a match for my strength.
    Zzyx: What! No! You can't die! I can't let you leave! I'll be trapped here forever! No!

    Stage 8: Protect the Wind Fortress
    You will spawn on a island right in front of the Wind Fortress
    When you enter, you will hear a crunching/breaking sound and will black out.

    Stage 9: Wake up
    You will wake up in a room in Ahmsord. Once you step outside, you will pick up a "Quest Item."
    The item will be a wanted sign like in Olux, except the face will be obscured and it the item will be called: "Wanted: <Player Name"

    Rewards: 575,000 EXP
    2048 Emeralds
    Un-Id Legendary Bracelet

    Bracelet stats:

    Dimensional Rift
    -1000 Health
    +40 every elemental defenses

    Level Req: 94
    Stat Req: 45 in all

    Walkspeed: Base +30% (Too lazy to do ID ranges RN, if anyone wants to put them, feel free)
    Health: Base -750
    HPR%: Base -60%
    HPR: Base -200
    Elemental Defenses (all): Base +45%
    Elemental Damages (all): Base +30%
    Life Steal: Base 450/4
    Poison: Base 750/3


    This dark bracelet is a constant reminder of the destruction of the Wind Fortress. It consumes the wearer's sanity, while giving them amazing power.

    I'll make a sequel later maybe. Tell me how bad I screwed up.

    EDIT: In case you don't like the dialogue, it's because I tried to make the characters mostly unique (mainly Zzyx)
    Before, most were like "Come back when level x"
    And then "Do a thing, talk to someone, they send you to someone else, and its over"
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
    Turbostratus and Muchwrath like this.
  2. Muchwrath

    Muchwrath Wynncraft Music Enthusiast VIP+

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    Crap. I literally sat here for 5 minutes and couldn't think of one either :/ . Good luck.
    one_ood likes this.
  3. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    honestly tempted to call it The Fourth Dimension but it wouldnt work and too cliche
  4. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    It should be called 'The Prince of the Wind Fortress?' wait Honestly, your going to have to give more lore on the wind fortress...
    and Zzyx also why did you name him that?
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Yeah, I think I'll take that name, credit to you of course. Also they don't normally like quests that mess with lore too much, so something might be planned with the Wind Fortress

    As for Zzyx I'm honestly not sure. Some book I read once had the name Zzyzx as the name of a demon prison. Also, why name any character what they are named. I wanted an outlandish name because it's a demon tbh.

    EDIT: By Wind Fortress I meant the fortress in Sky Islands which hangs over the edge. It doesn't have an official name (that I know of) and Sky Fortress sounds kinda lame. Could be Ice Fortress
  6. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Lol Honestly, Im not one of those people who are like FRIKING GIVE ME FRIKING THE CREDIT... Also I might need help with a lore... I have the general ideas I just want to have someone to look over it
    For a new province... That Im making
  7. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    I'm interested in a new province
    Also you can't escape the credit
  8. Exalted_

    Exalted_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Magnificent check out my thread New Class, Province and Weapons
  9. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    bump10char, would like feedback
  10. IamHorse

    IamHorse Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey, is there a secret prize for managing to kill Zzyx or do you have to die
  11. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    death is the only release from the dimension, but there could be an easter egg
  12. Carrie

    Carrie Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It's a little weird when the stranger says you have to die to escape... But then is actually Zzyx....
    He says he wants to kill you himself, but then tries to stop you from trying to die? And when you do die he get's mad that you died?

    Also if the only way to escape is to die, couldn't you just do /kill as soon as the boss spawns? That would kind of suck having to lose 2 soul points in order to finish the quest.
    Maybe to fix this you could have a cut scene where he lunges towards you and slowly does a little bit of damage to you, and have a text appear that says something like
    "You pick up a dagger from the ground and stab yourself, freeing yourself from the Realm"

    Another problem I can see is What if you die before you talk to the Hooded Stranger? At the hands of the Spectres. You would die.... But you would need to have the dialouge in order to finish the quest.... but at the same time you died so you escaped...
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Nope. Wind Fortress has plans already.
  14. mysterio772

    mysterio772 A random guy from the Internet, also Chrom main

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    Some parts have to be changed since, as Carrie said, there's some inconsistencies, but the general idea is pretty good actually!
  15. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    New quest? Yay! I'll give +1
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